"How long has this teleportation array been abandoned?" After Xiao Yan opened his eyes again, he looked at the environment in front of him suspiciously.

Surrounded by towering ancient trees and dense vines.

The tall portal has been completely covered by green plants, and the altar is almost completely covered by humus and thick fallen leaves.

It is almost invisible from a distance of more than ten meters.

Here, Xiao Yan sensed the existence of a faint aura.

Although it is not as good as the forbidden space, it is also much better than the Blue Star before the big change.

At least it is different from those spaces it passed through before, this is a planet with life.

The sun hangs high above the head, and the temperature and humidity are very suitable.

It's just that there are no traces of the Dongfang people around here.

The art of psychic!

Xiao Yan's consciousness moved slightly, and he took a picture of the ground with both hands.

no response?
Obviously the skill was used successfully...

In induction, an object is successfully teleported.

Is it because the distance is too far, the spell coordinates attached to the object cannot be sensed, or is it blocked by the law of space?

In the eyes of wooden clone No. 1, a bit of doubt could not help showing.

This was the first time he failed to perform the psychic technique.


Just as he was thinking, white smoke suddenly appeared in front of him, and a basketball-shaped wooden ingot wall suddenly appeared.

Without fail, it did succeed.

It's just that the time required for psychic communication is too long, it takes half a minute.

It should still be a matter of distance, and there are many traces of cutting with knives and axes on the surface of the wooden ingot wall, which is obviously eroded by the energy law of layers of space.

On the attribute panel, the energy points have been reduced by more than [-], which is only the consumption of using a psychic technique at a long distance.

If a larger object is teleported, the cost is doubled.


The sound of wild beasts came from deep in the woods.

Xiao Yan looked intently and found that it was a large boa constrictor with two heads.

Obviously, the other party also discovered his existence.

"Hiss, hiss..." The boa constrictor shook its two ferocious heads, and quickly swam to the front while spitting out a message.

Just the next moment, it felt that its body was pierced.

"Ding, wooden clone No. 1 swallowed a second-order double-headed rapid python, and gained 2 energy points..."

The second-order ferocious beast had too few energy points, so Xiao Yan didn't care about it at all.

Next, he turned into a god of death and ran quickly in the jungle.

"Ding, wood clone No. 1 devours a Tier 1 wind hunting wolf and gains 100 energy points..."

"Ding, wood clone No. 1..."


In just half a day, there were no large beasts within hundreds of miles around.

It's just that the energy points obtained are a bit touching, there are only more than [-] points, which is not enough for Xiao Yan to maintain his long-distance projection consciousness.

Just when Xiao Yan was planning to migrate to other places and continue hunting, he suddenly felt a slight vibration from the ground.

There are herds of beasts passing dozens of miles ahead!
He was too familiar with this voice.

Without any hesitation, Xiao Yan immediately used the technique of light and heavy rocks, and rushed towards the direction of the sound.

Soon, he heard more voices.

Countless ferocious beasts were howling, and there seemed to be the sound of human panic in the middle.

Humans indeed!
And he speaks Daxia Mandarin.

Dongfang people, finally found it!

After crossing several portals and passing through several star fields, he finally saw the legendary Dongfang Race.

Xiao Yan was ecstatic in his heart, and couldn't help speeding up his flight.

Soon, he flew to the void above the battlefield.

Condescending, the battle scenes in the jungle can be seen at a glance.

The attacking side is a pack of ferocious wind hunting wolves, there are hundreds of them.The leader, the wolf king, was seven or eight meters tall, with scarlet eyes exuding a murderous intent.

The defenders are humans.

They wear animal skins and hold wooden sticks and spears. Only a few hold iron swords and bronze swords.They formed a circular defensive formation.Some old people and children were surrounded in the center.

Is this really an oriental race?

Seeing the extremely primitive battle scene below, Xiao Yan could hardly believe his eyes.

Before coming, he imagined countless situations.

Maybe the Oriental tribe has been wiped out, or it may re-establish a developed monk civilization.But what happened to the primitive society?
These human beings have black eyes, black hair, yellow skin, and obvious features, and they speak the language of Daxia, so it is undoubtedly confirmed that they should be of the Oriental race.

Under the siege of the wolves, their situation became precarious.

Now that they met, Xiao Yan naturally wouldn't stand by and watch.

Strictly speaking, I have received many favors from the Dongfang Clan in the forbidden space.

With a slight movement of consciousness, his wooden skin has completely turned into a human appearance.

Then, falling from a high altitude, put your hands together.

clap la la...

Countless thick tree roots hang down from the sky, aiming directly at the hunting wolves on the ground to attack.

The boa constrictors moved around, entangling and killing all the prey in the blink of an eye, turning them into energy points and disappearing.

On the other hand, the Dongfang people on the opposite side were completely shocked.

Their faces were filled with incomparably terrified expressions, and they did not dare to move.

"Hello!" Xiao Yan walked up to him quickly, showing what he thought was a bright smile.

"You... hello, this old man has seen a god!" Finally, an old man stepped out of the defensive formation and said respectfully.

"I'm not a god-man, but I'm from the distant Blue Star Great Xia Kingdom. You are the oriental tribesmen who migrated from the spiritual space." Xiao Yan asked back.

"We are not Dongfang people, but Qin people who have lived here for generations." The old man shook his head blankly.

It seems that he has never heard of the Blue Star Great Xia Kingdom or the Spiritual Void Dimension.

"Qin people?!" Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

No matter in the previous life or in the history of Great Xia, Qin was also a great dynasty.

The song from the previous life is still echoing in my ears: "Jiu Lao Qin, let's go to the country together, Jiu Jiu Lao Qin, restore my country. The blood will not be shed, and the death will never stop..."

He asked again: "Since you are from the Qin clan, are you related to Qin?"

"Qin, I don't know. We Qin people have lived on the banks of the Wei River for generations and have never left!" The old man was still in a daze.

"The shore of the Wei River?!" Hearing this familiar name, Xiao Yan felt a sense of intimacy in his heart.

At this moment, he is absolutely convinced that even if these people in front of him are not descendants of the Dongfang race in the Lingxu space, they definitely belong to the same root and race as him.

"Is there anyone in your tribe who knows how to practice and become a monk?" Xiao Yan asked again.

He had already checked with his consciousness just now, and this group of people were all ordinary people, except for one strong man whose strength was about level 1. .

"Master, what is that?"

Well, I don’t know what to ask.

Xiao Yan already understood in his heart that there are nine out of ten chances that these Qin people have broken their inheritance and have completely forgotten about the history of the tribe.

"Old man, can you take us to your gathering place to have a look?"

"Okay, okay, God-man, please!" The old man didn't dare to refuse, and immediately led the way.

On the other hand, some young clansmen saw that Xiao Yan was always talking in a harmonious voice, and their fear was much reduced, and they secretly looked at him.

There were also some bold children who came to him and tugged at Xiao Yan's clothes curiously.

"Hello!" Xiao Yan's consciousness moved slightly, and he took out a few fruits exuding a strong fragrance from the storage bag and handed them over.

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