National Games competition, what is that Daxia man doing?

Chapter 33 What is that Daxia man going to do?

Chapter 33 What is that Daxia man going to do?

Back at the camp, Yang Chuan threw two tree trunks on the ground and made a dull sound. He was happy to find that Claire had prepared a lot of things.

She couldn't help with the next thing, so Yang Chuan told her to rest, washed the yam eggs he brought back, and stewed them with the unfinished yams.

He himself took a machete and cut a gap in the corner of the house near the window.

Just when everyone wondered whether he was going to demolish the house, Yang Chuan moved the stones prepared in the courtyard, and used mud to build up the stove at the gap.

The chimney of the stove is outside, and the fire and cooking place is inside. The advantage of this is that you don't need to go outside to cook and cook, and the burning smoke will not appear in the house and make people feel uncomfortable.

On the stove, Yang Chuan left a large wok to cover it with a slate, because there is no wok yet, and the small one is used to put the aluminum pan.

The advantage of this kind of stove is that it burns less firewood and has more firepower, and the house will be warmed up because of its burning.

In Lanxing's sky, it's about twenty degrees during the day, but only four or five degrees at night. If there is no fire, it will be very uncomfortable.

Looking at the plants around him, Yang Chuan can probably tell that it is either the end of spring or summer.Although I don't know if there will be autumn and winter here, it is not a bad thing to be prepared.

Of course, this kind of stove does not mean that there are no disadvantages. Its disadvantage is that there must be water in the pot due to the burning all night, otherwise the pot may burn out after it is dried out.

After building the stove, Yang Chuan began to peel the cypress tree, then found a wooden stick, drew scales on it to act as a ruler, and started to mark the tree trunk.

When the preparations were complete, he took out the wooden chisel and began to strike with the ax at the mark, chiseling out rectangular holes one by one.

Looking at the rectangular holes every 30 centimeters, many foreigners in the live broadcast room were puzzled.

"Can anyone tell me what that Daxia man is going to do? What is he going to do with the tree trunk he got out and dig so many holes?"

"It seems that the distance and the holes are very regular. What kind of furniture should it be?"

"To make furniture? What kind of furniture needs to be drilled? That little iron rod is so amazing, it can actually make such beautiful holes in the trunk after being tapped?"

"Haha, unfamiliar foreigners, this thing is called a chisel, and it's specially used to make holes!"

"Ah! Brothers, I understand! This is to make a ladder! I have seen this kind of ancient ladder in the museum. I didn't expect that brother Yang Chuan could even do this."

"Oh, so it's a ladder? It's really similar."


Yang Chuan cut the top part of the trunk into a length of more than 40 centimeters, and cut both ends into rectangular pins. After making more than a dozen pins, he finally stopped.

These finished sticks are called rungs on the ladder. While cutting and processing them, he gestured into the holes in the tree trunk. After processing both ends, he knocked these rungs into the tree trunk with the back of the axe. After knocking both sides firmly, Yang Chuan nailed them together firmly with nails.

In less than two hours, a huge ladder with a length of ten meters was completed. Because the trunk is relatively thick and the wood is raw, it weighs at least 100 kilograms!
Carrying the ladder excitedly, Yang Chuan came to the foundation under the cliff, propped up the ladder with great effort, and leaned it on the stone wall.

After trying to climb up and down a few times, he felt that the ladder was very strong, so he nodded and went to prepare other things.

If you want to build a building, the minimum measuring tools are essential, such as a ruler and a level.

It's just that the ruler is okay, but the level is impossible to get out, but it doesn't bother him, he can use other methods to replace it.

After running more than 800 meters along the coast, Yang Chuan found a clump of bamboo, cut off four thicker ones, and carried them back to the camp.

The thickest part of the root is as thick as an adult's calf, and can be used to make some bowls, cups and the like.

The longer parts of the bamboo in the middle are used to make tools, while the thinner parts on the top can be used to make chopsticks.

Without a saw, I had to carefully cut it down with a machete, because if the bamboo is too hard, it will split directly, and if it is broken, it cannot be made into a bowl.

At the straight position in the middle, Yang Chuan selected a section with a length of three meters and cut it open. He found another section that was smaller, and ran to a side of the woods.

Not long after, he came out with a small piece of bamboo, and saw two marks engraved on it, a 0 was carved on the lower mark with a nail, and a number: 18 was engraved on it.

Don't ask why there is such a strange scale, just don't know.

With this [-]cm long scale, with some grass leaves, the ruler was quickly supplemented to a length of [-]cm.

Returning to the camp with a [-]-centimeter ruler, I began to draw on the three-meter-long bamboo piece. Soon, a three-meter-long ruler was made.

In order to verify, he asked Claire to measure his height, 1.77 meters, just right!He measured for Claire again, 1.69 meters, exactly.

That's it!

The next thing to be used is a square, which is not troublesome to solve. For an isosceles square, the two short sides have the same length, and the long side needs to be calculated according to the Pythagorean theorem.

With the square and ruler, Yang Chuan returned to the house and began to toss the broken pair of cotton trousers.Pull out the wires from the inside, connect them together, and hang a small stone below.

I also made a small bamboo tube, put the burnt charcoal into it, smashed it, added some water and stirred it well.Then use a small piece of bamboo to break it up and put it in as a pen.

Yang Chuan climbed up the ladder with a ruler, thread and a small bamboo tube.

Find a small protruding place on the cliff, tie the thread to it, the small stone will hang down naturally, draw a vertical line with the straightedge along the drooping line.

The 90-degree angle of three straightedges determined the horizontal line, put the straightedge and extended it, and quickly drew the horizontal line.

His plan was that the gate was 1.8 meters high and [-] meters wide, and soon a rectangle appeared on the stone wall.

After putting away the things, Yang Chuan returned to the ground, picked up the ax and the chisel for chiseling the stone, and returned to the stone wall again.

Put the chisel in place, and hit it with the back of the axe. With the crisp sound of "Ding! Ding! Ding", Yang Chuan started his wall-chiseling project!

Claire couldn't help but ran out curiously to watch, and saw Yang Chuan quickly digging out the outline of the gate on the stone wall.His movements were smooth and flowing, and with his powerful strikes, stone chips flew away, leaving deep ravines.

"Brother Xiaochuan, what are you going to do?" Claire asked curiously.

"Build a house."

Claire was stunned: "Huh??"

Everyone in the live broadcast room: "????"

"What did he say? Build a house? Build a house in stone?"

"My God! He doesn't intend to carve a house out of the stone wall, does he?"

"On the fourth day of the game? Is he crazy? He doesn't have any electric tools, and he wants to carve a house out of the stone wall with the thing in his hand?"

"I absolutely don't believe in building a house. He must be lying! The Daxia people have lied to me many times, and if I fall for it again, I will be a stick! So, what is the Daxia person going to do?"

"Is he too energetic? Does he know what the other players are doing? People can't eat enough. Even if he grows bigger, he will at most build a house on the ground? Build a house on a stone wall?? I Do not believe!"

The moderators were also discussing curiously.

"Professor Han, do you think he really plans to build a house? Just relying on this in his hand... Let me look at the information. Oh, this is also called a chisel. Is he planning to rely on an ax and a chisel?"

"It's hard to say, look at the rectangle he drew, the size is indeed a bit like a door frame?"

"Impossible? Isn't he joking??"

"It should be. I think he uses vertical lines + right angles to position, which shows that he is very serious. Perhaps, it is really possible to build a house."

"Professor Lin, you are an expert in risk management. What do you think is the purpose of Yang Chuan doing this?"

"Well... I think it's true! Think about it, the sudden death of more than a dozen contestants the night before yesterday, coupled with the mysterious black shadow, probably made Yang Chuan feel that the ground was not safe enough. He built the house on the stone wall, It is definitely very safe, and if conditions permit, it is indeed a very good choice.”

"Hiss! Is this actually true? On the fourth day, you started building houses on the stone wall?"

"My God, I think this is crazy."


Yang Chuan didn't care about these things. He was wielding the iron ax vigorously, hitting the chisel one by one. The edges needed to be dug slowly to prevent the gate from being damaged, but there was no need to take care of it in the middle. Under the miracle of great efforts, the gate soon opened. The prototype came out.

Claire went to the lake to pick wild vegetables. Yang Chuan gave her a lot of wild vegetables around, and now she can pick them by herself.

The two of them had no worries about eating and drinking, and the surrounding materials were abundant, which was also the confidence for Yang Chuan to boldly carry out the wall-cutting project.

He had a strange sense of urgency, always feeling that something big was going to happen soon.

As a survival game, if it is said that there is no danger, he will not believe it if he is killed.At the current level, with the Tiandao store, as long as the players are not pigs, they can basically survive.If you survive, you can obtain the resources of this planet and manifest it on the blue star. Isn't it too easy?

The appearance of the black shadow made the night of Survival Star dangerous. Although he has not encountered it yet, what if one day this thing is no longer afraid of flames?Will it rush up?

The sooner you leave the ground, the sooner you will be safer.

"Ding! Ding Ding Ding!" The crisp knocking sound came from far away.

After stewing the meat and preparing the vegetables, Claire took the machete and followed Yang Chuan's instructions and began to peel the bamboo bit by bit.

She has little strength, but it is easier to make cups and bowls. If it was Yang Chuan, it might be broken in one go.

Soon, several ugly bamboo bowls and bamboo cups appeared. Although they looked ugly, they could be used anyway, and finally they didn't need to use leaves as bowls.

After the two had a hasty lunch, Yang Chuan asked Claire to continue to clean up and collect the weeds around, and he carried the guy up the cliff again.

Digging the stone wall was more difficult than expected. In the morning, because he had to make tools, the depth of the stone wall he chiseled was at most a dozen centimeters.In one afternoon, he didn't know how much he could dig in, but judging from the situation, I'm afraid it would be impossible for the two of them to lie down today.

Looking at the unchanging sky, Yang Chuan suddenly remembered that Claire should also have Heavenly Dao Survival Points, and hurriedly asked her to go to the store to find out if there was a timekeeping tool, and see if she could redeem one.This day-to-day purely relying on estimation, no matter how good the biological clock is, it can't do it.

Fortunately, after three days, Claire has more than 60 survival points. Excluding the basic points, he still gets points for working here in Yang Chuan.In the store, she found a clock. Although it was big, it was cheap. It only cost 30 points to buy it!

Yang Chuan was dumbfounded looking at the 25-hour clock. Could it be that the survival star has 25 hours in a day?I don't know what time it is now, just after eating, let's calculate according to thirteen o'clock, Yang Chuan adjusted the time, and continued to work hard to start drilling.

Time passed, and after dinner, he didn't take a rest, and came to work on the stone wall again, until the clock came to around 19 o'clock, and the sky suddenly darkened.

He looked at the time, simply adjusted the clock to 19 o'clock, washed up and went to bed.

After a tiring day, he soon fell into a deep sleep, and Claire gently squeezed his muscles to help him relax.

Although she blushed as she pinched it, she didn't even notice that her little hand was slowly shifting its position. The admiration and tenderness in her eyes made the live broadcast room jump like crazy.

"Ahhhhhhhh, that little biao, I want to hack her to death! How dare she blaspheme my male god!!"

"Let go of my male god! Woohoo, my abs, my abs, were actually touched by that little bitch! How angry!!"

"Xiao Chuan slept soundly, he must be exhausted, my mother is so distressed!"

"I want to hold him in my arms, woo woo woo."

"Brother, go to sleep, my sister is going to sleep too, let's fool around in our dreams together!"

"Brother Xiaochuan is ours! Go away, old aunt!"

"Huh? Zhao Xiaoya!!!! Open the door for my mother!"

"Pay! Pay! Pay!"

"Pay! Pay! Pay!"


After a while, the barrage of the female compatriots in the live broadcast room was suppressed by the word "paid" by the male compatriots.

Obviously, for the male compatriots, although Yang Chuan is very good, they also admire him.But compared to this, they want to see something else!
For example, suddenly attacked by a girl?

Let's have a paid screen, isn't it exciting, isn't it delicious?

Claire's little hand has changed from pinching to touching, and the blush on her little face is almost bleeding.

Suddenly, she raised her head and glanced around, as if looking for the live broadcast camera, and the next second, she pulled over two coats, covered the two of them, and lay down.

Tiandao seemed to think that she was going to rest, and the camera began to drift away, wandering around in Yang Chuan's territory.

There was a burst of wailing in the live broadcast room, and countless people angrily scolded Tiandao live broadcast room for not being humane enough, and did not understand the audience's desire to watch at all.

Claire huddled under the coat with a blushing face, only feeling hot and unbearable. After trying Yang Chuan's reaction a few times, she bit her red lips and suddenly got into the clothes.

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