I blow up the system

Chapter 232 System Tools Man Li Xingfeng

What's more, who thinks that we are the remnants of the mecha clan.

Could it be that if we have mechas, will we become the remnants of the mecha clan? "

Wang Yan stared at Li Xingfeng and said sarcastically.

He added: "Are you really willing to let all these family members die in front of your eyes, instead of returning me the source spirit stone that originally belonged to me?"

After speaking, he waved his hand.

Immediately, the super particle gun in Yao Li's hand swept towards the family members.

But seeing a flash of dazzling light, the sound of clicking can be heard endlessly.

I heard crying and howling, and kept coming.

And the guards and bosses here shouted loudly: "Don't shoot..."

Li Xingfeng was also dumbfounded.

He never expected that Wang Yan and the rest of the mechs would actually shoot.

But the next second.

He was stunned.

It turned out that none of those family members died.

It's just that everyone's hair has been damaged to varying degrees.

Even became bald.

However, they all freaked out.

He fell to the ground with his ass.

For a while, the smell of foul smell overflowed.

It made the whole hall smoky.

So, some people start yelling at their son, or their husband, or their son-in-law, yelling.

The scolding is extremely ugly.

This time, all the bigwigs couldn't sit still.

They discussed in a low voice.

Then a plan was drawn.

Focusing on Ji Kaiming, they began to attack Li Xingfeng.

"Li Xingfeng, tell me, have you embezzled Dr. Wang's prize? It's the source stone."

"Yes, Li Xingfeng, if you have been corrupted, just admit your mistake and step down, and we will let it go. Otherwise, it is impossible to let our family members die along with them."

The Patriarch of the Wang family also began to speak.

"Yes, Li Xingfeng, is what Zhang Liangkai said true or not? Tell me."

Another boss asked directly.

They saw that Li Xingfeng's face became more and more ugly.

I suddenly understood in my heart.

Dare to love Zhang Liangkai's words are fundamentally true.

It can be worth scrutinizing.

Seeing that Li Xingfeng's face was livid, he gritted his teeth and remained silent.

Ji Kaiming immediately said: "There is no doubt that Li Xingfeng refuses to admit the crime of corruption, then I will represent everyone to remove him as the city lord, and then submit a letter to the three clans guild, requesting that the city lord be sent over again to take over our medical city."

"That's right, I also agree to remove Li Xingfeng from the post of city lord."

Another big man said immediately.

"I agree."

"I agree."

"I support."

"Our guard also expressed support."

"We in the Armed Forces also expressed their support."

For a while, more and more people supported Li Xingfeng's resignation.

Because, their family members are all in the hands of Wang Yan and others.

If Li Xingfeng was not removed, their family members would really die before their eyes.

What's more, they believed Zhang Liangkai's words.

And Li Xingfeng kept silent, which meant that he must have committed this crime.

Otherwise, you will never remain silent.

At the same time, Wang Yan also released all the previous videos of the awards.

In this way, everyone is more convinced.

Therefore, the source spirit stone never passed through Wang Yan's hands.

It was taken away by Zhang Liangkai.

Now that Zhang Liangkai is testifying against Li Xingfeng, the evidence is as solid as a mountain.

Therefore, everyone agreed that Li Xingfeng was a hateful embezzler and unworthy of being a city lord.

Such a person might as well step down in time.

Thus, their families can be saved.

"Damn it, you all deserve it, you all deserve it."

Li Xingfeng, who had been forcibly restraining himself, suddenly erupted.

He was mad with rage.

He became hysterical.

He roared, like an enraged lion, roaring loudly.

Because everyone gave up on him.

Everyone is against him.

Let him become the target of corruption.


He asked Zhang Liangkai to take Wang Yan's Origin Spirit Stone.

However, he didn't get it himself.

It was the dark matter phagocytosis system in his body that got this spirit stone.

This system is extremely thirsty for this kind of source spirit stone with abundant dark energy.

It seems that without this source spirit stone, it cannot live in his body.

Therefore, what he does, he always does for the system in the body.

He is just a tool man.

He has unspeakable difficulties.

If you don't do well, you will be rejected by the system.

If you do too much, you will be disliked by your subordinates.

Now, because of a source of spirit stone, he was pushed to the point of betrayal.

For this, he was both sad and angry.

Even more unwilling.

However, when Li Xingfeng was angry, the system began to give him strength.

Supply him with massive amounts of dark matter energy.

Turn his body into a carrier, crazily mutating and reorganizing.

It made him extremely powerful, strong, and mighty all of a sudden.

But seeing his whole body, he suddenly became extremely thick.

Slowly grow bigger like a giant.

All the clothes on that body were torn.

Even the shorts were torn.

And the hair on his body grows like thatch.

Crazy, desperate to breed.

It's like being on steroids.

The originally strong muscle group became extremely rough, hard, and powerful like a mountain rock.

Perfect curves like a statue.

In just one minute, he became a monster six to seven meters tall with long black hair hanging all over his body.

It looks like a gorilla.

Its breath and breath are extremely powerful.

Let the people around feel the sound of gusts of wind.

The twisted muscles, like a rock, have become extremely rough, and they contain majestic strength.

Exhale and inhale, like a mountain wind blowing.

He yelled at Wang Yan, and a fist hit Wang Yan without hesitation.

That fist, the size of half a house, struck suddenly with a destructive aura.

All of a sudden, there was a strong wind, and the momentum flew across.

Wang Yan dodged to avoid the huge fist.

Only a loud bang was heard.

Suddenly a big hole appeared in the ground, more than ten feet deep.

And the hard granite floor burst out with cobweb-like cracks.

The huge shock spread to the lobby of the family building, causing some people to fall to the ground.

It was like a small earthquake.

Wang Yan's complexion changed slightly, and then he gave orders to the three female mecha warriors,

"Destroy this monster."

With an order, the super particle guns of the three mecha female warriors shot mercilessly at Li Xingfeng.

Da da da……

That bright blue light shot mercilessly at Li Xingfeng's body, making a crisp sound.

Unexpectedly, these particle guns were of no use to Li Xingfeng.

It seems that when it comes into contact with this huge body, it will be sucked in automatically.

No matter how Yang Huanyu and the others shoot, they cannot destroy it.

Instead, it made him even angrier.

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