Chapter 35 The Great Harvest

"My brother Yang Chuan's martial arts roots seem to be from my Shaolin. The move just now is the fifth move in the demon-subduing saber technique!"

"Nonsense! It's obviously the seventh style of my Wuhumen's Wuhumen's Broken Door Knife, Collapsing Mountain Slash!"

"No, no, no, our Uncle Cangjing Pavilion in Wudang has already said that brother Yang Chuan's lightness kung fu is our secret Ti Yunzong. Are you all blind? This move is obviously Cangshan in Qinglian Sword Art One sword! He is our Wudang disciple!"

"Fart! Lightness kung fu is Wudang Tiyun, but he uses saber techniques, not sword tactics! The poor monk refuses to accept it!"

"You bald donkey, do you want to fight? Make an appointment? The time and place are up to you!"

"Hey, I have a bad temper! You buff-nosed Taoist priests, if you have the guts to come to Songshan, you won't be called a monk unless the poor monk beats you into tears!"

"Okay, you smelly monks wait for me, I'll shake people!"

"Whoever doesn't come is a puppy!"

"My Five Tigers..."

"Go away, bah! Damn bald! Clean your ass for the uncle and wait!"

Live audience: "..."

Yang Chuan greeted Claire, fearing that it would be dangerous for her to stay alone in the woods, while he himself stepped forward to check on the huge antelope.

Good guy, I didn't notice it when I was far away, but now I realized that this antelope is at least three meters long, at least two meters tall, and weighs... He stretched out his hand and tried it, and it was at least a ton!

Turning his head to look at the live broadcast camera with a confused face, he asked doubtfully: "Friends, are antelopes this big? I remember common antelopes, it seems that five or six hundred catties are considered big guys, right? But, in front of me This one weighs at least a ton!"

Claire covered her small mouth, walked forward with a face full of disbelief, and exclaimed: "Brother Xiaochuan, are you too good? You actually hunted such a big...sheep?"

Turning her head to look at the sheep's head that fell to the side, she confirmed that it was a sheep.

"Hey, luck, luck." Yang Chuan rubbed his head in embarrassment, but his face was full of complacency.

Claire adores star-eyed, god-like figure, strong in combat, handsome, rich in knowledge, large in size, durable and powerful.

"Huh?" She shook her head violently, her face flushed and she spat secretly, and asked, "But, it's so big, how do we move it back?"

Yang Chuan looked at the antelope, thought for a while and said, "I'll carry it back, you go find some dry firewood, and we'll go home! The internal organs of the antelope are delicious, and it would be a pity to lose them."

Claire didn't doubt him, nodded and went to find a tree trunk to drag. Turning around, she saw Yang Chuan holding the sheep's head in one hand and the huge antelope carcass on his shoulder with the other.

"!!!!" She was shocked, what kind of strength is this, a big guy weighing one ton, directly lifted it up?
The viewers and hosts in the live broadcast room were also shocked, but they calmed down quickly, hehe, what's the fuss about a master of martial arts, a figure like a god, carrying a ton or two?

Back at the camp, Yang Chuan carried the antelope to the lake and ordered Claire to get some wild vegetables. He exchanged it for a kitchen knife specially used by Daxia people and began to dissect the huge antelope.

In the eyes of foreigners, Daxia's kitchen knife is like a god-like tool. It can be as big as chopping bones and chopping meat, or as small as carving and lettering.Unlike them, there are dozens of knives in a set, and the knives are different. To make a big meal, at least a dozen knives are used in turn.

Soon, the water was sorted out, and Yang Chuan handed it over to Clare to stew first, while he quickly split the antelope bones, threaded them with vines, and prepared to bring them back to the house to be salted.

After marinating, it needs to be smoked so that it can be preserved for a long time. There is no way. A one-ton antelope, after removing the internal organs and inedible parts, adds up to more than 700 catties of bare bones and meat. Eat it before it rots.

Seeing that the time was about to reach seven o'clock, Yang Chuan quickly made a pit with a large stone slab in the corner of the house, thought for a while, and exchanged it for a large piece of plastic sheet in Tiandao Mall.

It's not that he is reluctant to exchange for a big bucket or something. Now the points are all used for knife-edge. A big bucket needs at least 50 points, which is not worth it.

Spread a plastic sheet in the pit, and then spread the meat evenly with salt and put it into the pit. Only then did I find that there was not enough salt, and it was not enough to marinate hundreds of catties of meat.Gritting his teeth, he exchanged a large package again, which met the demand.

The water in the pot has been tumbling for a long time, and the strong smell of meat permeated the room. Yang Chuan went over to check and found that it was already cooked.

It just so happened that the sky was getting dark, and the two turned the stove, steaming and eating antelope offal, enjoying themselves.

Of course, except for some unscrupulous guy who put the lens into the pot, bowl, mouth...

Countless people swallowed their saliva and cursed angrily, but unfortunately, Yang Chuan couldn't read a single word. Even if he could, he would probably just smile triumphantly and say, "Did you hit me?"

After eating, Claire held the torch, and Yang Chuan took out the antelope skin in the dark, cleaned it, propped it up with wooden sticks and placed it next to the stove in the house.One is that it can dry the moisture on it, and the other is that it can block the heat of the stove and prevent the marinated meat from spoiling. You must know that if you don’t pay attention to the shade when marinating the meat, the meat will stink before it is marinated.

The two happily sat at the door holding a cup of scented tea, watching the distant sea surface churning under the starlight, listening to the sound of the wind and the faint sound of the waves, enjoying the rare tranquility.

Looking at the satisfied girl beside her, Yang Chuan asked, "Claire, why did I feel that I slept so deeply last night? The quality of sleep is not as high as usual. Is it related to your massage?"

"Ah!" Claire's little face blushed instantly when she heard this, and she felt ashamed and flustered when she thought of her bold behavior.

What did I think last night? Are you delusional?How dare you do such a bold thing!

She rubbed her cheeks, her eyes wandered, and she timidly replied: "Probably, probably, today, do you still need it tonight?"

Yang Chuan's eyes brightened, but after thinking about it, he gave up: "Forget it, you were very tired last night, but unfortunately I fell asleep, and I don't know when you massaged me. It's hard work. Today You don't need a massage tonight."

The two of them washed up, went to bed, broadcast the camera live, and floated away again.

But the studio was not peaceful.

"Sisters, I see something is wrong with that Claire!"

"That's right! This vixen definitely set his hands on Xiao Chuan! Hehe, as someone who has been there, I can tell at a glance that something is tricky!"

"Huh? No way? I don't see anything unusual about her today?"

"You can't hide the eyes that want to kill someone! In the same way, you can't hide the eyes that want to eat someone! She definitely has a problem!"

"Ah, I'm so curious, what happened last night?!"

"No, no, it's not like this! I don't want it! I don't believe it!"

"Tch, you women are crazy, but I saw it. Claire pressed her belly button with her fingers several times today, with doubts and blushes on her face. I guess it's something like that?"

"Ah! This action?? What the hell!! I know! This damn girl definitely touched our little brother!"

"Sister upstairs, what do you mean?"

"If I'm not mistaken, she, she's taking measurements!! Damn it!"

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"I understand everything, don't ask, my heart is broken! Woooooo!!"


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