National Games competition, what is that Daxia man doing?

Chapter 140 Zombies Come to the Real World

Chapter 140 Zombies come to the real world!

The black woman hugged the bag tightly to her chest, shaking her head with a begging look on her face.

"No, no, don't take my food, I have children at home. Please, let me go, I can do anything, as long as I don't take my food!"

The woman's entreaty aroused the two white men to laugh instead.

"Hey! Ma'am, what are you talking about, disaster is coming, do you hear me? Don't we need to prepare food?"

One of them took a step forward and grabbed the bag in the woman's hand, trying to snatch it away.

"No, no, you can do anything to me, don't take my food, please, please!" The woman held on to the bag tightly and refused to let go.

"Fake! Let go!!" Another man stepped forward and kicked the woman directly in the waist!

The woman let out a scream, loosened her hand, and was kicked off by the foot for more than three meters, hitting a row of trash cans.

After rolling a few times, the woman covered her waist, her eyes widened, and her mouth opened wide to breathe.But the pain in her waist made it impossible for her to breathe.

Fear, fear, and pain filled the entire brain.

The man who did it came forward with a wicked smile, grabbed the woman by the hair, and lifted her up from the ground.The woman was so painful that she covered her head with her hands, but the man was much taller than her and couldn't reach his arms, so she could only weakly grab her hair to relieve the pain.

"Hey, Gail, she has a really good figure, hahahaha!" The man laughed loudly, stretched out his other hand, grabbed the clothes on the woman's body, and tore them off with a squeak!It made the woman scream.


A muffled sound sounded from the ground not far away. Gail, who was carrying a cloth bag and looking at the two with a wicked smile on his face, looked back suspiciously.

"Boom! Boom!"

There were two more noises, and Gail saw clearly that it was a manhole cover of the sewer, and it was hit by something underneath, and it moved up twice.

"Ike, Ike, look, what is that?!" Gail called out to the man who was being violent, but he didn't dare to turn his head, staring at the manhole cover.

He suddenly had a creepy feeling, and always felt that there was some danger under the manhole cover.

Ike tore up the skirt of the woman in front of him, and was throwing the last piece of clothing aside, he burst out laughing.

"Yeah, look! What is this?! Oh, ho! It's so big! Hahahaha!"

Gail was about to remind again, but heard a loud noise, and the manhole cover was directly smashed into the sky!

"Vovo! What, what?!" Gail yelled in fright, and retreated directly to the fighting two.

Ike also heard the loud noise, and looked back in doubt.

At this moment, a withered hand stretched out from the sewer, pressed it on the road, and a rotten head protruded from it!

The hair on this head was gray and dry, messy and without a trace of combing.As the head climbed out, I saw a face, a rotten face, exposing the bones and gums, and the eyes in the eye sockets were staring at this side!

Crawled out, a body, oh no, a corpse crawled out of it, an incomplete corpse!
Because there is a big hole in its abdomen, and the two mice inside are still drilling wildly!
"Fack!! Zombie, Zombie?!!"

"Run, run, run! Run! Run!" Ike was so frightened that he let go of the woman, shouted, and backed away in a hurry.

Hearing this, Gail turned around and followed Ike and ran deep into the alley, leaving the black woman clutching her chest with a frightened expression on her face.

"Ha!!" A deep howl came from the zombie's mouth, and it dragged its stiff body and staggered towards the woman step by step.

The woman's legs trembled in fright, and a yellow liquid sprayed out. She screamed, turned and ran!

"Ah!! Wait for me! Help!! Don't leave me behind!! God!!"

The naked black woman ran fast, like a jet rocket, leaving a long series of wet marks on the ground.

They were lucky and ran away, but the people in many parts of the beautiful country were confused by the sudden appearance of zombies, they couldn't escape immediately, and they were caught by the zombies, bitten to death and swallowed them alive!
The incident developed very quickly, without even fermenting. In a very short time, zombies appeared from every corner of the city, attacking the living people and animals.

"Wow, woof, woof, woof, woof, woof!" A strong Peter dog ran wildly while wailing with its tail between its legs.

Under normal circumstances, Peter Dog is a very ferocious dog, fearless and extremely lethal.

But, have you ever seen hundreds of two-legged beasts bursting out suddenly, emitting a stench, and their bodies are still incomplete, running towards you with a hideous face?

bite them?
Fuck!Change you!

You you on the line!

The Peter dog screamed and ran wildly, but its barking was heard too far, and at the corner ahead, a large group of zombies suddenly poured out!

Braking on all fours, it slid a certain distance on the hard road. It screamed in fright, and lay down on the ground, with the dog's paws raised high, revealing its belly.

For a dog, the abdomen is exposed, which means that it admits to surrender, which means surrender.

However, these damned Twolegs didn't seem to understand their intentions, they surrounded themselves, grabbed themselves, and...

"Woof! Woo! Woof woof!!!"

The screams quickly disappeared.

The zombies dispersed and stayed in place, leaving only a pool of blood and dog hair all over the place.

This poor Peter dog is not walking peacefully...

The same scene is happening everywhere.

The high-level people are already in a mess, and the phone keeps ringing. They are better protected by the army, but in many places, let alone the people, the police in the beautiful country have been taken over by one pot!
Although the zombies are not fast during the day, because of the death of humans, they have increased by a thousand times, and the speed of their spread is simply outrageous.

This is a vicious cycle!
A house that one zombie cannot break through, how about a thousand?
Not to mention overturning your skull, the house can be turned over for you!
In a very short period of time, countries around the world fell into chaos.

On Daxia's side, many zombies also appeared, but because of the high-level notice in advance, coupled with the presence of troops and the deployment of police forces, an effective clean-up work was organized as soon as the zombies appeared.

"Bang bang bang!" The gunshot rang out, and the zombies fell down, concise and efficient.

Soon, the statistics came out.

Zombies are exactly the same as those in the zombie world in Tiandao live broadcast.

They appear from all sorts of dark places, very eerie, not to mention places like sewers.

But isn't it a little foul that you come out of the mixer on the construction site?
A driver opened the refrigerated compartment, and there was a frozen zombie lying in a pile of frozen meat, and he was shocked immediately.

The most frightening thing is that even though the whole body of this thing is already frozen stiff, its eyeballs can still stare at you!

Fucking ah?
Fortunately, there were not many of them, and it was terrifying for the Daxia people to unite, and they quickly suppressed these zombies that appeared.

At the same time, high-level officials also use television and communication tools to inform the public in real time how to respond and who to report to when they find out.

The residents of Daxia are very self-conscious. If they say they are not allowed to go out, they will never make trouble for others.

Therefore, once the army and the police find suspicious guys, they can shoot directly!
Daxia, it's easy to survive this wave!
But is this really the case?
In XX scenic area, a group of people are running out in a world-famous karst cave.

After hearing the hint from Heaven, they had already started to retreat, but because they were too deep and entered the depths of the cave, it would take a lot of time to return.

"An, brother An, wait, wait a minute, Xiaoling and the others haven't come up yet." A young man supported his knees and shouted to the person in front of him out of breath.

The young man who was running ahead also stopped, panting heavily, and shone the flashlight into the depths.

The three girls, supporting each other, are climbing up with difficulty. The slope is very steep, and it is very difficult to climb.

"Go, pull them up! We have to hurry up, there is no mobile phone signal here, and we don't know what's going on outside." The young man named An Ge stepped forward to pat the boy who stopped him, and walked forward quickly Go meet the girls below.

Suddenly, he suddenly stopped, and his whole body froze!
Three meters to his left, a tall figure suddenly appeared! !
With disbelief and panic on his face, he twisted his stiff neck, swept the flashlight in his hand, and a pair of rotten faces with only white eyes appeared in front of him!

Everyone was also shocked, because, beside them, there were also figures appearing out of thin air!

"Ah!!" A girl screamed in fright.

Then, there is no more...

Not long after, thousands of zombies suddenly sprang out of the cave, and they went straight to everywhere.

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