Chapter 74
The sky gradually darkened, and there was even a bright moon rising in the sky.Yang Chuan suddenly liked this familiar feeling very much. On Survival Star, it is completely extravagant to want to see the sky and the sky.

That guy in Tiandao, like pressing a switch, switches from night to noon with one click, and then switches from bright environment to pitch black with another click.

No sense of experience at all, bad review!

He was fine, but Daxia was extremely busy. The zombie dog that was unique made everyone shocked.

It behaved so abnormally that both ordinary people who kept dogs and animal research scholars were discussing the abnormal behavior of that zombie dog intensely.

"You say, if, that zombie dog has its own intelligence..."

"Stop talking, I feel that my husky is not looking at me right now!"

"Have you noticed that the zombie dog looks very complicated when it looks at Yang Chuan's eyes?"

"It seems to have a piece of equipment on it. Although it is torn apart, why do I feel that the stripes seem familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere?"

"As soon as you say it, I also feel the same way. By the way, is there any local person who can tell me something and provide some clues? This dog seems very dangerous to me!"

And on the blue star, there was a group of people squatting in a circle at the moment, staring at a dog in a daze in front of them for no reason.

"Is it a tiger cub? Is it it?" one asked in a low voice.

The person next to him frowned, not sure: "It looks very similar, but there is no way to confirm it."

The other person immediately shouted in dissatisfaction: "Why can't I confirm it? I am with the tiger every day, and I can tell which hair on its head is of a different color with my eyes closed! That is obviously a tiger? "

A police dog, surrounded by several people, looked at the group of guys in a daze, eyes full of doubts.

what's the situation?These teasers don't want to eat dog meat hot pot, do they?What are you doing around me like this? !

"I'll go! The more you look at it, the more it looks like it! Come here, Huzi, come here, brother, I'll show you something!"

A young police officer grinned, took out his mobile phone, turned over the live broadcast playback, put his arms around the police dog's neck with a smirk on his face, and moved the mobile phone in front of it.

Not long after, there was a burst of angry dog ​​barking in the backyard of the police station, followed by laughter and someone screaming for mercy.

"Woof! Woof! Woah! Woo!!"

"Oh, I'm going! Brother Hu! Brother Hu, I was wrong! Don't, don't, don't!"

The little policeman, thrown to the ground by the police dog named Huzi, roared wildly, saliva splashing.

It doesn't really bite, it's just venting its dissatisfaction. Huzi is famous in the team for being smart and has a good temper.

But this guy, what did he show himself?
A paw was pressed somewhere on the policeman's brother, and the tiger gritted his teeth, with an angry expression on his face: "Wow! Woof! Woah!"

I!How could it be possible for a handsome Huzi to turn into such a ghost?
You kid, Brother Hu usually treats you well, right? He helps you cover up and even pick up girls. He is cool and handsome, which sets off your heroic prowess. How dare you fuck me like this?

That video is fake!

False news!Next!
Afterwards, everyone discussed and reported the news.

On the first night, Yang Chuan didn't sleep well. Unlike the last time in Chenxi Building, there was only the third floor here.Although the doors and windows were closed, he still felt uneasy.

This is a kind of intuition. He always feels that this world may be different from the previous zombie copy. It looks quiet and peaceful on the surface, but the degree of danger may be greater.

Lying on the bed, smelling the musty smell in the air, Yang Chuan slowly fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, he was suddenly awakened by barking dogs, and then heard a rustling sound.

Turning over and getting up, he quickly went to the window, opened a corner of the curtain, and looked down at the road below.

The moon was very bright tonight, and he only took one look before shrinking back.

On the bullet screen, bullet screens are being quickly passed by at this moment.

"Oh my god! Brother finally woke up!"

"Did you notice that I seemed to hear a dog barking just now? Is it coming from outside my window, or in the live broadcast room?"

"It's so scary! Those are zombies, right? I'm really afraid that my brother won't know he's surrounded."

"It's so many, it makes my legs go weak!"

"This number is densely packed. If it were me, I would be scared to death!"

"It's scary, I'm so worried about my little brother!"

"Let's see what my brother will do. It's useless for us to worry."

Yang Chuan took out his weapon with a solemn expression. Outside, there were endless zombies walking by on the road downstairs!

Looking at the scale that can't be seen at a glance, it can only be seen, and the minimum is four or five hundred!

What the hell is going on here?
Hundred ghosts at night? ?
Frowning tightly, he said in a low voice: "Don't panic, audience, I'm fine now. It's just that I can't figure out why there are so many zombies suddenly pouring out? What happened when I fell asleep? Is there any audience? Can you tell me?"

However, the audience didn't know that after Yang Chuan fell asleep, the camera was wandering around until someone saw the abnormality on the road.

As for the reason?no one knows.

After seeing the reply, Yang Chuan shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly.

"Before, I thought about turning this small three-story building into a camp, but now it seems that this is not a good choice. There are so many zombies passing by here, and the accidents are too high. If they accidentally bump into something and make a noise, other zombies may gather around. This is really..."

Before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden sound of something being knocked down outside!

Yang Chuan was interrupted, and he rolled his eyes speechlessly, then quickly raised the corner of the curtain and looked down.

Sure enough, I don't know if there were too many zombies, and it was too crowded when passing here, knocking a rollover car to the ground, making a loud noise.

And the zombies around, as if they heard the starting gun of the athlete, immediately rushed towards here!

That movement is quite agile, completely opposite to the rigidity and sluggishness of the day!
"Bang bang!! Squeak!! Crash!!"

The sound of impact, door scratching, and glass shattering all told everyone that the zombies were coming!
Yang Chuan's face tightened, he took out his flashlight, opened the door and ran to the roof!

"Uh!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssesses.

The door, unable to bear the pressure, was directly squeezed from the door frame, and fell inward to the ground.

When Yang Chuan came to the top of the building, he did not escape from the roof immediately. First, he could not see clearly at night, and the risk of jumping on the top of the building was relatively high. Second, he looked at the width of the stairs, which was about two meters, and felt that there should be a chance to fight back. wave.

Cherishing his life doesn't mean he's really cowardly, he just doesn't like worthless death, but it doesn't mean he's bloodless!
Although the zombies run fast at night, they don't seem to be good at climbing stairs. The speed is not fast. Yang Chuan spotted the first zombie that came up, and swung the machete in his hand!

"Puchi!" With his strong physical fitness, he chopped off the zombie's head with a single knife, and his body fell down limply, blocking the zombies behind.

The zombie behind, after a few tries, stepped over the corpse on the ground and stepped forward again.

Yang Chuan held a flashlight in one hand and brandished a weapon in the other. As the seventh zombie fell down, the stairs were blocked.

But the good times didn't last long, the zombies were blocked in the way, and they would keep trying to cross over, and the fallen corpses couldn't stop them for a few seconds.

Yang Chuan turned around, locked the roof gate directly, came to the edge, and took photos around.

The whole small building has been surrounded by zombies, and there are countless zombies running towards here in the distance.

If it were an ordinary person, it would definitely be gone!

Everyone in the live broadcast room was already extremely nervous, and they all sent bullet screens to embolden themselves.

"Ah! I'm scared to pee!!"

"It's terrible! Mother!"

"Brother, run away!! Run away!!"

"Where are you going to run! The downstairs is full of zombies, they are surrounded!"

"Qinggong! Doesn't my brother know how to do it? Just fly away from the roof!!"

"It's easy to say, you can't see clearly at night, if you accidentally jump over it, you won't be dumped if you fall?!"

"Mom, I'm too scared to watch."


"Bam! Boom boom!!"

At the gate of the rooftop, there was a sound, indicating that those guys had come up, Yang Chuan gritted his teeth, and shone a flashlight on the opposite building.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he lifted up the ladder Yunzong, took a few steps to run up, and jumped straight up!

However, while his body was still in the air, a sharp cry suddenly came from his ear.


Slender and sharp, obviously a woman's voice, it sounds very penetrating!The voice is like a beast, without the slightest emotion.

Yang Chuanyue's body in the air trembled with fright.

When it fell on the ground, he couldn't help but blurted out a curse: "My mother, what the hell is this thing that screams so frighteningly?"

However, sharp-eyed viewers spotted the screaming zombie!

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