National Games competition, what is that Daxia man doing?

Chapter 68 Great Xia Territory Expansion

Chapter 68 Great Xia Territory Expansion
The other contestants from the Great Xia Kingdom arrived very quickly. After greeting each other, Yang Chuan called them together for a discussion.

A group of people came to the platform of the living area with serious faces. In the center of the platform, a tall flagpole was erected, and a brand new five-star red flag was raised up.

Recalling Tang Aiguo's previous explanation carefully, Yang Chuan looked solemn, faced the live broadcast camera, and made an oath with his fists.

"I, Yang Chuan, a citizen of the Blue Star Daxia Kingdom, swear here! The land I occupy on Survival Star is Daxia's territory! All who invade are Daxia's enemies! I will use my life to come Guard this land! Request the approval of the state to establish the Survival Star Daxia Province, which belongs to the Blue Star Daxia Kingdom! All the citizens in the territory are Daxia people!"

The people next to them also followed suit and swore oaths. This scene made the audience in the live broadcast room burst into tears!

"Woooooo!! Yang Chuan is doing great!!"

"Little brother! I love you!!"

"Brother Yang Chuan!! We support you!"


"The high-level approval is quick!!"

"The high-level approval is quick!!"

"The high-level approval is quick!!"

The senior leaders of Daxia, a gray-haired old man, rubbed his red eye sockets, and said angrily: "You brat, what are you doing so sensational..."

"Hey, old guy, I didn't expect you to cry?"

"Bah! You old man, which eye saw me shed tears! I'm blinded by the wind! Go, go, let someone send a notice!"

The official website quickly updated with a poll.

"Do you support contestant Yang Chuan's application to establish the Survival Star Great Xia Province?"


The statistical results were very fast. After a few minutes, the choices of over one billion people were announced, with a pass rate of 98.57%!

Soon, an official notice appeared.

"Accept the application of Yang Chuan, a citizen of the Survival Star Great Xia State, to establish the Survival Star Great Xia Province, which is under the management of the Blue Star Great Xia Kingdom. This move was approved by the people of the whole country, and the establishment of the Survival Star Great Xia Province is specially approved! Yang Chuan, a citizen of XXXX, XX City, XX Province, is the governor of Survival Star Daxia Province, and is responsible for all affairs of Survival Star Daxia Province!"

The bright red national seal was displayed in front of everyone for the first time, which represented the affirmation of the high-level officials and the high hopes placed on Yang Chuan.

In the small square, Liu Ping suddenly exclaimed: "Everyone, the higher-ups have contacted me, please wait a moment."

After exchanging a few words, he excitedly raised his arms and shouted: "The high-level officials agreed! And a notice was issued on the official website!! The Survival Star Great Xia Province was established, and the leader Yang Chuan was appointed as the first governor of the Survival Star Great Xia Province !"

Everyone cheered, and Yang Chuan also nodded with a smile, but his heart hurts. He really doesn't want to leave in this way.

However, the necessary form is really indispensable, otherwise, it will be very embarrassing if the name is not right.

Liu Ping took the lead in applauding, and shouted happily: "Congratulations... Governor Yang!"

"Hahahaha, congratulations Governor Yang!"

Yang Chuan smiled and signaled to everyone, and then he arranged new appointments. Among the new Daxia contestants, there was a man named Li Hao. Before coming here, he was the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of N City.After thinking about it, Yang Chuan decided to let him be the deputy lord.

This position has been vacant all the time. Originally, Yang Chuan didn't intend to set it up, but it's different now. He is not good at managing such things, so he simply handed it over to others.

He is not afraid of someone doing bad things. As a lord, he has greater authority than everyone else. In his own territory, what he says is absolute authority.

Of course, as long as he didn't make a big mistake, he would generally not do this kind of thing. After all, he doesn't have so many hypocritical things in his character, and he has no interest in rights at all.

Applications from players from all over the world flocked in. In many countries, all the players chose to recognize the master together, and directly merged their countries into the Great Xia.

On Yang Chuan's side, the population is also increasing rapidly. With his portal, these players can directly get here through the portal as long as they recognize the master.

308 people, when this number was counted, Yang Chuan took a deep breath.

For a while, he couldn't accept that he was already the leader of a team of hundreds of people, and the change was really fast.

Li Hao consciously implemented management arrangements and division of labor. In terms of personnel, he also made major adjustments.

It is divided into seven departments: the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Animal Husbandry, the Ministry of Production, the Ministry of Scientific Research, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the Ministry of Logistics. Players from various countries are divided into these seven departments according to their abilities.

Although the system of the territory is the lord, the deputy lord, the steward and the people, and the leadership of these seven departments is at the steward level, but among the people, they can be subdivided.

In the newly established scientific research department and production department, Yang Chuan issued the first order to fill the vacancies in the high-tech field. You can use things brought out of the zombie world as research objects, and you can also use them freely. As long as you know how to make Grades will do.

Li Hao is indeed a rare talent, no wonder the higher-ups strongly recommend this person.

His abilities are indeed very strong, and he arranged all kinds of things in an orderly manner, including personnel, supervision, management, and assessment, and announced them one by one, which made Yang Chuan's mouth wide open.

However, there are some things that he can't accept for a while, such as the need to transfer resources between different departments and the need to go through the process.This seemed a bit unbelievable to him. In the past, there were twenty or so people, and you could just get it yourself, but now you still want to do the same thing on Blue Star?How the hell won't you come up with an oolong about how do you prove that your mother is your mother?
However, he didn't point it out on the spot, and only discussed it with Li Hao afterwards. After Li Hao patiently explained, he finally understood.

An effective system will not slow down the implementation. On the contrary, under a reasonable system, many things can be scientifically accelerated!

Regarding this, Yang Chuan didn't understand, he could only believe it tentatively.

However, in the next few days, he saw the advantages brought about by this.

For example, the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of Defense issued the task of digging a large number of water outlets under the corner of the gate of the territory. The personnel of the Logistics Department prepared a large number of tools in advance and cooperated with the construction progress according to the plan.

In the past, if you needed something, you had to run back to the camp to get it from the gate, but now you don’t need it, and the logistics staff carry it with you.

Yang Chuan didn't know whether this was due to the system or the advantage of having more people, but it was undeniable that the work efficiency had indeed been accelerated.

When the two people added by Da Xiaxin arrived, Yang Chuan's territory personnel came to a total of 310 people.

That's a huge number, at least, for players from any one country.

Of course, there is also a different kind, the beautiful country. After they contacted each other for the first time, a contestant named Char from the beautiful country took the lead and chose a place with flat terrain and rich products to establish a territory.Moreover, in a very short period of time, nearly 500 players were recruited to become his leaders.

This is also the result of the deliberate promotion of countries such as Pretty. The difference is that these big countries did not incorporate all the players, just a few of them.

Char's territory has become Yang Chuan's number one opponent.

Since the players are all together now, Li Hao discussed a communication rule with Da Xia in the live broadcast room. More than 300 members, arranged in order, who was contacted this time, whose turn it is next time, just follow the table.In this way, important news will not be missed, and it will also give everyone more time to communicate.

If the contestants want to contact Da Xia, they can also enter the zombie dungeon during the rest of the week or two, and chat as long as they like through the barrage method.

In Zombie World, Yang Chuan also began to organize manpower, preparing to enter it to establish a safe zone, so that people in the territory can come to communicate with Blue Star, and organize people here to collect resources.

Yang Chuan is very happy, everything is moving in a good direction.

Except for one thing, he was a little confused.


He often had some doubts, whether that incident happened for real, or was it his own hallucination.Her existence broke his firm atheism, but he also had a strange feeling that he was trying to make himself accept her.

I didn't want to think of it at first, but in the dead of night, that delicate and lovely figure and that wild and domineering plunder would always appear in my heart.

Touching his wrist, Yang Chuan raised his eyebrows, didn't she say she was his wife, and just left me alone?
After what happened last time, Yang Chuan directly cut off the space stone and made a lot of storage rings. I don't know if this is the reason why Tika can't come again?
In his mind, he began to think wildly.


In a distant starry sky, Tika slowly opened his eyes, raised the corners of his lips, and showed a happy smile.

"Hee hee, heartless guy, you finally think of me, huh? Heh heh, I'll bully you when I finish what I'm doing!"

Tikka's delicate body shook a few times cutely, her eyes sparkling.

"Well, it's so boring. I miss my husband, I want to kiss him, and I want to bully him." Tika pouted dissatisfiedly, and then his eyes flashed.

"Yeah, how about getting a clone to go there? Anyway, it feels the same, hehe, how stupid!"

Tika's red lips were lightly licked, and then she had a thought, and an identical version of her appeared beside her.

The avatar smiled and nodded at her, and walked towards the meteorite group behind him.

Tikka, she looked at a huge six-pointed star array below her, and closed her eyes again.

This is a strange starry sky, with meteorites and star fragments flying around without any rules.

If it wasn't for her being the goddess of luck, she really wouldn't be able to get in here.

Here, known as the place of luck by the gods, is the core area of ​​the entire universe.

Tika came here to get Yang Chuan a piece of Heavenly Dao Qi and deliver it to him.

In this way, he has the capital to step into another class, and it also saves the difference in status when the two are together.

Through Yang Chuan's memory, she knew that Yang Chuan did not believe in gods, and since she became his wife, she needed to guide him into the path of becoming a god.

And the luck of heaven is her gift to Yang Chuan!
Well, the best gift ever!

Li Hao found Yang Chuan suddenly and told him the good news. Among these newcomers, there are famous foreign ship design experts!

Yang Chuan became excited. Looking at the sea in front of him all this time, he couldn't arouse the desire to conquer. Why?I didn't originally build a ship!
If he can build a big ship, he can start to conquer this planet!

It can be seen from the map that in this world, the water area occupies more than 80%. Such a large proportion of sea water is simply a paradise for ships!
The most important thing is that Yang Chuan likes the sea very much. The human beings on the blue star can already run out of the planet and step into the universe.But the exploration of the mother star is still at the surface. It is impossible to imagine how many resources there are under the sea. Even the exploration of the sea by human beings is less than 5% of the whole!

Although, if you want to reach another continent, you can reach it through the teleportation array, but you want to mine and explore the resources of the ocean, but the teleportation array cannot solve it.

The works of One Piece are available in both blue stars, which is why Yang Chuan likes the sea so much.

That kind of magnificence, that kind of engulfing mountains and rivers, and that kind of endlessness all fascinated him.

"Build! Shipbuilding! With our conditions, material loss is almost negligible, and we only need to invest in manpower! Ask that expert to start designing, and when we are done with the work at hand, we will devote all our hands to building the ship!"

Yang Chuan waved his hand excitedly, as if he saw himself standing on the huge deck, looking at the edge of the sea.

The crops of the different space farm have matured, and after replanting, the surplus part was planted in the territory.

With the assistance of new farming equipment, the Ministry of Agriculture quickly reclaimed a large amount of farmland.After all, the current population has reached 310 people, and the daily consumption of food alone is not a small number.

Together with Li Hao, he checked the progress of various parts of the territory. Seeing that the territory was on the right track, Yang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, both excited and proud.

Time passed, and soon the second month came to the end, and a new round of survival tests was approaching.

It was not yet dawn, everyone gathered neatly on the platform square after breakfast, and the military department uniformly distributed weapons, all automatic rifles.Except for the high-level personnel, all personnel from the Ministry of Defense are deployed in a unified manner. After all, there are several personnel who have served as soldiers in this department, and they can still deal with such crises calmly.

Seeing the eagerness on everyone's faces, Yang Chuan also clenched his fists excitedly. This time, let's challenge a few more times!Although there was nothing he could see in the mall anymore.However, if the challenge is successful, the territory will expand!The sixth wave last time, the territory has expanded by 6%. This is not a small number. The key is that the territory he has conquered now is all Daxia's territory!

The gate was already brightly lit, and the huge searchlight illuminated the entrance like daytime. With a hint from the heavens, the seventh wave of monsters came on time!

"Reminder from heaven: All players, please pay attention. The survival challenge starts now and lasts until it gets dark at 19 o'clock in the evening. Please work hard to survive!"

"Reminder from Heaven: Contestant Yang Chuan and members of the territory, please pay attention! Due to your seventh wave of attackers, the medium-sized animal 'mutated porcupine' has been refreshed, and the duration is 15 hours from the current time. Please try to survive!"

Everyone looked serious, staring at the gate. The two S-shaped passages have been remodeled.One of them, extending from the platform in the center of the territory to the gate, serves as a passage for monsters to advance, about five meters wide, with moats more than ten meters deep on both sides of the road.The other one was raised by ten meters, and the whole was covered with metal materials, with a smooth surface. The person stood inside the guardrail and pointed the muzzle at that passage!

"Squeak! Hurrah!" There was a sharp hiss, and the first big wet wild boar appeared at the gate.

It was huge, at least twice the size of a normal wild boar, with pointed fangs, shining coldly.Raising his head, his red eyes stared at the humans on the platform.

A will kept telling it that these guys in front of it invaded its territory and killed its children!

"Hum!!" With a sharp howl, it got short, and then it flew forward with all four hooves flying!

"Boom! Plop!!"

This stupid wild boar just jumped up straight from the corner, and slammed into the metal alloy wall under the feet of everyone. It was too late to scream and fell into the water.

Even though it was thrashing in the water, it still wanted to attack the hard metal wall with its fangs, but unfortunately, its body was floating on the water without any point of strength.The moment the fangs hit the wall, not to mention leaving no trace, the body retreated sharply and fell directly into the water.

Yang Chuan stared coldly at the wild boars that kept coming. Before he could speak, the commander of the security department had already issued an order.

"The first group, aim at the prey in the water, shoot in bursts, shoot freely!!" A man with a resolute face ordered loudly.

"Bam! Boom boom boom!"

The gunfire sounded, and the wild boars in the water had no escape, no escape, and the high-speed flying bullets mercilessly sank into their bodies.

Amidst the splash of blood, the huge figure stopped flailing, and soon floated upright on the surface of the water.

Holding a pistol, Yang Chuan raised his eyebrows.

"These guys are so stupid, didn't they leave a way for them, why did they have to hit the wall?"

Li Hao next to him said with a smile: "Maybe the wild boar is a different kind. It is not very smart, and it seems that its mind has been manipulated. Don't you often scold people for being as stupid as a pig? Pigs are not smart at all?"

Yang Chuan also shook his head with a smile. He really didn't expect that the guy who came out first would jump into the water directly. So much pork can't be wasted, it's just a little troublesome to collect.

The seventh wave of monsters, in the hands of the first group close to the gate, was wiped out within 10 minutes.This is because they have rough skin and thick flesh, and the shooter is not accurate enough, otherwise they will have to lie down when they meet each other.

Seeing that there were no more wild boars, the officer in charge waved his hand to stop the attack.

Li Hao shouted excitedly: "The logistics department! Put a ladder to collect the wild boar carcasses! This is all food! Everyone work hard! Extra meal tonight!"

The tragic mutated boar didn't even touch the enemy's body, and just died under the river water and human guns.

And the live broadcast room has become lively.

"Fack! This, this kind of rogue style of play! This, this is inhumane!"

"Xet! How do they have guns? Where did they get them?!"

"Oh, foreign friends, your news is a little behind. Our players, haven't they made guns a long time ago? You just connected to the Internet?"

"Fake! What wave of monsters is this? Why is there such a ferocious wild boar? How do other players deal with such monsters?"

"And the terrain design, isn't it too shameless? In the water, how can you climb up such a smooth wall? Geckos will cry when they see it?"

"Haha, foreign audiences, don't you see that there is a road leading to the inside of the territory? These wild boars want to jump into the water by themselves, who is to blame?"

"Fack!! Is he playing a tower defense game?!"

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