I blow up the system

Chapter 227 The first attack is stronger, and the second attack suffers

In the eyes of ordinary people in the medical city, the Mecha clan is a product of hundreds of years ago, and only lives in some classical books.

In real life, no one has seen it at all.

What I have seen are only some antique mecha devices.

Then there are products such as intelligent bio-mechanical arms derived from high technology.

That's just a substitute for mech equipment, and it's extremely inferior.

The real mecha family uses devouring energy as a medium to continuously activate the intelligent system inside the mecha organization to achieve a more perfect state.

Because, once the mecha race dominates the world, the world's energy sources will become less and less.

As soon as the energy source is less, it will cause a big competition among the human race, the strange race, and the monster race.

All fighting for energy sources.

Thus, dark matter is produced.

This is why there is no positive energy source for this, and all are dark matter energy sources.

And the mecha clan absorbed the positive energy source, and began to absorb the dark matter energy source.

And caused a large number of racial deaths of the three races.

As a result, all three races and types all allyed to form a multi-party legion to crusade against the mech clan.

After hundreds of years of fighting, the Mecha Clan was finally destroyed.

In the following hundreds of years, people in the three races forgot about these brilliant achievements.

They live a relatively peaceful life.

Unexpectedly, now the mecha clan has appeared again.

"Didi, you have a video message, please receive it."

Zhang Liangkai heard the voice in his communicator, and immediately opened it to have a look.

Sure enough, it was the video sent to him by his subordinates.

In the video, he clearly saw three tall and strong mechs running out of the small clinic and heading towards the city.

"My God, it's really mech race."

"Made, didn't you say that the mecha race has already perished? How can there still be?"

"Yeah, why do they still exist. Didn't they become extinct hundreds of years ago?

"My God, these mecha races must be eliminated, otherwise, once copied, they will spread at a geometrically multiplied speed, and it will be a disaster for our entire medical city."

"It's not just a disaster for the medical city, it's a disaster for the whole world."

Some people around Zhang Liangkai were all discussing.

Zhang Liangkai immediately clutched his cell phone, left the crowd, and walked towards the largest house.

There, there are Li Xingfeng and other big bosses sitting there.

"whats the matter?"

Seeing Zhang Liangkai's serious expression, Li Xingfeng walked over quickly and asked immediately.

"City Master, there is an urgent matter. The staff at the small clinic in front sent a video, and the mecha race appeared. Please watch."

While talking, Zhang Liangkai turned on the video message device and called up the video for Li Xingfeng to watch.

However, as soon as his words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"What, the mecha race appeared."

"Why did the mecha race appear? Didn't it mean that the mecha race became extinct hundreds of years ago?"


Li Xingfeng remained silent, just watching the video.

Several other people came over to watch.

When they saw three mecha races coming out of the small clinic, their expressions changed wildly.

become extremely ugly.

"Let Skynet check in which direction these three mecha races are heading."

Li Xingfeng said in a deep voice.

Wang Taiyang, the leader of the Law Enforcement Bureau, immediately said yes.

Then make a phone call.

Soon, Skynet got the news.

The three mech races headed towards the Medical City Mansion.

And the speed is so fast that people can't catch the shadow at all.

"Too bad, they are going to the Medical City Mansion, where all the equipment and financial warehouses of the whole city are located."

The boss Li Chong said immediately.

He's the guy in the treasury.

Master the black spirit stone and other material resources in the whole city.

It is the most important thing in the medical city.

"The Skynet engineering department is also there, and the emergency equipment is also there. There are not many people there, will it fall?"

Guo Tianlong also said.

He is the boss of the city guard.

It is the guardian of the safety of the whole city.

"The three mecha races must not be allowed to enter the Medical City Mansion. Otherwise, the financial treasury will definitely not be able to hold on."

Ji Kaiming also said.

These people all belong to the top existence of Medical City.

Has a weightless identity and status.

What's more, their family members all live in the Medical City Mansion.

If the family is held hostage by the mecha race, it's over.

"Yes, quickly mobilize some armored firepower to support the Medical City Mansion."

Li Xingfeng said immediately.

With one order, the bosses mobilized half of their firepower to the Medical City Mansion.

On this side, only half of the firepower is left to surround Wang Yan and Ba Xiaofu's flying car in a semi-surrounding shape.

As for Chen Cheng, he was already stunned.

Won't wake up at all.

But Wang Yan still sat on the seat without rushing, secretly manipulating Yang Huanyu and the three of them with wireless signals.

Under his order, the first to bear the brunt is the family residential area of ​​the Medical City Mansion. Controlling this place is equivalent to controlling the entire Medical City area.

The three mecha female warriors controlled the family area more than enough.

It's a no-brainer at all.

This is called first strike first.

Later, he suffered a disaster.

As for those guards and the like, they were all brought down.

Of course, there were no casualties.

Because, it has not yet reached the point where blood flows into rivers.

Besides, almost all of them are human races, belonging to their own species.

Rather than the strange family, or the Warcraft family.

Now Wang Yan's entire body, including his brain consciousness, has been taken over by Lin Feng.

Therefore, all thoughts and actions now are controlled by Lin Feng's system.

As for Yang Huanyu and the other three mecha female warriors, they all obeyed his orders.

He knew that the family area of ​​the Medical City Mansion was the weakness of those bigwigs.

As long as he firmly grasps this weakness, then those bigwigs will be at his mercy.

No way, he is a super system, an intelligent existence that surpasses all races.

As for those law enforcement bureaus, investigation bureaus, guards, and financial treasury, he didn't move at all.

Just move the family area.


In the family area, everyone gathered in one hall.

It was driven here by Yao Li, a female mecha warrior.

The two female soldiers, Yang Huanyu and Fang Lan, guarded the periphery, dealing with the support firepower that was still on the way.

However, it was all too late.

All their support, in front of the three mecha female warriors, became extremely dull.

The hall is not big, only about [-] square meters.

There are about [-] people standing or sitting here.

They are all bigwigs in the medical city, or family members of rich and powerful families and powerful forces.

Among them are men, women, and more old people and children.

Facing the sudden expulsion and threat, they were also at a loss.

In order to save his life, he could only obey the orders of the female mecha warrior.

Moreover, there are many children among them who are extremely interested in the female mech warriors.

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