
This is the competition in the industry!
The students who got off Lin Yi's car were almost the first choice for him, Xueersi!
How could vested interests give up their interests?
So after Xindongfang increases the salary and these prices, they will inevitably increase the price directly.

This is the effect Lin Yi wanted.

With these two tutoring agencies at the beginning, Lin Yi didn't even need to run by himself, and the other tutoring agencies immediately followed suit.

After Lin Yi has been busy for a while, many reporters around have also collected relevant materials.

At this time, they found Lin Yi and continued to surround him.

Several reporters stepped forward one after another and surrounded Lin Yi.

"Student Lin Yi, if we can interview you, just delay your time for a few minutes!"

The reporters looked at the lively scene in front of them and were completely shocked by Lin Yi's talent.

It's not that they haven't interviewed some school entrepreneurship clubs.

Especially in the environment where the country encourages innovation and entrepreneurship, many colleges and universities have their own incubation bases.

But those who are cultivated in these schools are basically playing tricks.

There are very few people who can make Lin Yi such a big handicap.

They planned to use Lin Yi as a typical report.

Lin Yi looked up at the reporter in front of him, and smiled slightly: "That's no problem, of course, if you have any questions, just ask me!"

"We want to ask, what is your original intention?"

A reporter raised his hand and asked a question.

"My original intention is naturally for the sake of students' employment. You and I have both studied in college and know what college students lack the most. That is social practice. The knowledge in school and the content in textbooks can no longer keep up with the rapid development of today. In this era, we can no longer work behind closed doors like we did when we read the Four Books and Five Classics in ancient times!"

"What is science and what is technology? The term science comes from abroad. I only express my own point of view here. Science is an exploratory subject that expounds the essential laws of the material world. Since it is to explore the essential laws of the world, then stay in When studying in school, there is no link to explore the world, and students will only learn from the book, and will not draw inferences from one example, and do not understand the real needs of production and life, so how can they talk about innovation?"

"Because of this, I organized such an activity. The purpose is to allow college students to have the opportunity to practice at the grassroots level. This is true for engineers and teachers. If you want to be a good teacher, you must have extensive contact with Students, understand the ability level of the current students, and then teach them in accordance with their aptitude, these things cannot be learned in textbooks!"

"With the development of social science and technology, people's IQ is also constantly improving. Now children of a few years old can operate mobile phones and computers. If our parents didn't even know what these were when they were young, it has to be said that human beings With their own development, their intellectual level is also improving, so if the old teachers don't know how to adapt and continue to teach with the previous method, they can no longer meet the needs of the students!"

"Teaching is mutually beneficial, and one must have sufficient practical ability. Only young teachers who have just graduated can become familiar with contemporary students in school. Only after graduation can they be more competent for future teaching jobs. After all, teachers also need time to grow!"

Lin Yi narrated what he really wanted to say in his heart.

Many reporters applauded one after another!
They looked at Lin Yi in front of them, and seemed to be a little bit in disbelief. What was in the head of this 20-year-old boy in front of him, and how could he say such profound words.

Such words are not at all like a student who just walked out of an ivory tower.

On the contrary, he looks like a weather-beaten successful person.

"Then, how do you arrange the distribution of rewards and benefits for this event?"

Some reporters raised their hands immediately.

After this question was raised, all the reporters present looked at it one after another.

They still care more about it.

Lin Yi looked at the reporter in front of him and said with a slight smile; "We will announce all the financial aspects of our entire organization on time, and there will never be any deduction of student remuneration. The prices given to each student by these teaching auxiliary institutions are open and transparent. Yes, and not only that, we are also responsible for pick-up and drop-off by car. When the students are working part-time, the teaching auxiliary institution will also take care of the meal, so that these students have no worries, can do a good job as a teaching assistant with peace of mind, and lay a solid foundation for becoming an excellent teacher in the future. People's teachers get ready!"

"Of course, we also welcome people from all walks of life in Yuncheng to supervise us and accept all doubts, but we absolutely do not accept any malicious slander!"

Lin Yi's half-joking words instantly made everyone around him burst into laughter.

The reporters who followed were all innocuous questions.

Lin Yi also answered them one by one.

The reporters all left happily.

They have to go back to write the manuscript, and tomorrow's headlines must report this matter.

Lin Yi checked the time, and it was almost noon, and he had already ordered a lunch box at the food street.

He has to watch here no matter what, and go through the whole process to make sure there are no problems.

At this moment, in Lin Yi's live broadcast room.

The water friends listened to Lin Yi's words just now.

The barrage was immediately brushed up.

"I'll go. What Lin Yi said is great. As college students, we really need the opportunity to practice. The content in the books is out of touch with the times!"

"Yeah, what we have learned is too old. When I just graduated and went to work, I thought I could rely on the content in the books to help the company transform production, but others would not let me touch it. I don't think the equipment is have not seen!"

"Who isn't? As a young man, who doesn't have a dream to build great rivers and mountains for the motherland, but only after going to work does he realize that he can't do anything, it's too shocking!"

"Hey, did you hear that Lin Yi said that this organization is a public welfare organization, so how does Lin Yi make money!"

"That's right, today's box lunch is all set by him himself, so much student money is spent directly, and there are still a few days to go, depending on the situation, Lin Yi spends so much money, isn't it going to happen soon Running out of food?"

"Don't tell me it's true. According to Lin Yi's spending speed, it will be gone soon!"

"Yeah, if he doesn't eat both upstream and downstream, he will go bankrupt in a short time!"

"Short-sighted people like you, people with such a big structure like Lin Yi, how could you go bankrupt?"

"Thank you for the invitation. I just got off the plane and I'm in the Lighthouse Country. Apart from thinking that Lin Yi is a benevolent person, I don't have any profit points at all. We won't even look at this kind of rubbish project!"

Just as everyone was eagerly commenting, a major event was happening at Yuncheng Normal University.

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