Chapter 117 Burning Red Bricks
"Haha, little brother, you can do whatever you say, you told us not to sleep, I got dark circles directly!! I look familiar!"

"Hey, little brother is working hard for our love nest, how dare I leave you to sleep alone? It's only 24 hours, sister can hold on!!"

"Brother Xiaochuan, I'm so sleepy now, can you call me wife? I really want to hear it, so I'll go to sleep after listening."

"Brother Xiaochuan is good or bad, you actually doubt my sincerity towards you! Woohoo, my heart hurts so much, I can't breathe!!"

Yang Chuan looked at the group of barrages in the live broadcast room speechlessly, and couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Sisters and sisters, I'm just talking casually, don't take it seriously, don't do it next time, staying up late is not good for your health, it will affect your family and friends, and if you all go on strike, my sin will be serious .Thank you for your love, let’s go to rest now. I will definitely not be able to go back to the planet I’m on, and everyone’s concern is enough for me.”


"That's right, the sound is nice, I'll go to bed after I'm done, and go to school tomorrow!"

"Scream well, don't be perfunctory! I have already started recording the screen, and I will listen to it every day before going to bed."

Yang Chuan rolled his eyes, thought for a while, he still couldn't refuse the request of so many fans, and cleared his throat.

"Okay, go to bed quickly, you haven't rested for so long, I'm worried, you know? Be good, go to rest, I'll take a rest after washing up, thank you!"

The voice was deep and deep, and the magnetism was beautiful, and all the female audiences were immediately excited when they heard it.

"Ahh!! My mother is going to die!! This voice is so crisp!!"


"Cultivate immortals, sisters, I don't feel sleepy at all now, it's over!!"

"Damn it, is this the legendary brain-filling monster? Are these women crazy? Isn't it just a little more handsome and a nicer voice, as for..."

"As for!! Upstairs shut up, don't break this girl's dream!!"

Yang Chuan didn't bother to pay attention to it anymore, he was too sleepy himself, he really didn't expect that there would be so many female audiences who really stayed with him for 24 hours.

After getting into the bamboo house, Yang Chuan didn't pay attention to the live broadcast footage drifting away, and plunged into the different space farm.

After greeting Shen Juan who was working in the field, Yang Chuan fell asleep.

Mother, this is really torture. If you don't close your eyes for 24 hours in a row, if you really want to try it, it will be very uncomfortable.

It felt like less than ten seconds, Yang Chuan had already fallen into a deep sleep.

This time, Yang Chuan slept for more than ten hours before waking up. When he woke up, it was already noon.

Shen Juan went to work in the territory. There were only two girls, Tang Doudou and Claire, who prepared breakfast for herself on the farm. Yang Chuan got up, washed up and began to eat breakfast.

After eating, Yang Chuan walked out of the house and stretched his waist a long way.

Tang Doudou looked at him, performed a few aerobics moves beside him, and raised his eyebrows at him with a proud face.

Claire's eyes lit up, and she put her tongue on Yang Chuan with her hips akimbo.

Yang Chuan stared: "Oh! How dare you provoke me? Do you think I haven't practiced before? See if I don't deal with you!"

A retaliatory attack made the two daughters lose their previous arrogance, while Yang Chuan laughed and ran away.

"Hello! Everyone in the studio, I'm waking up!"

Yang Chuan is full of energy and energy. After getting enough sleep, a strenuous exercise will help maintain a good attitude.

"Okay, friends, let's go and see my previous red bricks. It should have cooled down. Let's check the results, and then we can officially start building the house."

But when he got to the side of the brick cellar, he realized that there was still high temperature in the cellar, so hot that he couldn't even get close to the top to observe it.

"Well, it doesn't seem to work, the temperature inside is still very high. I don't remember how long it took others to cool down the cellar, but right now, mine is definitely not working, so I have to find a way."

After finishing speaking, he went directly to the place where the firewood was added, and removed the closed door, which was just a large stone slab.

After finishing this, put on the back basket and tools, and set off to find food.

Meat and fruit are available, what he lacks are vegetables and starchy staples, so he focuses on starchy plants.

After searching around, besides yam, Yang Chuan accidentally found a plant.


No, to be precise, it's wild sorghum. Hui is relatively short, but it's undoubtedly sorghum.

Facing the doubts of everyone in the live broadcast room, Yang Chuan opened his mouth to explain.

"In many people's minds, only rice and wheat are regarded as staple foods. In fact, sorghum is also one of the staple foods. In many places, it is eaten as a staple food, called sorghum rice. The lysine content in its protein is higher than that of grains. It contains the lowest minerals and vitamins. The content of calcium and phosphorus in minerals is equivalent to that of corn, and the content of phosphorus is about 40-70%. The content of B1 and B6 in vitamins is the same as that of corn, and the content of fat is about 3%, which is slightly lower than that of corn.

The protein in sorghum rice is mostly alcohol-soluble protein, and there are few essential amino acids such as tryptophan and lysine. It is an incomplete protein and is not easy for the human body to absorb.If it is mixed with other grains, the nutritional value can be improved.

Sorghum rice is also a kind of rice. It is one of the traditional five grains in my country. Of course, it can be eaten by steaming rice. The main production areas of sorghum rice are concentrated in the Northeast. Hard and soft, you can choose hard or soft sorghum rice according to your taste preference. "

As he said that, he shrugged his shoulders: "So, I'm going to use them to stew meat or cook meat porridge!"

After picking and carrying back to the camp, rubbing the chaff, removing the shells, and washing them, he put them into the pot and cooked porridge with the minced meat. He took the stuff and started tidying up the slope.

Cut off the weeds on the ground with a long sickle, and picked them apart with a branch with a fork. Soon, Yang Chuan made a two-meter-wide road, leading directly to the river!
Sand is essential for building a house, so he needs to use a cart to move a lot of sand from here!

"Squeak..." The small cart, which lacked lubrication, was full of fine sand, making an overwhelmed sound.After Yang Chuan got nervous a few times, he didn't bother to take care of it. If it was really bad, it wasn't his fault.

Carloads of sand were sent to a corner of the platform to be piled up. Yang Chuan took some time to eat some sorghum porridge and continued to work.

There was sand, but no cement. After Yang Chuan thought about it carefully, he finally thought of another thing, lime!

The role that lime can play can reach the level of low-grade cement, which is more than enough to build a house.

But, limestone, I didn't find it myself, where can I get it?This riverside is not a seaside, and it is impossible to get some coral to burn lime.The main component of coral is calcium carbonate. After high-temperature treatment, its composition is the same as that of lime. It can be used to make composite clay, and it is also very strong.

"Huh?" When Yang Chuan thought of burnt lime, he immediately thought of another thing, shells.

There are many shells along the river, of course, there are also many different types among them, but Yang Chuan doesn't care.

You can also get quicklime by burning shells!
As soon as he thought about it, Yang Chuan began to collect shells from the riverside by truck by truck, and brought them back to the camp.When it was almost done, he started firing.

Still illuminated by the fire, baskets of shells were thrown into the fire, and suddenly, an unspeakable smell began to diffuse.

On the ground below the bamboo water pipe, a small pond has been built with stones and soil, specially for receiving water. After the quicklime is fired, Yang Chuan intends to melt it in this pond.

Lime, red bricks, wood, and small stones are basically ready, and the next step can be started only after the lime is in place.

The next day, Yang Chuan started to build a house.

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