
"Growing does require water."


"We don't need to look for water sources."

That's it for the voice.

Xia Lin was a little confused when he heard it...

Then he opened his mouth and asked Lin Chao.

"Instead of looking for water sources, create water sources?"

"I don't quite understand..."

"Is it created with your ring of elements - water?"

"But... isn't your Elemental Ring - Water mobilizing water elements instead of producing water elements?"

"this one…"

Lin Chao smiled slightly, and said deliberately.

"Just watch quietly and you will know."


Lin Chao sacrificed [Dark Night Ball] from the material storage space.

Then control it with the consciousness in your brain, and say something softly.


The voice just fell.

Then I saw [Dark Night Serve] burst into a strange light.


A pitch-black round hole that does not match the surrounding environment suddenly appeared above the void illuminated by the strange light.


Take a closer look...

I saw a little starlight shining in the dark round hole.

Just as Xia Lin and Meng Na were looking at what the starlight was.


A white altar-shaped water source altar fell from the sky and landed on an open space near Yishan.

The two of them couldn't help being startled...

Turning his eyes to Lin Chao, he asked...

"What is that!?"

As for Lin Chao.

Still looking like a sellout.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly and said to the two of them.

"Look carefully again."

Say it.

Both Xia Lin and Meng Na followed the trend.

see you soon...

The white altar standing on the open space beside the mountain flowed out a steady stream of clear water.


Xia Lin and Meng Na also understood...

Moreover, Meng Na said with a slightly disdainful expression.


"I thought it was something..."

"It's so mysterious..."

"Isn't it the water source altar..."

"No fun..."


Meng Na turned her head away, and began to appreciate the other wonders and wonders on [Homeland Beyond Heaven].

And Xia Lin looked at the [Water Source Altar], followed by Meng Na and faltered and asked Lin Chao.


"Is it the water source of creation you speak of?"


"Although the water gushing from the water source altar is continuous..."

"But... the amount of water flowing from the altar is for so many of our crops..."

"Is it a little stretched..."

"can you?"

Lin Chao asked the question knowingly and smiled back.

He only listened to Xia Lin's serious and truthful answer.

"I think... it's going to be a little..."


Then Lin Chao nodded heavily.

Then he continued sternly.

"it is good!"

"Then since you think it will be a little bit!"

"I will let the water gushing out be sufficient!"

Say it.

Lin Chao raised the hand wearing the [Elemental Ring-Water], looked directly at the [Water Source Altar], and snapped his fingers crisply.


in the next second.

It can be seen that under the control of [Water Source Altar] under the control of [Elemental Ring-Water], the amount of holy water gushing out has skyrocketed.

In an instant, it changed from the original scene of gurgling water to non-stop spouting.

This scene.

Even Mengna, who let her eyes linger in other places, retracted her gaze, and stared at the past with eyes full of surprise...

I see.

After the holy water poured out like a pillar from the [Water Source Altar].

It didn't dissipate as soon as it landed as usual.

Instead, they stayed on the surface and accumulated together to form a small pond.

See this behind the scenes.

Not only Xia Lin was surprised.

Even Mona, who is proficient in magic, is also somewhat puzzled.


She asked Lin Chao about this.

"Why didn't the holy water dissipate after it hit the ground?"

"Is it the ability of this celestial home?"


Lin Chao shook his head at the same time.

With the other finger, he pointed to the [Elemental Ring-Water] on his finger and said.

"it is this."

"I specially used the Ring of Elements-Water's control over the water element to change the state of the holy water so that it would dissipate without landing."


Speaking of which.

Lin Chao did not reveal the follow-up results.

Instead, he snapped his fingers again.

With the ability of [Elemental Ring-Water], the gushing volume of [Water Source Altar] can be increased by one point.


The edge of the small pond began to expand.


It has reached the level of Yishan Lake, which is hard to see the edge.


[Water Source Altar] Although it is buried, it is buried in it.

However, holy water was still sprayed several meters high.

It's like a fountain in a lake.

The source is endless.


Because Lin Chao manipulated the control of [Elemental Ring-Water].

The edge of the lake is no longer expanding.

At this time.

Lin Chao looked back, looked at Xia Lin with a smile and asked.

"Is the water source still stretched this time?"

"No, no."

Xia Lin shook her head again and again.

Staring at the lake with starry eyes.

Followed by.

Even Mona also echoed.

"This is so beautiful!"


"Lin Chao!"

"Can I go in the water and play?"

"of course can."

After Lin Chao finished answering.

He originally thought that Mengna was just treading water.

The result was unexpected...

After Mona walked to the water's edge...

Without saying a word, he took off his clothes, revealing his fair and tender skin, and his graceful figure.

This is the situation.

Seeing that Lin Chao was blushing, his heart was throbbing.

Xia Lin also couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and praised Meng Na's boldness in her heart...

But fortunately.

Meng Na, who was eager to enter the water, did not stay on the shore for too long.

next second.

She fell into the water like a mermaid.

A fierce son plunged into the [Water Source Holy Lake].

Then began to play happily and laughed like silver bells.

as if...

Annoyances such as the shadow curse are gone.



"The water is so clear and cool!"

"Moreover, I can still draw a lot of natural element power from it!"

"I feel like my physical strength has recovered all of a sudden!"

"Xia Lin! Lin Chao!"

"You guys come down together too!"

"I...I'll let it go..."

Xia Lin shyly shook her head.

after all.

There is no way she can be as white as Meng Na.


Then he found an excuse and said.

"I also want to plant a crop..."

After Mona heard about it.

He didn't force Xia Lin either.

Instead, he turned his eyes and asked Lin Chao again.

"how about you?"

"Me too."

Lin Chao smiled wryly and shook his head.

"You, just play inside by yourself."


"You're not coming down either."

After being rejected by Lin Chao, Meng Na showed a somewhat bored expression.

"I knew it earlier..."

"I just grabbed a few sea creatures from that world and brought them over to play with me..."

"It's not like such a big lake, it's empty."

heard here.

Although it was just a complaint from Mona.

But one word woke Lin Chao up and reminded Lin Chao of one thing...

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