One dollar start: Do you know what a business genius is?

Chapter 33 Is it so difficult to eat noodles?

Lin Yi seemed to be more than just the leader of the alliance.

They are the leaders of their students.

As for Boss Chen, he can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in directly.

It is impossible to open a shop in the food street, and it is estimated that there will be no more students coming.

As for the other bosses, they all kept their heads down.

This is also the first time they realize that this group of students who seem to know nothing and are very easy to fool, have such a powerful force when united!

At this moment, in Lin Yi's live broadcast room.

"Damn it, I don't know why, but listening to Lin Yi's speech, my blood boils!"

"Nowadays is a society ruled by law. We students are no longer the targets of exploitation and exploitation by these unscrupulous profiteers. We must use legal means to protect our rights and interests!"

"Why doesn't our school have such an organization?"

"It's really uncomfortable, I envy the people of Yuncheng Teachers College!"

"How should I put it, how do I feel that Lin Yi's speech is very passionate. Although I just came in, I immediately became a fan, right?"

"Aren't you an idiot, Lin Yi is so hot, you still watch other contestants!"

"Brothers, I will say nothing, and show my adoration with a rocket!"

User 7653 sent a rocket X1!

In the live broadcast room, a rocket rose slowly.

But no one paid attention to this in the barrage at all, they were all eagerly discussing Lin Yi's matter.

"Damn it, this is probably the saddest rocket player, even if you brush the rocket, the anchor can't see it!"

"Didn't he say that just now, this is to express his respect!"

"Hahahaha, do you think Lin Yi will pay you for this rocket? He won't love you at all!"

Compared to these audience gentlemen in the live broadcast room.

In fact, these shops standing in front of Lin Yi are the ones who feel uncomfortable.

It's not like they haven't encountered any learning organization before!
But these student union organizations all came here to earn some outreach funds.

As long as you get enough benefits, you don't care about anything, just go back, and it will make the store a lot of money!
As a student, even if you want benefits, it is nothing more than a few thousand dollars!

But Lin Yi's routine is completely different from theirs!

This Nima Linyi is really here!

And it really thinks about the students!
If it were someone else, who the hell would have nothing to investigate where your food came from?
Is your meat the leftovers that others don't want at the pork stall?

Who cares if your stuff is new or not!

So what if it's not fresh.

The shop owner only needs to ask the classmate in charge of management to eat a few meals and give some benefits, and it's not all straight away!
Then they are still helping to promote their store!

As for why.

Anyway, it's not these students who will come to eat in the future, other people's affairs are none of my business!

Because of this, they didn't take Lin Yi's punishment for violating the interests of the students into consideration at all.

Who knew Lin Yilai was real!

One person was fired on the spot!

After the expulsion was over, within a minute or two, someone joined directly!
It's just a slap in the face!
And this also made them deeply know that they are not irreplaceable at all, and Lin Yi doesn't need to have a good relationship with them at all!

Without the supervision of interests, it is possible to be upright.

They are really panicked!
Lin Yi looked at the bosses in front of him, and then said in a deep voice: "Just now, about Boss Chen's Malatang incident, some students responded to me. For the shops with problems, I will directly announce them in the official account. As for the results, You should weigh yourselves carefully!"

"Students are not your pig farm. You can fool them with any shit pig feed. I suggest you think about it and improve your hygiene conditions. After all, every student who comes to eat here is not only Your customers are your supervisors!"

"We will report to the Food Safety Bureau directly for the shops that refuse to mend their ways. I think if so many people have signed a letter, even if you are related, you have to finish it for me directly, understand?"

Lin Yi didn't leave any sympathetic reprimands, and the expressions of these bosses were quite embarrassing.

Didn't it work under Lin Yi?

What a joke, the entire university town is just such a commercial street, and there is only such a food street in the commercial street!

They can walk, but as soon as they walk on the front foot, a large number of shops will pour in directly on the back foot.

They are not willing to give up this benefit!
Besides, in other places, opening a chicken pot on the side of the road can have such a large traffic as a food street?

What a joke!
If you can't let go of your interests, you must abide by Lin Yi's rules.

"Well, Mr. Lin, we will definitely check our hygiene when we go back, and make sure that the students can eat with confidence!"

"That's right, we eat all the dishes ourselves, so we can guarantee that the students won't have any problems!"

"Yes, yes, regarding hygiene, I hope that the majority of students will supervise and criticize, and we will definitely correct it!"

Some store owners are more knowledgeable about current affairs, and immediately stood up and patted their chests to assure.

This is a direct confession!

But what they say comes out.

The students around were a little unhappy for a moment, and immediately yelled because Lin Yi was in this place.

"What, you eat the dishes yourself, that is to say, you don't eat the dishes you made before?"

"Fuck, what do you think of us?"

"Go back and check the sanitation. Are you kidding me? Could it be that there are problems with sanitation now?"

"Especially that sentence, eat the dishes by yourself, this kind of guarantee is too much!"

"You people only know how to make money, don't you treat us students as human beings?"

"Severely condemn these unscrupulous merchants and ask the back kitchen to visit freely. I will expose you people to the sun!"

"It's a good idea to visit the back kitchen at will, but I'm afraid that there are cockroaches and mice under these vegetables!"

"Fuck, you say that so I want to spit out the food I just ate!"

The students shouted and shouted, and the crowd became excited.

Lin Yi looked at the situation and waved at these shops: "Have you finished your business? What are you doing here in a daze after you have finished talking? The business is over?"

"Yes, yes, I found that the accounts in my shop have not been settled yet!"

"I'm slipping away now, I'm leaving first!"

"I still have to go shopping... Oh, no, get up tomorrow morning and go shopping at the vegetable market!"

How could these shop owners not understand what Lin Yi meant.

Seeing that Lin Yi gave them the steps, he immediately began to oil the soles of his feet, and quickly slipped away!
After they left, there were still many students gathered in front of Lin Yi.

Looking at them, Lin Yi couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

Boy, is it so difficult for me to eat noodles?

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