National Games competition, what is that Daxia man doing?

Chapter 120 Looking for Coal and Preparing to Make Iron

Chapter 120 Looking for Coal and Preparing to Make Iron

Yang Chuan didn't know that he was already in the whirlpool, and after chatting with the audience for a while, he went to sleep.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Yang Chuan began to dig the mud and make tiles.Tiles are actually made like bricks, only thinner, wider and longer, and smaller at one end.

Make a standard frame with bamboo, put the stepped mud into it and compact it, cut off the excess part, and put it on a piece of wood to dry.The radian of the wood itself can make it form a natural arch, so that the tiles can form grooves, which can be fired to divert water.

Regardless of chatting with the audience, he devoted himself to the production of tiles. There are not many tiles needed, so it only took more than a day to make more than 4000 tiles.

While the tiles were drying, Yang Chuan entered the forest with an ax and began to cut down dry trees in preparation for firing tiles.

Because the tiles are very thin, Yang Chuan started firing them on the third day.

The tiles are neatly placed in the furnace, and the directions between the layers are completely opposite. This is the same as the principle of laying bricks at the beginning. It is also for ventilation and to facilitate the direct passage of flames.

The setting of the tiles does not need as long as the bricks, about [-] or [-] hours is enough, so after he has cleaned up the batch of tiles, he will directly seal the cellar and wait for it to cool down naturally.

In the middle of the night, Yang Chuan got up and opened all the holes in the kiln to let it ventilate freely, allowing it to cool down quickly.

Early in the morning of the second day, Yang Chuan began to lay wooden beams and purlins on the roof, and fixed them with the original mortise and tenon structure.This skill has already appeared before, so he doesn't need to explain it to the audience. Many viewers in the live broadcast room have spontaneously popularized it to other viewers.

Working hard, Yang Chuan worked very fast, and before the sun came at noon, his courtyard had already been completed.

The audience watched almost from the beginning to the end, and expressed their surprise at his speed. You must know that on the Blue Star, the fast master builds houses and roofs, and the amount of one room per day is about four. About ten to fifty square meters, he actually drank it in half a day.

Yang Chuan raised the camera, and in the distance, overlooking from a high altitude, there is a small island with beautiful scenery in the middle of the river under the mountains, and a beautiful house stands out on the platform in the middle of the small cliff in the middle of the island.

The house is simple and elegant, just like a small farmyard of Blue Star in the 80s. The familiar three-sided ring with red walls and black tiles made some older viewers in the live broadcast room very nostalgic.After all, most people lived in such a house when they were young, and at first glance, it can evoke infinite memories.

After doing all this, Yang Chuan finally breathed a sigh of relief, but right now he has more important things to do.

The current season in this world is already summer. Considering the maturity time of the ground loquat, he speculates that it should be just the beginning of summer.

Then it is estimated that in another four or five months, this place will usher in a severe winter. Without food and reserves, it will be difficult for him to survive the winter.Although he can go back to the different space farm directly and don't have to worry about what to eat, but this thing is not easy to explain to the audience.

After all, I haven't seen you go out to hunt or grow food crops. You can't go without eating every day and have a round waist and a fat face, right?

So he set his sights on the large lawn under the house.

The lawn area is very large, if it is calculated, it is estimated to be hundreds of acres.Of course, he doesn't need to plant such a large area, only four or five acres of land is enough, and some surrounding areas can completely remove weeds and plant some fruit trees and the like.

He even plans to build a large pond directly on the land under the house, and at that time, it will be enclosed to raise some poultry.

I don't know if there are wild ducks in this world, but I think that since this place is close to the river, there should be many creatures like this.

But these plans are too far away, and he doesn't have any suitable farming tools, such as hoes and shovels.

There is no problem with making these tools out of brass, which is barely usable, but a little too soft.For her who likes to pursue perfection, this is unacceptable, so he needs to make iron tools that can be used for a long time in a short period of time.

A lot of hematite has been found in the river, so there is no need to worry about the source.What he needs to worry about is to make iron, which requires high temperature, so coal may need to be found first, and the kiln will also need to be changed.

The furnace made for firing pottery, bricks and tiles is not suitable for direct iron smelting. It can be used for copper smelting before because the temperature required to melt copper liquid is not very high. It is very easy to use it for iron smelting. barely.

Yang Chuan made some preparations and began to explore around with tools. He had already explored the small island and found no coal.So he set his sights on the upper reaches of the river.

It has been speculated before that hematite and copper mines can appear, and then there may be associated coal resources.

Tying all the tools firmly in the small back basket, Yang Chuan went straight into the water, swam across the turbulent river, and reached the side he hadn't walked before.In the direction he came from before, he walked a long way to get here, and he didn't find any coal.

However, the ore in the river water will definitely not appear for no reason, so the only explanation is that although he came in no direction, it must be on the other side.

Using a long sickle to cut down the thorns, vines and weeds blocking the road, Yang Chuan cleared a passable road and went all the way upstream.

While walking, he also paid attention to the traces around him, because he found that there were faint traces of animal activities on the shore on this side.

The footprints are very light, and it looks a bit like a big cat, but it may have been a bit long, and the footprints have almost dissipated.

With a simple judgment, he couldn't tell what kind of animal it was, and he didn't even know how big it was.

But this is also good news. After all, where there are big cats, there are other animals.Animals like tigers and leopards eat a lot, so they need areas with a lot of animal activities to feed them.

As long as it is used, Yang Chuan will not lack meat in his life on this small island. If it is not possible, isn't there still so much fish at home?Leaning by the river, can you still lack meat to eat?
Along the way, Yang Chuan didn't dare to delay at all, because he felt a vague sense of crisis in his heart, although he didn't know where it came from.But he always felt that the test could not be so simple, so he felt some inexplicable anxiety.

After struggling for about ten miles, Yang Chuan suddenly turned his gaze to the cliff on the right. There are many reddish-brown stones under the cliff.He recognized it at a glance, it was hematite ore, and his eyes lit up involuntarily.

"Friends, I found the source of the hematite ore! This is the source of the hematite ore in the river in front of my door, right? Now we can search around to see if we can find coal."

After finishing speaking, he put down the small pannier, took out tools and began to clean up the nearby weeds, looking for traces of coal.

The combustion calorific value ratio of coal is very high. For quite a long time, human beings have even directly used coal to burn boilers and propel trains and ships forward.

It would undoubtedly be much easier to use coal to smelt steel, so he was eager to find this kind of thing.

Half an hour later, he suddenly exclaimed.

"Damn, I finally found it!"

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