"Long Geng's guardian magic time is limited!"

"Must go and come back quickly!"

"I will!"

At the same time as the voice ended.

Lin Chao also took Fengfeng and Xiaodie under the protection of Long Geng's guardian magic, away from the sight of Emperor Ensi and Queen Tina, and walked towards the periphery of the ancient palace.


During this journey.

Lin Chao did not simply rush on his way.

While he was trying his best to move forward, he was also constantly thinking about...

I must determine Mona's current location as accurately as possible.


Long Geng's protective magic barrier has a limited time limit...

If you spend too much time finding your way...

Let alone rescue Mona.

Even getting out unscathed by yourself can be a problem.

thought here.

Lin Chao tried to calm himself down, so that he could recall all kinds of things in the ancient ruins...

magnetic drill...

I remember that not far from the southeast corner of the ancient palace, there was a large magnetic drill block...  

But when Mengna left, she left from the west side of the ancient palace...

So it shouldn't be possible for her to make such a long detour to find the magnetic drill block.

And west...


I remember that there is also a huge magnetic drill block about two kilometers to the west!
Mona is likely to be in that position!

thought here.

While his thoughts were settled, Lin Chao also came to the outermost periphery of the ancient palace.

at this time.

The one person and two pets standing at the outermost edge of the ancient palace could already clearly see the wolf-like shadow mummies guarding outside the ancient palace.

And this scene.

Lin Chao couldn't help feeling rejoicing.

Fortunately, Xia Lin had Fengfeng and Xiaodie follow her just before the [Ancient Portal] was closed.

Fortunately, Emperor Ensi did not take Fengfeng and Xiaodie in for him, but let Fengfeng and Xiaodie come to help him.


At this time, Lin Chao was soberly aware.

Right now, he only has Long Geng protecting the magic, but not the protection of the blood of the royal family.

This makes these shadow corpses not afraid.


Once he stepped out of the ancient palace for a moment.

They will frantically attack this layer of Long Geng's guardian magic like hungry wolves pouncing on their food.

And if there is only one.

It will definitely not be able to resist the attacks of these shadow mummy.

This weakened the strength of Long Geng's guardian magic.

As a result, this layer of protection may have been broken before he found Mengna.

But... right now there are Fengfeng and Xiaodie...

This can prevent this from happening.


Lin Chao first glanced down at Fengfeng at his feet, then glanced sideways at Xiaodie beside his shoulder and said.

"Fengfeng, Xiaodie..."

"Both of you have entered the ancient ruins with me."

"So... how perverted and crazy these shadow mummies are... I won't go into details."

"What I'm going to say now is..."

"Next, we will face this group of shadow mummies to find Mona."

"And what you two have to do is to ensure that our Long Geng protective magic barrier is not broken by these shadow mummy before I find Mengna."

"do you understand?"

"Chiu Mi!"


After hearing both Fengfeng and Xiaodie's agreement.

Lin Chao gave an order in a fit of anger.

"it is good!"

"Then prepare yourself!"

"We're off!"

"Chiu Mi!"


The voice fell.

Lin Chao strode out of the ancient palace with Long Geng's guardian magic barrier.

in this way.

They were considered to have stepped into Luke's domain.

So ever.

in the next second.

It was as Lin Chao expected.

One person and two pets just stepped out.

On the back foot, the gang of shadow corpses rushed up like wolves and leopards.

see this scene.

Lin Chao repeatedly shouted to Fengfeng and Xiaodie.

"Little Butterfly!"

"Quickly cast the spell!"

"Don't let them get close to us!"


The voice just fell.

I saw that Xiaodie's whole body became fiery red because of the energy in her body.


It took the lead in releasing the fire magic.

In an instant, the surroundings of Long Geng's protective magic barrier were plunged into a strange blue sea of ​​flames.

Burn all the shadow mummy gathered around the barrier.

They didn't even have the chance to touch Long Geng's guardian magic barrier.


Even though Kocho has achieved such an amazing level.

But this still does not allow Lin Chao to move forward smoothly with Long Geng guarding the magic barrier.


There are too many shadow mummies in Luke's domain.

After Xiaodie burned a batch, another batch came up.


At this time, Fengfeng needs to help.

Thoughts so far.

Lin Chao pointed forward.

Facing Fengfeng, he ordered.

"Wind wind!"

"Use wind magic to strengthen Fluttershy's cyan ring of fire!"


Fengfeng immediately followed Xiaodie.

Started to control the wind magic ring to wait on the cyan fire ring made by Xiaodie.

As such.

Xiaodie's fire magic is supported by Fengfeng's wind magic.

In an instant, it played a multiplied role.

Let the cyan magic that was just waiting around Long Geng's protective magic barrier turn into a thousand miles of ashes.


It also burned all the shadow mummy around here.

See this scene.

Lin Chao was very excited.

But he still suppressed the excitement with reason.

Let yourself be rational and say to Fengfeng and Xiaodie.

"Nice job."

"It will take some time for the shadow mummy from other places to rush over!"

"Let's take this opportunity to find Mengna!"

"Chiu Mi!"



Lin Chao led Fengfeng and Xiaodie all the way west.

While advancing at high speed with wind magic, he looked for Mona's figure.

that's it.

It took about 3 minutes for one person and two pets.

Fengfeng suddenly pointed in the direction of due west and let out a cry of "chirp, chirp, chirp".

After Lin Chao heard the sound.

First, look in the direction of Fengfeng's finger.


He saw nothing but darkness.  …


He looked down at Fengfeng and asked.

"Did you sense something over there?"

"Chiu Mi Chi Mi!"

While Fengfeng answered anxiously, he pointed to his ear.

And it is this scene.

Let Lin Chao understand.

"You mean..."

"You heard voices over there, didn't you?"

That's it for the voice.

Fengfeng uttered a "chirp", and nodded abruptly in agreement.


Lin Chao also followed Fengfeng to listen attentively to the voice coming from the west...


Sure enough, a conversation reached Lin Chao's ears.

"Since you know! Why can't you lift the shadow curse for me now?"

"Because I don't have enough power in my current situation to apply the magic to remove the shadow curse on you."

"You have to go to Qi Silin's teaching ground with me."

"Only where I go and my strength is full, can I help you lift the shadow curse on your body."

"Qi Silin teaching ground?"

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