But just when Lin Chao and Xiaodie were about to leave...

The tombstones around Qi Linsi's teaching ground suddenly seemed to grow like bamboo shoots.

One by one, they grew to towering heights with unstoppable speed.

Trapped the two of them firmly in it.

Lin Chao saw this.

Although the heart is shocked.

But also clear.

This must be Luke's trick!

The power of the royal family that wanted to trap us in the blood of the royal family has completely dissipated.

Then occupy my body again!

Since all this was expected by me!

How could I let you succeed so easily?

Thoughts so far.

One side of Lin Chao's eyes.

Looking at Xiaodie in mid-air, she ordered.

"Little Butterfly!"

"Use the magma ball to open a way for me to come out!"

Say it.

Fluttershy fluttered her wings to condense the fire magic.

And Lin Chao also used [Elemental Ring-Fire] to bless Xiaodie.

As such.

One master and one pet work together like this.

Soon, a two-meter-round magma fireball condensed into shape.


The fire magic contained in it is so thick.

It even dyed most of the teaching ground in fiery red!
see this scene.

Lin Chao raised his mouth.

I thought in my mind.


I'm afraid you underestimate me, Lin Chao!


Lin Chao raised his right hand with [Elemental Ring-Fire] and waved eastward decisively.

As a result, the entire fireball flew eastward!

But the next second...

Seeing that the fireball was about to hit the tombstone.

Lin Chao and Xiaodie are also ready to leave.

The result was unexpected...

The fireball suddenly disappeared for no reason on the way!

Surprised, Lin Chao and Xiaodie sighed in unison.



"What's the matter?"

"How could the fireball disappear for no reason?"

Say it.

In order to find out the specific reason why the magma fireball disappeared.

Lin Chao once again relied on [Elemental Ring-Fire] to create a small flame.

Then throw it away.

Hit the flame towards the tombstone next to it.


Same as before.

The flames disappeared before touching the tombstone.

But this time.

Lin Chao clearly saw the reason why the flame disappeared!

only see...

Before the flames touch the tombstone!

A shadow like a black hole penetrated from the tombstone, swallowing the flame alive!


"It's shadow magic!"

After Lin Chao suddenly realized. .

Only a hoarse voice came in, as if it was in the ears.


"Sure enough, he is the one who can escape from me once."

"Really smart."

This was the first time Lin Chao heard Luke's voice.

But Lin Chao didn't waste time arguing with him
Instead, the [Ancient Portal] was sacrificed directly.

I plan to use this to travel through and return to the ancient palace.


He closed his eyes.

At the beginning, while thinking about the ancient palace in his mind, he walked through the past...

But the next second...

The voice of Emperor Ensi, which should have been heard, did not come.

Instead, Luke's voice appeared again!
"Save it!"

"This is my place."

"I also invented your shadow portal."

"Do you think I'll let you run away from me again?"

Lin Chao listened.

Open your eyes suddenly!

Then I saw that my physical body just went from one side of the [Ancient Portal] to the other.

There is no substantial crossing!


According to what Luke just said.


All of this is still his fault!


I am clearly protected by the blood of the royal family.

It stands to reason that Luke can't get close!

But why he let the tombstone grow stuck me.

It can also absorb my elemental magic.

And can control my ancient portal?
Could it be...

Is it because the blood of the royal family has no effect on him?
Thoughts so far.

It was as if Luke had seen through Lin Chao's thoughts.

He answered Lin Chao's question in a hoarse voice.

"Of course the blood of the royal family is still useful to me."


"That guy Ens is a little underestimated."

"Do you think you can completely protect your Zhouquan with a single drop of blood?"

"It's ridiculous!"

"This is where I died! It is the place with the strongest concentration of shadow magic!"

"Here, using his drop of blood can only prevent me from harming you temporarily."

"But other things, he can't stop me!"




"There shouldn't be much royal power remaining in the royal blood on your body."

"It's less than twenty o'clock?"


"Then you should hurry up and use the remaining [-] minutes, and curse Ensi well! After all, it was his arrogance that caused you to lose your life!"


Listening to Luke's sharp and wild laugh.

Lin Chao was restless.

But he knows better.

You have to use the remaining 10 minutes or less to come up with a way to escape from here.


I will definitely be killed by Luke!

at the moment……

Neither Fengfeng nor my [Elemental Ring - Fire] can break the surrounding tombstones!

This also means...

Elemental magic such as [Elemental Ring-Water] and [Thunderstorm Net] are useless...


What about life magic?
thought here.

Lin Chao looked up at the endless tombstones.

Then continue to think in my heart.

I now have the first order of God's Legs!
After being stimulated, a potential burst jump can be performed!
Maybe I can jump out from here, I don't know!
that's it.

With the mentality of giving it a try.

Lin Chao began to control life magic with his spiritual sense.

Thereby condensing the whole body strength in the legs.


He bent his knees.

Take a leap.

The whole body flew into the air with the momentum of vacating!

As the body continues to rise.

It seems that the height of the tombstone is also increasing.

no matter what.

Lin Chao can only see the end of the tombstone forever, but can't touch it!
till the end.

The body reached its highest point and began to fall back.

Lin Chao thought about fighting hard.

He leaned forward.

But the result...

It's just that his body under the protection of the blood of the royal family hit the tombstone.

Then the power of the royal family on the body is evenly matched with the power of the shadow on the tombstone.

No one was injured between Lin Chao and the tombstone.

Finally, Lin Chaoluo returned to the ground...

Look around at the surrounding tombstones.

Can't help but gritted his teeth and let out a burst of resentment!

Elemental magic and life magic are useless!

Shall I try a technological weapon again?

Maybe using what they were not good at at that time, they could get rid of him instead!

thought here.

Lin Chao will be the controller of [Thunderstorm Skynet].

Take it out from the material storage space together with the previously manufactured [Remote Control Missile].


I saw him manipulating the controller to let [Thunderstorm Skynet] protect his body and Xiaodie.


They also manipulated dozens of [remote control missiles] and blasted them to a point on the eastern tombstone.

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