I blow up the system

Chapter 196 Please give me anesthesia

"Little white mouse? Haha, it's an honor for you to be my little white mouse."

Wang Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

Then he took the surgical tray and placed it on the workbench next to the operating table, and then gestured at Ji Xing with a knife and a ruler.

"Well, Mr. Wang, don't you want to give me anesthesia?"

Ji Xing asked weakly.

He was afraid that the loud voice would anger Wang Yan, and when the time came to dismember him, it would be over.

"Oh, I wanted to do it at first, but, in order to practice anatomy, I thought about not having to do it, to see if I can separate the neurons from the meridians and blood vessels one by one. Of course, this requires extremely high anatomy, and at the same time I am also a great challenge."

Wang Yan thought for a while, then walked under the operating table at the end, took the forearm of a Moshan wolf, walked over, and in front of Ji Xing, used a three-inch lancet to draw on it , "Look carefully, I will now separate the blood vessels, neurons, meridians, muscles and bones of this forearm, and then fuse them with the mechanical alloy arm, and then connect to your arm superior."

After a pause, he continued: "Actually, you are very lucky to have seen my medical performance, and successfully grafted the combined arm of the Magic Mountain Wolf and the mechanical arm for you. This will be a miracle in the entire history of medicine. After all, before No one has done this kind of three-in-one graft medicine."

While speaking, he held the forearm of the Demon Mountain Wolf as thick as an adult's thigh in his left hand, and held a three-inch lancet in one hand, and began to conduct the most detailed dissection at the broken forearm.

The hissing sound was endless.

Soon, the forearm of this Magic Mountain Wolf was already bloody, and the blood vessels, meridians, neurons, bones, and muscle blocks were all clearly separated, about three inches long.

Then, Wang Yan took out a metal arm model from one side, and put the Moshan Wolf's forearm into it...

Watching this scene, Ji Xing unknowingly felt cold all over his body.

Because he sweated too much, which dissipated the heat from his body too quickly.

Finally, with his mouth trembling, he said, "Mr. Wang, are you going to make a three-in-one hybrid? It is my body, mixed with the flesh and blood of the Warcraft clan, and mechanical metal. This is illegal. Can I stop doing it? It's too complicated. It will also be punished by law."

Wang Yan said with a harmless smile: "It doesn't matter, there is no third person who knows about this kind of thing except you and me.

Besides, this is an innovation of mine, you are the first one to be grafted with a three-in-one hybrid.

So never give up.

What's more, I am an honest and trustworthy doctor, and I must do what I said. "

"Then, please give me anesthesia."

Ji Xing said with a pale face.

I thought to myself that I would die anyway, so it would be better to die in peace.

After all, with anesthesia, I don't understand anything.

"The anesthetic that has expired for three years, are you sure you want to take it?"

Wang Yan smiled.

Ji Xing was taken aback for a moment, and then he said firmly, "It's better to fight than not to fight at all."

At this moment, he felt that Wang Yan was not a doctor, but a smiling devil.

My heart was full of despair.

There is only one thought, that I hope that my death will be quieter and less painful.

Because, seeing Wang Yan's familiar anatomy technique separate the front part of the thick Demon Mountain Wolf's forearm so vividly, the shock in his heart was far greater than the fear and regret.

Now, he just wants to die.

Then I begged Wang Yan to let his body go, don't dissect his body like a chicken and duck, there is no whole piece.

"Well, you wait."

After Wang Yan finished speaking, he went out.

Then he took a large syringe and waved it happily in front of Ji Xing's eyes, "The anesthetic is here."

"This, so many doses?"

Ji Xing was dumbfounded.

"A large dose will be effective. After all, an anesthetic that has expired for three years is inevitably guaranteed not to be effective. However, someone has used it before, and the effect is still very good."

After Wang Yan finished explaining, he turned Ji Xing over, held up the big needle, and stabbed him at the tailbone.

"Ah yo..."

Ji Xing was in so much pain that tears came out.

"What's the name? It doesn't hurt very much. It's still crying, like a man."

Wang Yan said contemptuously.

Ji Xing immediately stopped his tears.

Nima, my back doesn’t hurt when I stand up, try to poke a needle that big, will it not hurt?

I'm going to die soon, can I stop torturing me like this before I die, okay?

Soon, Ji Xing became tired.

Five seconds later, like a dead fish, Wang Yan was left to toss.

And Wang Yan has already prepared all the saws, pliers, scissors, hammers and so on.


Two hours later.

The [-]-in-[-] hybrid works well.

Another 15 minutes.

Ji Xing's left and right arms were completely dismembered by him, and they were spread out on a snow-white surgical cloth.

It looks like a piece of small, bloody color, all placed on it.

People with trypophobia don't dare to look at it at all.

In its place is a [-]-in-[-] hybrid that's as thick as a grown-up thigh.

It is the mechanical arm formed by the fusion of the right forearm of the Moshan wolf, the alloy mechanical arm, the muscles and bones of Ji Xingyuan's right arm, the meridian, blood vessels and neurons, etc.

This is also Wang Yan's first innovation.

After all, no one has done this before.

It's not that it can't be done, but the law of the medical city does not allow it.

The law stipulates that every hospital cannot change the blood of the three races without authorization, such as connecting the human race with the strange flesh and blood to change the blood attributes, or connecting the Warcraft race with the strange flesh and blood to change the blood attributes. illegal.

is not allowed by law.

Once discovered, both the hybrid and the attending doctor are enemies of the three races.

Although Wang Yan also understands such things, he still wants to try something new.

Even if Ji Xing begged hard, he would not be moved.

Now, he is immersed in the joy of extreme anatomical skills and cannot extricate himself.

It seems that everything that can be seen must be dismembered.

Seeing that Ji Xing was sleeping peacefully, and all aspects of his features were normal, Wang Yan stretched his waist.

He muttered in his mouth: "I'm so tired. It seems that I still want to keep Yang Huanyu here in the future. If I have to have an operation at night, there is also a helper."

Suddenly, the system that had been silent all this time sounded in my ear, "Host, there is one more thing you forgot to do?"

"whats the matter."

Wang Yan asked curiously.

"His dark spirit crystal block, should it be allowed to lie on his abdomen?"

System Lin Feng said without emotion.

"Oh, yes, it's a big deal. I almost forgot. I'm so sorry."

While joking, he started working with the lancet again.

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