"Wood-type skills, water-type skills, and fire-type skills... Is Xiao Shen planning to gather the five elements?"

"Shen Xiao, God forever. I really hope that one day I can see God Xiao return to Blue Star. At that time, it is estimated that gods will block and kill gods, and Buddhas will block and kill Buddhas!"

"I have a hunch that the day when Xiao Shen returns to Blue Star is not far away..."

Many netizens were amazed and saved screenshots one after another, intending to use the beautiful picture of Shenshu Valley as a screensaver.

Xiao Yan didn't know that his casual action would cause such a big reaction.

Of course, for those ghosts who like to calculate, Xiao Shen is like the shadow of a nightmare.

If this guy is not eliminated for a day, the rising momentum of the Great Xia Kingdom will not decline.They are even a little fortunate now that Xiao Shen did not return to Blue Star.

After the experiment was over, Xiao Yan immediately withdrew the technique of concealing the fog.

There is only one thought in his mind now: those sea clan heads must have been kicked by donkeys.The living soul of the mirage dragon is far more precious than the so-called trident spiritual weapon, and even throwing away its advantages and using it to make an inapplicable spiritual weapon is purely picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon.

There are more important things at present, continue to hunt fierce beasts, get enough energy points, and upgrade.

Now Xiao Yan has accumulated more than 9000 million energy points, and he is only a few million away from being able to evolve into a 9th-order divine tree.

Now I have two special clones, and I can send them both out to hunt fierce beasts.

Wooden avatar No. 2 turned to the left, No. 3 turned to the right... One flapped its black wings and flew, while the other stood on top of the water mist, slowly moving towards the void in the distance.

Netizens in the live broadcast room felt their scalps go numb from the shock again.

The supernatural power of flying clouds and fog in myths and legends was actually realized by God Xiao.

In the curling water mist, the figure of wooden clone No. 3 loomed, as if he had really become a fairy or a god.

This kind of flying skill was also developed by Xiao Yan just now in conjunction with Mirage, and he never expected a successful test.

Flying forward hundreds of miles away, wooden clone No. 3 hovered in the void, staring at a large lake below.

The Great Lake has an area of ​​one million mu, and there are many aquatic beasts living in it, many of which are above level 4.

These are the energy points for walking. Xiao Yan was very interested in it before, and he once asked Wooden Clone No. 1 to come and hunt him several times.It's a pity that the lake is too large and bottomless.

Those water beasts spend most of their time in the water and will not go ashore.

As long as they see something wrong, they immediately dive into the deep water and escape.

Wood Clone No. 1's strength advantage was severely limited in this environment, and he didn't get much good results a few times, and could only hunt down some low-level beasts.

Today, with the special Wooden Clone No. 3, it is naturally different.

In the induction, the water surface exudes slight energy fluctuations, which are obviously higher than the surrounding mountains and forests.

It seems that I guessed right before, this big lake is not that simple.

Randomly found an area in the middle of the lake, Wooden Clone No. 3 slowly fell into the water.

In Xiao Yan's consciousness, there was an indescribable intimacy immediately, as if this was the place where he should be.

The situation within hundreds of meters in the water can be sensed.

Swarms of big fish, scattered aquatic beasts, and aquatic plants that are more than ten meters long and swaying in the wind...

Soon, he locked a big fish.

It was two feet long, with black scales all over its body, with sharp fangs, and a bloody and fierce aura in its eyes.

Wooden Clone No. 3 is like a fish swimming in water, aiming at its prey and swimming towards it.

On the way forward, the water flow is as silky as a curtain, and it automatically spreads to both sides, leaving a wide waterway.

After Wooden Clone No. 3 passed by, the water flow quickly closed again.

The whole process was very fast and silent, without causing any ripples.

This kind of operation not only made Xiao Yan feel very novel, but even the Blue Star netizens who watched the live broadcast were also exclaimed.

Going up and down the water, activating water and fire skills, subduing the mother Gu worm as a clone... Xiao Shen is truly omnipotent.

After a few breaths, Wooden Clone No. 3 came more than 200 meters away.

The leisurely big fish and fierce beast finally sensed the abnormal water flow around it, and subconsciously wanted to escape.

However, he felt that his surroundings suddenly became extremely viscous, as if he had fallen into a swamp.

The next moment, a mass of water wrapped the big fish and beast, and sent it straight to wooden clone No. 3.

[Name: Variation Black Snakehead]

[Attribute: Tier 2 aquatic monster, it has thick scales all over its body and has a strong defensive power, its sharp fangs can tear apart all prey, and its fast speed makes it the overlord of the water...]

Facing the prey sent to its mouth, wooden clone No. 3 was not moved by it, but condensed into an ordinary wooden clone, and then several branches turned into spears and stabbed out.

The powerful scale armor defense did not play the slightest role and was directly pierced.Blood was overflowing, spreading far away along the water flow.

Even in order to increase the effect, Wood Clone No. 3 deliberately took a few spirit stones and stuffed them into the prey.

Then he merged into the water and disappeared completely.

Once the trap is set, it's time to wait for the prey to take the bait.

On Blue Star, the sense of smell of many aquatic predators is very sensitive to blood.Sharks, for example, can even smell a drop of blood in the sea several kilometers away.

The aquatic beasts in the forbidden space naturally have a good sense of smell.

Sensing the strong smell of blood in the lake, waves soon appeared around him.

A group of ferocious beasts came after hearing the news...

[Name: Variation Golden Demon Eel]

[Attribute: Aquarium fierce beast in the early stage of the third stage, it is covered with a layer of mucus, and its speed is extremely fast in the water...]

[Name: Variant Bigmouth Catfish]

[Attributes: Level 3 mid-level aquatic ferocious beast, 4 meters in length, is a ferocious hunter, can release water arrow skills...]

[Name: Bloodthirsty Crocodile]

[Attribute: Tier 4 early aquatic beast...]

As these prey approached, the mysterious force continued to broadcast information.

These guys are slowly swimming around, their eyes revealing the light of cruel desire.

There is not only delicious flesh and blood in front of them, but also a strong energy atmosphere... just what they need.

But seeing many predators around, they dare not go forward to snatch it for a while.

Six of the 3rd grade, two of the 4th grade... Xiao Yan was a little bit disappointed when he saw the ferocious aquatic beast that entered the trap.

To devour them all, at most it would only be 50 energy points.

Too little.

Not enough for the hard work of going out by myself.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly sensed a rumbling sound coming from the deep water.Immediately, a tyrannical breath rushed over.

By sensing the water flow, Wooden Clone No. 3 immediately locked on to this guy.

Shaped like a human, with sharp-nosed monkey cheeks.The body is more than 5 meters tall, the body is covered with black fur, and the two pupils are shining like car lights.

In his hand, he also held a huge wooden stick.

When it was running, the surrounding water was rattling, as if to clear the way for it.

The next moment, the mysterious power also sent a broadcast.

【Name: Popeye】

[Attribute: 5th-level early aquatic beast, it is extremely powerful, has the skills of thunder roar and water flow control...]

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