Of course, when they were discussing, Lin Yi had already returned to the bottom lane.

He quickly walked to the front of the line of soldiers, then raised his hand and smashed a cannon carriage to death with that huge fist!
Not to mention the money from the cannon cart, but also directly add blood to the AD!

In an instant, the blood lost by the jungler recovered.

At this time, the Q in Lin Yi's hand also lit up again.

With the robot on the hook, it confers deterrence.

Lin Yi directly stood in the grass near the opposite side.

And he was still standing in the grass in front of Kai'Sa.

Kaisha looked at the robot and her heart was broken!
Damn, his pawn line has already been pushed over, Wei En directly controls the pawn line near his tower, the robot guards here, if a hook goes over, and then cooperates with Wei En to directly hit the wall, then he will kill the human head Directly explain here.

The bigger problem is that if he doesn't go to replenish troops now, he will be directly blasted through the bottom lane!
This is the relationship between immediate death and slow death.

Especially Lin Yi's deterrence when he hooked up with Lan's father.

It made Kaisha feel apprehensive, thinking that this robot is definitely not a novice, but a senior player.

This is the deterrent power of Lin Yi just now!
It seems that this is not a game at all, but a deep torture!

Kai'Sa: "I won't wait any longer, I have no experience at all, and I've already been lagged behind by nearly [-] knives!"

Qin Nu: "Come on, jungler, let's play a game first!"

Juggernaut: "My father Lan doesn't even have one, it hurts to clear the wild, and just hit for nothing!"

Kai'Sa: "It's okay, just catch people like crazy, follow us and hang out with us, and you'll be fine. As soon as you use the sheep knife, cut the C position directly!"

Juggernaut: "Then I'll come, I'm only half blood, when the time comes you go first!"

After a brief discussion, they formulated a battle strategy!
Qin Nu is ready to sell first.

Cheat the robot's hook!

In this way, Kai'Sa can directly enter the field, relying on passive to directly deal damage!

Compared with Vayne, who is always going out with Dolan's sword, Kai'Sa's passive can quickly stack up to four layers of explosions by relying on the W skill. Compared with Vayne, who relies on attack speed to hit the third ring, the damage is slightly higher !
After all, the third-level Kai'Sa is in a strong period!
After formulating a strategy, Qin Nu began to rush forward, ready to start cheating the hook!

But after he moved, Lin Yi controlled the robot and started to move.

Always control the movement of the parallelogram.

In this way, even if the opponent comes over, Lin Yi can guarantee that the opponent will always be the opponent's AD!

At this moment, Qin Nu from the opposite side came over directly.

Qin Nu, who was walking towards her, was out of position with Kai'Sa behind her!
Just the right flaw.

Without any hesitation, Lin Yi quickly threw the hook.


There was a crisp metallic sound, and Lin Yi's hook directly hit Kai'Sa who was about to lunge forward!

Kai'Sa's reaction was not unpleasant, and she quickly pressed E.

Prepare to sprint forward for a certain distance.

But Lin Yi has already reserved the amount in advance!
So there was a rather weird scene.

Kaisha drove the E and sprinted forward, just bumped into the hook protruding from Lin Yi, and was pulled back directly.

The hook of the Apple robot directly dragged Kai'Sa to the wall. At this time, Wei En came over directly with Q, and after a short distance, she directly followed the E skill.

Almost instantly, Kai'Sa was directly nailed to the wall.

At this time, Wei En output directly and decisively!

The cluster of arrows flying from Wei En cooperated with Lin Yi's robot's steel fist, and smashed hard on Kai'Sa's body.

Just like that, he died directly without any power to fight back!

At this time, Qin Nu and Juggernaut have already arrived at the scene!
But what they were waiting for was Kai'Sa's body on the ground.

It is impossible for Juggernaut to retreat now, he can only directly attack Kai'Sa!
But Lan's father was eaten by Lin Yi. He has not even reached level six now, and he has no big move at all!

For a Juggernaut without a big move, his attack power is naturally reduced by more than half!

He ran all the way and came directly to Wei En.

Ditch the E and Q and start cutting straight away!
At this time, Lin Yi controlled his robot and walked towards the pawn line next to him.

The iron-like fist raised and hit a soldier directly!

The effect of the auxiliary equipment Relic Shield is triggered.

It is equivalent to giving Wei En a sip of milk directly!
Wei En's blood volume increased instantly!
Now Wei En has directly reached the sixth level!

The player who operated Wei En was not unhappy. He quickly pressed his ultimate move, and with the help of Q's invisibility effect, he quickly rolled into the grass.

The huge body of the full-blooded robot directly blocked Wei En and the sword body.

At this time, he gave an E without hesitation, and directly sent the blade of the sword that continued to chase Wei En into the air!

"Three rings!"

The flying Juggernaut with the three-ring symbol on his body!

It has to be said that Wei En's operation is still very gorgeous. After quickly hitting two rings, he rolled to the left.

With the third ring of Q's promotion bonus, he directly disabled the half-blood Juggernaut.

After landing, the Juggernaut was about to start chanting sutras, when he just replaced a soldier, a level [-] robot.

Instantly open up!
"Electrostatic force field!"

The silence and damage effects brought by the ultimate move directly reduced the blood volume of the Juggernaut to the pitiful ten figures.

And the silence effect is destined that the Juggernaut cannot recover blood through chanting.

At this time, Wei En directly followed up with a strike to tie A, and directly took away the Juggernaut!

The Juggernaut is dead!

Wei En directly won the double kill!

Seeing this situation, Qin Nu subconsciously prepared to slip away.

But at this time, Blitzcrank's ghostly mechanical flying claws were completed again, and he couldn't help but capture the escaped Qin girl back!
The moment you catch it back, connect another E and knock it into the air.

Under the effect of the ultimate move, Wei En directly went crazy, aiming frantically at the piano girl and it was a one-shot output!
Just like that, Wei En directly won the triple kill!

Back in town in comfort!
The jungler and bot lane on the opposite side completely collapsed!

When they went online again, Wayne directly sent out Siren Killer, and Blitz also quickly replaced Scanner with Scout Guard.

And with real eyes!

As for Kai'Sa, she can only be wretched under the tower. After all, she just got resurrected on her side, and she learned the bad news that her assistant was killed in battle!
The game didn't last long at all.

Fifteen shots from the opposite side!
The robot controlled by Lin Yi is simply their nightmare.

"I'll go, Mr. Lin, so you play so well!"

"It's so awesome, the other side is about to be caught crying, as long as the robot sees the vision, it will definitely die!"

"Especially the countdown on the opponent's Toad, it is simply invincible. I guess Kai'Sa on the opposite side didn't expect a hook to suddenly appear in the wild area of ​​​​her own home!"

After a match, Lin Yi's team kept praising him.

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