Chapter 114 Making Bamboo Salt
At this time, the sky was completely dark, and a handsome big boy was sitting by the furnace, the red fire reflected on his face.

With a focused expression, a beautiful and moving song flowed from his throat, unfolding a picture of youth in front of everyone's eyes.

It was a young man who had just faded from his youthfulness, and he sang affectionately with his longing for love.

The firelight shone on his face, causing all the little girls in the live broadcast room to scream.

"Ahhh!! I love it! This song is so beautiful!!"

"My little brother is handsome, he sings so well, and his ability is so strong, he is simply invincible!"

"Brother Yang Chuan! YYDS!!"

"Woooooo, I was born before you were born, and I am already old when you were born. God!! I hate you so much!! But, I don't mind! Little husband, look at me!! Look at me!!!"

"He obviously sang so well, why did he sing like that just now? I almost smashed the keyboard!"

"I'm going, the singing is so beautiful that I'm at a loss for words. I can't think of how to praise it for a while!"

At the end of the song, Yang Chuan himself was stunned, the skill of the sound of nature is so powerful!

The song she sang just now made her feel shocked, magnetic, affectionate, and infectious. He even wanted to change a song to try his explosive power for the high-pitched part.

Looking at the barrage, sure enough, it was right this time, all praises.

Nodding in satisfaction, he grinned.

"Hey! That's right. Look at you, I just made a little joke. You all ignore your inner thoughts. Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

As he said that, he showed a handsome smile, and blinked mischievously, which immediately provoked the excitement of all the little girls in the live broadcast room.

After adding some charcoal to the corridor, Yang Chuan continued to chat with the audience, and he asked the audience about some changes on the Blue Star from time to time.

Blue Star has changed a lot. With his strong support, many things in his territory have already manifested into reality.

Things like some crops have already been completed. Recently, the resources that have manifested in Daxia have begun to favor rare materials and minerals.In Daxia, good news comes from time to time, and it is reported that a large mineral vein has been discovered in a certain place, and a new type of aquatic product has been discovered in a certain water area.

As for some high-tech equipment, Daxia's senior management did not directly explain it in the live broadcast room, only Tang Aiguo mentioned a few words cryptically, and Yang Chuan knew it well after watching it.

At the same time, he also knew that it was in the Great Xia Kingdom.Some big changes have taken place, for example, Romantic Kingdom has been completely merged into Great Xia.

The cause of this matter is still because of Claire. The launch of the battleship of the Survival Star Daxia Province really shocked everyone. Although Yang Chuan had no intention of invading other people's territories at this time, who knows if he will be brainless in the future? hot?
For a young man like Yang Chuan, his ideas are wild and unconstrained, and it is really difficult to grasp.Among his contemporaries, there are not only young people who worship foreigners and foreign countries, but also patriotic young people with conservative thoughts.

Numerous experts from the beautiful country conducted in-depth research on him, and when the last report was submitted, everyone's faces were grim.

Da Xia country player Yang Chuan, a loyal Da Xia patriot, although he is usually a little out of tune, but when it comes to the critical moment, everything in Da Xia country is his.

Yang Chuan asked about some things in his own territory. Although he heard some from Shen Juan and the third daughter, it was definitely not as good as the audience watching at any time.

Before he knew it, three hours had passed. Looking at the red-hot pottery in the kiln, Yang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, my friends, my ceramics are completely red. Now I just need to close the kiln. When it cools down naturally, my firing process is complete."

After finishing speaking, Yang Chuan cleaned up the furnace, got up and cleaned it, and started preparing dinner.

However, tonight he is not interested in grilling meat any more. After several meals of that thing, it has no taste at all. At this moment, he has no desire to eat it anymore.

After eating some fruits, Yang Chuan greeted the audience and got into the bamboo house.

Returning to the different space farm, Shen Juan had already prepared dinner, big fish and big meat, Yang Chuan's mouth was full of oil, and he couldn't help but feel emotional.

I'm really shameless, the cheating thing is getting easier and easier, I'm depraved!

"Brother Xiaochuan, come and eat a piece of braised pork, ah---" Clare handed over a piece of meat with chopsticks.

"Okay." Yang Chuan bit it down, ah, it smells so good!
Early the next morning, Yang Chuan returned to the lonely world early, greeted the audience, washed up, and went directly to the furnace.

The temperature of the kiln had already cooled down, Yang Chuan removed the stone slabs on the side, and carefully took out all the fired pottery from inside.

All white, whether it is pots and pans or other things, they all exude a jade-like luster, which is very pleasing to look at.

Picking up a bowl, Yang Chuan stretched out his hand to flick it, and the crisp sound of ding ding came, which was very pleasant to listen to.

"Hey, brothers, I succeeded!" As he said, he moved all the things to the water diversion bamboo tube and began to clean them one by one.

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at the white vessel on the screen, and they were also very happy for him.

"Haha, with these things, brother, you can eat delicious food, and you don't need to eat barbecue every day anymore."

"Steaming, stewing, stewing, I don't know how much brother Yang Chuan can do. I haven't seen him cook much before, so I don't know how much skill he has?"

"Haha, you are so handsome, you just need to make something edible, what kind of taste do you want?"

"Hehe, that's right. I almost forgot that brother Yang Chuan is only a little over 18 years old. The main reason is that this guy is omniscient and omnipotent. I almost regarded him as an experienced all-around player."

"Pfft, uncles and uncles, you are completely overthinking, don't you see it when the little brother barbecues? Everyone is drooling, and they are still arranging people here, it is not sincere at all!"

"I'll go! Whose girl is this annoying? What are you talking about? Who wants to think about such bad memories? Hmph!"

After cleaning it carefully, Yang Chuan set his sights on the two big urns.

"Friends, I am in urgent need of salt, so let's start with salt production. I have a lot of rock salt ore, and there is only one way to extract the salt from it: boil it!"

"These two large urns that have just been fired are very suitable. The volume is large enough, and the amount that can be boiled at one time is also large. Cooking it once is probably enough for me to eat for a long time."

Quickly building a simple hearth with stones next to the kiln, Yang Chuan filled the big urn with water and covered it, and lit it up.

Then he picked up a large piece of salt rock and smashed it into pieces, and began to wash it with water to remove the dirt and other dirt on it, and put it in a bamboo basket.He washed them carefully, you know, these things have been licked by various animals before, not to mention hygiene, just psychological reasons, he couldn't help being careless.

He put the cleaned stones into the big urn, closed the lid, and started to increase the flame.

"The cooking process will probably take a few hours. Now, I can start preparing for copper smelting."

The kiln for firing pottery works very stably. During the firing process last night, Yang Chuan found that the temperature inside is very uniform, and the furnace wall will be in the firing area, reflecting and condensing heat to increase the temperature.Therefore, regardless of whether the place where the pottery is fired is not directly above the flame, the temperature is the highest there.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Yang Chuan felt that this furnace could be directly used for copper smelting, and the pit furnace did not need to be improved.

After digging out some yellow mud, Yang Chuan started to make a water diversion tank shaped like a water ladle, and then put the thing in the flames, and put it at the entrance on the side of the kiln for taking it.The large end, shaped like a funnel, is high on all sides and low in the middle. The ore will be placed directly above it, allowing the molten metal solution to flow along the groove to the small end.

The structure is very simple. After Yang Chuan finished, he set out to get the copper ore.

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