Lin Yi glanced at Liang Kexin.

This little girl has a good brain, but she is still a bit weak in scheming.

"How much cooperation fee they gave us, I used all of it to buy servers and build our own computer room."

Lin Yi grinned.

This is almost tantamount to prostitution!
And also found a stable backer.

But in fact, Lin Yi knew in his heart that this trick actually had another effect.

That is the knife used to test Wang Xinmin!

"I guess they know it, and they will die of anger!"

With a smile on his face, Liang Kexin looked at Lin Yi in front of him and said.

At this moment, in Lin Yi's live broadcast room.

"Hey, my brother Yi is indeed my brother Yi, and the calculations are directly calculated on such a big company!"

"What do you know, Brother Yi's calculations are already in his mind, and this is not a calculation, this is called reducing operating costs!"

"Speaking of which, do you think Brother Yi can really make ivy? Let's not talk about his lack of people now, and he is also short of funds, and these big factories are probably waiting to harvest leeks!"

"That's right. Basically, these big companies wait until a company takes shape, and then start spending money and investing in shares. After they actually do it, they start to collect the start-up tax!"

"As a Ph.D. in economics at Shuimu University, from my point of view, Lin Yi has only taken a career test at present, which is indeed attractive to a certain extent, but it is difficult to generate user stickiness, and these people will soon become zombie fans."

"Secondly, Lin Yi also took advantage of the popularity of the [-]-yuan challenge show. Although this can accumulate some popularity, it cannot be retained. After all, it is not a long-term solution."

"You mean, Lin Yi's company is about to go bankrupt?"

"It can be said that if he doesn't find a reasonable transformation method!"

"It's okay, I believe in Brother Yi's strength, if he can't do it, who else can?"

"But Brother Yi's current debt ratio is very high. If he makes a wrong move, he may go bankrupt directly!"

"No, isn't this just a loan of more than 1000 million?"

"Have we forgotten something? This is a hundred yuan survival game, and the final prize is all for hundreds of billions of bonuses. How come Lin Yi insisted on playing a business strategy game?"

"It's outrageous, I think Lin Yi is here to make money, and he can make a lot of money!"

"Isn't this because of Lin Yi's criticism!?"

"If I have this level, my mother will definitely not force me to study!"

"Children, you still have to pay close attention to reading. Reading is not the only way out, but it can give you more choices!"

Just when there was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

Lin Yi sat in his seat and had a small meeting with Liang Kexin and Yang Qingxue.

"Okay, these are not the key points. What we need to do in the entire league next is what really needs to be paid attention to."

Lin Yi paused for a moment, then looked at Yang Qingxue next to him: "Qingxue, I asked you to sort out the data last time, you can show me the data!"

Yang Qingxue rummaged briefly on the table, then quickly took out a document and put it in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi simply flipped through it, and then pointed to one of the data.

"Now our number of users has exceeded one million. Most of them just come up to experience the professional test. The most difficult problem is to really keep them!"

Lin Yi paused for a moment when he said this.

My current Ivy League, apart from helping to find a job, has nothing to attract users.

But to be honest, most of the students don't care about these issues except when they are busy looking for jobs in their senior year.

In a word, in the final analysis, there is no user stickiness!
A website without user stickiness, even if its registered users can reach tens of millions, is meaningless.

Unable to realize traffic monetization!

"Boss Lin, just tell me, what are you going to do next?"

When Liang Kexin heard Lin Yi's words, his face was filled with excitement, and he was always ready to fight.

"I'm going to be a forum, or a confession wall!"

Lin Yi expressed his thoughts.

Confession wall?
When hearing these three words, Liang Kexin and Yang Qingxue looked at each other.

As students, they are all too familiar with this.

To put it simply, the confession wall is a platform for students to meet and make friends.

It's like when you are eating in the cafeteria and suddenly see a girl you like, you will ask on the confession wall.

Of course, there are classmates in the same class who will reply under the confession wall if it does not involve divulging privacy.

This is also a way of normal communication between students.

"Although something like a confession wall can be done, there are many similar products..."

Liang Kexin looked at Lin Yi, and then continued: "You mean, you want to make a forum?"

"That's right, it's the forum!"

Lin Yi nodded.

If a website wants to retain people, the most common means is social networking.

But social networking is something that many people are doing, but few of them really do it successfully!
After all, there are goose farms occupying the market in the front, and the people behind want to socialize, which is almost equivalent to the Arabian Nights.

very difficult.

"But things like forums should be outdated and not attractive at all!"

Liang Kexin held her head, and then continued to add: "There are two types of people who want to fall in love now. One type of people is very proactive and basically rushes to ask for contact information. As for the other type of people, then Even if they are very passive, it is impossible for them to go to the forum to post some confession wall!"

"The current confession wall is basically no longer a social platform, but more like a place to show affection!"

Liang Kexin's words were approved by Yang Qingxue.

As students and girls, they naturally have a natural insight into things like school gossip.

Lin Yi looked at them with a smile.

"Of course, a confession wall in the traditional sense is meaningless!"

Lin Yi nodded seriously and said: "But don't forget, we have everyone's personality portrait, and our algorithm can match and predict the tendency of occupation, and can also match the people they like!"

"In this world, there are many people who are very suitable for each other, but because of shyness, shyness, or other reasons, two people miss out!"

"Actually, in this life, in this world, the biggest mistake is to miss it!"

When Lin Yi said the last sentence, both Liang Kexin and Yang Qingxue instinctively trembled, and almost subconsciously looked over.

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