National Games competition, what is that Daxia man doing?

Chapter 54 If He Doesn't Survive, Why Does He Do It?

Chapter 54 If He Doesn't Survive, Why Does He Do It?

In a foreign space, a girl with a blushing face staggered out of the space passage, stuck out her small head, looked around carefully with big eyes and found no one, then patted her chest, and moved to the bathroom step by step.

"My husband is necrotic, I don't feel sorry for him at all, hum!"

Although Xiaozui pouted and complained endlessly, the satisfaction on his face betrayed her unceremoniously.

Looking at the beautiful and moving ruddy face in the mirror, Tike couldn't help jumping wildly again.

The new world she entered with Yang Chuan opened her eyes and fascinated her at the same time.

The space channel has been closed, but that wonderful experience made her recall, this trip is worth it!
Boss Tiandao really didn't lie to me, he found me a capable husband, five-star praise!

The girl gently touched her face with her small hand, and then stroked her earlobe which was still hot, her heart was full of happiness.

"Tika, do you have time to come to mother's place?"

In the ear, a gentle call sounded, pulling Tika's mind back.


With the storage ring, everyone cleaned up the moat at an infinitely faster speed. On the cliff behind the living area, Yang Chuan selected a large open space.The bottom layer is paved with small stones, then sand and soil are placed on it, and finally some plants with well-developed root systems are planted on it.

There are hundreds of meters of grooves left on both sides, and only some easy-to-grow aquatic plants are planted on the edges to purify the water source.The place that extends out is piles of sea sand and mud and rocks from the moat of the territory.

The project is indeed very large. The entire stone wall and the circle around the entire territory will take a lot of time just to circle the circle, not to mention the need for filling.

Even with the storage ring, it took the six of them more than ten days to complete this big project!

Everyone on Blue Star was speechless.

"It's so strange, little brother, what are they doing? On the surrounding stone wall, they filled in all the grooves that are nearly 20 meters deep. What's the point of doing this?"

"I don't know, but I see that some experts have analyzed it before. Yang Chuan made holes in the stone wall behind their house, and added stones, sand and soil. It feels like he wants to filter the water source!"

"So, they artificially created a reservoir surrounding the territory?!"

"My God! How dare he think?!"

"Then what should we do? You can't use water every time, you have to go to the territory to get it?"

"Brother's storage ring, can't it hold water? It's no problem to put it in once and use it for a month. There's no need to make it so complicated, right?"

"I feel like my brother is making a long-term plan. A professor has calculated that after his project is completed, the water stored on the entire stone wall will be enough to use his territory for two or three years! If it rains, it will be almost unlimited supply!"

"Crazy, is there something wrong with the brain circuit of you Daxia people? Does it make sense to do so?"

"Oh, just shut up if you don't understand, don't get slapped in the face again!"


The three men came to the outside of the territory and began to look for shrubs with strong water storage capacity. They only needed plants that did not require high water, dropped leaves quickly, and could lock water well.

The last few people chose a plant unique to this planet. It is not tall and has a well-developed root system, which can penetrate the ground at least ten meters deep!

Moreover, it is a small-leaved plant with slender and tough leaves and dense growth, which is the best choice for planting on stone walls.

After collecting enough shrubs, several people came to the lake with abundant aquatic plants and fished a lot of aquatic plants.

Then, He Xiaohui pointed to a strange grass field not far away and asked: "Look over there, why is the grass growing so flat? It's all over the ground!"

Yang Chuan and Liu Ping looked at it after hearing the words, indeed, it was a very flat piece, it didn't feel like it grew naturally, it was very strange.

After thinking about it, Yang Chuan stepped forward, but didn't dare to step on it directly. He found a long branch and tried to hook it.

The hooked grass was suddenly pulled up, dripping a lot of disgusting mucus, and a foul smell suddenly penetrated into the noses of several people.

"Ouch!!!" The three of them only felt a stench that went straight to the soul, as if someone stuffed a rotten egg in your mouth!
Yang Chuan retreated sharply, this taste is so simple!

"I'm going! What the hell?! Vomit!!!" The three ran away quickly while retching.

When I came to an open space, the breeze blew, and I felt better.

"Wow! What is this? It stinks too!" Liu Ping wiped the corner of his eyes and retched just now, which almost brought tears to their eyes.

"Uh..." He Xiaohui looked like he was about to break down, the stench was simply too overwhelming.

Yang Chuan shook his head vigorously: "This thing is amazing. When you don't turn it over, you can't smell it at all. But once you move it, it will make life worse than death! If the intruders fall into this thing, hey-hey!"

The two trembled when they heard the words, and looked at him in horror, young man, your idea is very dangerous!
Let's not talk about how to get this thing back, if someone accidentally touches it, won't the whole territory stink?Still let people live?
Yang Chuan didn't notice the expressions of the two of them. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. If this thing is placed on the enemy's only path, the effect, tsk tsk, must be very good?

Moreover, there is no need to put it in the territory. To enter the territory, you need to go through a small forest and then reach the beach. In the process, you can set a trap.

Well, this is a good idea, and I must try it when I have time.

The three of them carried the dead beast on their shoulders, touched the full storage ring, and set off to return to the territory.

After handing over the prey to the three daughters, they went up the cliff. It was okay to move the soil, but these shrubs in the ring needed to be planted one by one!
After dinner, the men continued to work with searchlights, while Tang Doudou and Claire followed Shen Juan to learn how to make blankets and quilts from animal fur.

The entire territory is already thriving, and it is countless times better than other players.

Yangchuan's water storage and filtration system has already started to supply water. After all, the soil transported from the moat to the cliff contains a lot of water.After layers of filtration and purification, when it flows out from the exit behind the living area, it is already extremely clear. Although I dare not drink it directly, there is no problem with the daily water.

There is water, electricity and food.Eat well, dress warmly, and even when Yang Chuan is bored, he still thinks about how to entrap others, so don't live too comfortably.

After getting in touch with Blue Star yesterday, Yang Chuan asked for some knowledge about electricity, and also got a general idea of ​​some situations in this world.

There was one piece of news that caught his attention.

A contestant from the Nomen Kingdom discovered a strange stone slab while exploring an underground cave.

It has dense patterns and regular lines, which looks like some kind of man-made object.

The person said in the live broadcast room that that thing is called a teleportation array, and it can be placed in the territory to activate the teleportation function.As for where it will be teleported to, the player said he didn't know either.

But that person didn't want to use it himself, and wanted the high-level officials to forward the news to Yang Chuan, the current strongest player in the game, hoping to bring players from their country in exchange for the opportunity to become a leader.

The players themselves had no contact, but went through the senior management of Blue Star. Yang Chuan didn't care about any twists and turns.

What he cares about is in his own territory, which is no longer the largest number of people.

More than 50 members of the alliance led by the beautiful country Monte have joined his territory. After being misunderstood by Yang Chuan at that time, he found a territory of a lower level, which is only a small level lower than Yang Chuan's territory.

With the addition of more than 50 members, his territory has developed rapidly, almost changing every day.

This news made Yang Chuan also a little nervous. If he couldn't maintain the lead and was surpassed, many rewards would shrink.Correspondingly, Daxia's current leading position is also threatened.

It seems that we have to find a way to curb the opponent's development and slow down the speed?

Three days later, the cliffs around Yang Chuan's territory were already covered with shrubs, which looked green and full of vitality.

The foreign audiences on Blue Star were not calm anymore.

"Fake! That Daxia person is not trying to survive, but is actually engaged in landscaping?"

"I don't understand. Is he in a hurry? It seems that he hasn't even thought about cultivating a farm or planting some crops?"

"That's right, don't Daxia people like to grow things the most? Why didn't this contestant do it?"

"Heh, the source of water, you foreigners are really, is it interesting to drink water by the stream every day?"

"Look! Tap water! In our little brother's territory, the water can be used unlimitedly! Who is like your contestants who have to run two miles to take a shower, aren't they tired?"


After dinner, Yang Chuan was holding a cup of tea and chatting with several people when he suddenly received a message.

It was a player from Yemen country, named Anna, and she said that she had brought her country's players outside Yang Chuan's territory.

After thinking about it, Yang Chuan called everyone and went out to greet him together.

When they reached the beach outside the territory and saw the 15 people from Yemen, they were all stunned.

Because it's all women!From ten to over 50 years old, there are!
But among the 15 contestants, there was not a single man!

Yang Chuan looked behind the group of people vigorously, and asked in a daze, "Where's your... male contestant?"

"Hello, brother Yang Chuan, we... have no male players. We had them before, but they fell away. The new players are all women."

Yang Chuan was dumbfounded, so unlucky?

In a country with fifteen contestants, not to mention all the men are dead, and there are not even a single man to add?
What kind of luck is this? ?

Is your country poisonous?
He frowned. He originally thought that with 15 people in a country, at least half of the men would be able to fill the labor force of the territory. Although there would be half more women, it was not unaffordable.

But now, you tell me, there is no man? ? ?

What I want is labor!There are only three men in his territory plus Yang Chuan himself. If they were to be taken in, there would be eighteen women!
Are you kidding me?

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