After Lin Chao's words fell to the ground.

He only heard that Meng Na was really as he expected.

He immediately gave an answer combining all the magic props in Lin Chao's hands.

"Isn't this easy?"

"Don't you have a night magic ball?"

"Even this house is included."

"Wouldn't it be better to wait until it's released in a new place?"

Mona finished.

Lin Chao was enlightened instantly.

Immediately clapped his hands and said.


"Night Orb!"

"I just want to use it to hold extraterrestrial bodies!"

"I completely forgot that it can hold other things!"

Speaking of it.

Lin Chao looked sideways at Mengna, and said approvingly.

"It really is a saint of the Longgeng clan! She is knowledgeable and versatile!"

"It seems that I still have to ask you for advice in the future, so that I can use these magic items flexibly."

"Not anymore..."

Listening to these compliments, Meng Na showed a look of joy and shame.


Then I saw her raise one hand to touch the back of her head, while lowering her head and smiling bitterly.

"I'm not as powerful as you said..."


"It's because I have a better understanding of Long Geng's magic..."

"Then I also heard some shadow magic from the elders of the Holy Envoy..."

"That's why I thought of the Dark Night Ball."

"That's all..."

heard here.

Lin Chao stepped to Mengna's side.

Hooking the index finger back, pamperingly scratched the bridge of Meng Na's nose.

Then he opened his mouth and continued to praise.

"That's all you have to do!"

"If it weren't for you, I don't know how long I would have to think hard here."

That's it for the voice.

Lin Chao's hand slipped down from the tip of Mengna's nose.

Then he held her gently and said.

"Let's go."

"Let's go out and bring the house in with the night sphere."



The two left the hut together hand in hand, and came to the open space on the island.


According to Meng Na's suggestion, Lin Chao sacrificed [Dark Night Ball] from the material storage space.

And after Mona saw this.

He also took a few steps back spontaneously.

Watching Lin Chao release a bottomless black hole of dark night and then store it back.

In a blink of an eye, the whole room was swallowed up.

It was as if this building had never existed on the island before.

Lin Chao couldn't help but turned his head and said happily.

"All right!"

"One of my big problems is now solved."

"The rest is up to Xia Lin."

"I don't know how she cleaned up there."

Lin Chao finished speaking.

Mona immediately suggested.

"Then let's go and have a look together and see?"


Say it.

Lin Chao and Meng Na will return to the small villa.

But right now.

Xia Lin suddenly walked out of the small villa, and pretended to meet Lin Chao and Meng Na.


Lin Chao also took this opportunity to ask Xia Lin.

"Have you packed all your things?"


I saw Xia Lin nodded.

But he hesitated a bit.


She turned her eyes to look at the [Xi Rang] orchard and said.

"My things are packed..."

"But what about those crops in the orchard..."

"Do you want to store them in the material storage space and then go to the celestial homeland to plant them one by one?"

heard here.

Lin Chao also knew why it took so long for Xia Lin, who was always quick to do things, to come out of the small villa.

It turned out that she was the same as himself.

Confused about how to move things.


Xia Lin is worried.

There is no need for Mona to make suggestions.

Lin Chao can solve it by himself.


Just listen to what Lin Chao said in the next second.

"It's too much trouble for you to do that."

"I have a more convenient idea."

Speaking of which.

Lin Chao turned to Meng Na and continued.


"Do you mind if I give Xia Lin the magic wand of green plants?"

"Of course I don't mind."

Mona replied without hesitation.

"As long as you have rubies and sapphires, this thing is not rare."

"I'll make you an emerald after I've finished my work for a while, and then you can make another one for your own use."


Lin Chao nodded slightly.

"Then with your words, I will give Xia Lin the magic wand of green plants."

Say it.

Lin Chao then took out the [Green Plant Wand] from the material storage space and handed it to Xia Lin.

But Xia Lin is not a member of the Longgeng clan, and he has never seen [Green Plant Magic Wand].


After receiving the [Green Plant Magic Wand], the first reaction was to ask Lin Chao...

"This is.……"

The voice just came out.

Lin Chao taught Xia Lin and said.

"You hold it, think about what to do with the crop in the orchard, and then give it a whirl."

"it is good……"

After answering.

Xia Lin followed what Lin Chao said.

While thinking about how to pack these crops in my mind.

While waving the [Green Plant Wand] in his hand.

that's it.

in the next second.

I saw those plants, under the control of the [Green Plant Magic Wand], one by one, grasping the [Breathing Soil] by their roots, and suspended them in mid-air.

see this scene.

Xia Lin was deeply amazed.

He opened his mouth and said...

"This wand is amazing!"


"There is no need to dig them out one by one, nor to sort them back one by one."

"Of course."

Meng Na followed closely with a proud smile on her face.

"In ancient times, this was a magic wand that only the king of the Long Geng blood clan could use."

Hearing Meng Na say that the dead wood branch in her hand was so big, the expression on Meng Na's face changed from surprise to surprise.


"So this is ah.……"

"But such a powerful thing allows me to use it for farming..."

"Would it be a little violent..."

"Will not."

Meng Na hurriedly stepped forward to comfort Xia Lin and said.

"Right now, I am the only one left among the Longgeng people..."

"It's a blessing that Long Geng's magic is not lost."


"As long as it can be used, it is not a waste."


Lin Chao also echoed behind Meng Na.

"You, just take this well."

"Otherwise, we will move to Celestial Homeland in the future, and there will be a land as big as a country waiting for you to take care of."

"If you do everything by yourself, don't talk about it if you can't finish it, and you will be exhausted by then, I will feel sorry for you."

"You're right, Mona."

After hearing the sound, Meng Na looked at Lin Chao's face.

Seeing Lin Chao showing a slightly joking expression.


He also made fun of Xia Lin with Lin Chao.

"Don't worry~"

"At that time, I will help sister Xia Lin."

"It will definitely not hurt Xia Lin in your heart, nor will it make your heart hurt."


Xia Lin's face immediately turned red.

Then shyly changed the subject and said...

"No...can't chat any more..."

"Although the roots of these plants have grabbed the soil for protection."

"But...but it can't be too long..."

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