"It's not. Although I said that I have graduated from Stanford, I always remember that in our culture of Dragon Kingdom, humility makes people progress!"

Liu Rongyi smiled slightly.

"That's good, but these people should really restrain themselves, otherwise it will be difficult to carry out future work!"

Lin Yi frowned, as if thinking about something.

While talking, Wang Xuezhi and the others had already pushed open the door of the conference room.

Lin Yi naturally stopped talking.

He looked at Wang Xuezhi who came in, and greeted him with his right hand.

As for the students following behind him, he all nodded their heads.

All seated.

Lin Yi stood in front of the stage, coughed twice, turned on the microphone in front of him, and started.

"First of all, everyone is very welcome to come and support me. I know that you are still a little uncomfortable flying from the imperial capital, but we have a tight schedule and a heavy task. For the next month or so, I will count on you all!"

Lin Yi finished his opening remarks, and then directly cut to the next page of PPT.

"The theme of our research and development this time is the intelligent recommendation system for jobs, which is mainly to analyze the character of the task, reason the data, and match the corresponding job..."

Lin Yi began to introduce his project!

But these people sitting in the audience, although they all looked at the projection, their eyes were a little dull, obviously thinking about other things.

It's just that occasionally he glanced at Lin Yi from the corner of his eye, as if he felt quite bored.

Naturally, Lin Yi and Liu Rongyi were all aware of the movements of these people.

Liu Rongyi frowned.

Lin Yi didn't care at all. I didn't tell them about my things and thoughts, but mainly told Wang Xuezhi. After all, Wang Xuezhi was the core figure in charge of these people.

Wang Xuezhi listened quite seriously, and kept taking notes with his right hand, while still thinking about the countermeasures.

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he pulled over the whiteboard prepared next to him, and continued.

"Next, I began to assign tasks, which are mainly divided into the following aspects."

"The first thing is to establish an evaluation system and analyze the students' personality and behavior!"

"The second thing is to establish an emotion capture mechanism, mainly for the content of complaints. Of course, it involves a lot of content such as speech speed, voice intonation, etc. You are all experts in natural language processing, and you should know this. Content!"

"The third thing is to recommend a matching mechanism, which is mainly to establish a directed graph of data flow, use a decision tree to make multiple decisions, and finally infer a suitable position. The algorithm here is relatively complicated, and it is also the focus of our next work. !"

"As for the fourth part, it is to improve the entire system, integrate and package all the modules, and finally form a complete system system!"

Lin Yi wrote four points directly on the blackboard!
When he was writing on the blackboard, these master and doctoral students in the field of artificial intelligence at Shuimu University also looked over.

Lin Yi had just finished writing, and many people in the audience started shaking their heads.

"If there is any problem, we can discuss it at the meeting. Everyone expresses their opinions. If there is something wrong with my arrangement, I hope everyone can point it out. We can discuss with each other to make the whole plan more perfect!"

Faced with the doubts of these people, Lin Yi was not in a hurry.

If these people don't question themselves, it means that they are not good enough!

But if they question themselves, it means that their academic knowledge is not solid enough, and it shows that they are not good enough!

"Boss Lin, to be honest, I don't think you can complete this thing at all!"

The moment Lin Yi's voice just fell, someone immediately raised his hand to signal.

"First of all, we are all people in the computer field. The things behind you are still in line with our research direction, but the first point, if I remember correctly, you said to establish personality analysis. It should belong to the field of psychology!"

"But among so many of us here, none of them are experts in the field of psychology, or even have similar research directions!"

"I've read it just now. If this evaluation system cannot be established, our entire system will not be able to be established at all. Even if we have it later, without an evaluation system, there will be no data!"

The student who stood up said with a rather determined expression.

He seemed to have found Lin Yi's fatal weakness.

As long as this problem is not resolved, they can get up and go back immediately.

Hearing what he said, many people below directly said: "Yes, if this matter is not resolved, there is no point in staying here!"

"The establishment of this evaluation system is still very complicated. Even if we are the top doctor of psychology at Shuimu University, we may not be able to find a way!"

"Think about it, a person's personality can be judged directly from his behavior in the world. If artificial intelligence is so strong, then it will not be called the era of weak artificial intelligence now!"

"So it's true that artificial intelligence is only superior in calculations, but it's not really an advantage. Computers were invented to help humans calculate!"

"Yes, but the analysis of human personality cannot simply rely on black and white inferences, and it cannot be completed with electronic circuits. If this is introduced into the quantum superposition state, won't it become the next powerful one? Theoretical subject?"

"It's true what you said, but quantum computers haven't been programmed yet!"

"You guys are talking too far. The current situation is whether we can make this thing in the next month!"

"It's very simple, if he can formulate this set of judgment rules, we may be able to, but it takes a month to come up with such advanced rules, and even if they have formulated the rules, can we use algorithms It is also a question of realizing it.”

When these people were discussing, the students who had just stood up to speak had smiles on their faces.

Getting the approval of so many people is enough to show that this thing cannot be completed!

Lin Yi didn't rush to answer their questions, but looked at the student who was speaking in front of him: "Student, may I know your name?"

"My name is Cheng Bin, and I'm currently a master and doctoral student in the computer department of Shuimu University, and I have already won the opportunity to study abroad!"

Cheng Bin looked up at Lin Yi in front of him, and said proudly.

Although it is relatively common for the public to study abroad in the first echelon of prestigious schools in China, it must have been selected after some screening to get a place. Cheng Bin's ability to go out is enough to show his excellence.

But it was such excellence that made Liu Rong who was next to him sneer.

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