I blow up the system

Chapter 148 Common Conspiracy Killings in the New World

"Li Sheng, are you crazy to do this to me? I am your good buddy, it seems useless for you to do this. What's more, you have violated the law made by the city lord that doctors can't kill each other, don't you Are you not afraid of being punished?"

On the southern outskirts of the medical city, in the depths of a dark dense forest, came a voice trembling with anger.

"Wang Yan, look at you, why did you speak so harshly? This is your fault. I have always been good friends with you, how could I kill you?
You don't trust my old friend so much.

In fact, I have nothing else, I just want to borrow your dark spirit crystal.

As long as you lend me the dark spirit crystal now, I will treat it as if nothing happened.

Such a condition is not too much.

As for the laws of the medical city, for someone with background like me, it is simply a piece of paper.

You also know that I am the younger brother of Li Tianlong, the nephew of the city lord. With this relationship, do you think I can still be punished by the law? "

Then a gentle but joking male voice sounded.

"Li Sheng, are you kidding me? The dark spirit crystal is my second heart. Without it, I would be dead in a place like this."

Surprised and angry, Wang Yan stared in disbelief at this old friend who usually had a good relationship.

Tonight, he was bored in his small clinic, so he was invited by his good friend Li Sheng to hunt in this dense forest, hoping to capture some small and low-energy monsters to use as autopsy specimens.

After all, he is a professional surgeon and needs some anatomical training from time to time.

And the low-energy monsters in the dense forest outside the medical city became the specimen objects of professional doctors.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to attack a big two-headed rooster, he was ambushed by his best friend.

Only now did he understand that the real purpose of Li Sheng bringing him here was not to capture small monsters, but to capture the dark spirit crystals in his body, which is equivalent to the dantian of a former human warrior.

He never imagined that this good friend who usually drank and ate meat with him would treat him like this.

Without the dark spirit crystallization, his chance of surviving in this dangerous dense forest is very slim.

"Wang Yan, since we are friends, and you are the most useless doctor in the southern part of the medical city, what's the use of guarding a small and crappy clinic? It's a waste of resources, why don't you do good deeds and save you?" Lend me your dark spirit crystal.

In this way, we will not waste our friends.

It's also about maximizing your value.

Is there any truth in what you said to me?

Of course, I will always remember your noble sentiments, and I will pay homage to you in the future.

As for your small broken clinic, my elder brother Li Tianlong will overthrow it and rebuild a large hospital on its basis. Don't worry, we will manage this new hospital well and will never disappoint your dedication. "

Li Sheng's voice sounded cheerfully again.

It seems to be talking about an extremely ordinary thing.

In the twilight, the knife flashed, and it cut open Wang Yan's abdomen who was lying on the ground and could not move.

Blood spurted out all at once.

The strong smell of blood filled the dense forest.

Then, regardless of Wang Yan's miserable howls, Li Sheng turned his right hand into a knife, and directly penetrated into the wound that was continuously gushing with heat and blood. After groping inside, he took out a light blue crystal the size of a pigeon egg. Holding the bloody crystal in the palm of your hand, he sighed: "Wang Yan, I thought your dark spirit crystal block was light red like mine, but it was the lowest level of light blue, even true blue. No. Well, trash is trash after all. Forget it, it’s better than nothing.”

With one mouth, he swallowed the piece of dark spirit crystal with hot blood in his stomach.

In this world, not only the human race, but also the strange race, or the Warcraft race, all have a dark spirit crystal in their bodies, similar to the dantian of a former human martial artist. The size and purity of its energy are distinguished by color, with light blue being the lowest. Then there is true blue, then dark blue, then light red, then true red, dark red, and so on, the highest level is gold.

When it reaches the golden dark spirit crystallization, its strength will be unfathomable. For a clan boss or a party's overlord, it can be regarded as the ceiling of combat power.

This world is a world where aura is revived, but because there is a Buzhou mountain in the middle of this world, there is a large amount of dark matter in it, which assimilates the aura of this world into dark matter, so the strange race and the monster race are powerful. But the power of the human race is weakening day by day.

From then on, the Human Race, the Weird Race, and the Warcraft Race have three powers, incompatible with each other.

The Medical City is a neutral area among the three clans, because the three clans have been fighting all year round, and there are many disabled people who need medical treatment.

So the three tribes negotiated to set up a neutral area as a medical city to provide medical services for the three tribes.

If you add the Buzhou Mountain area in the center of the world, and the medical city in the neutral area, then this world will be full of five powers.

The Buzhou Mountain area is a restricted area, and ordinary people spray thick black gaseous substances, which are highly toxic and can melt all flesh and blood.

Therefore, basically none of the three tribes dared to trespass inside.

Therefore, for tens of thousands of years, this forbidden area of ​​Buzhou Mountain has been full of mystery and terror.

And the medical city in the neutral area is a clinic for the human race, which provides medical services for the strong of the human race.

There are also creep clinics, and warcraft clinics, which provide healing services for their species.

But among the three races, the human race's medical skills are the most developed, so there are more human race clinics.

The healing skills of the weird and Warcraft tribes are extremely weak.

Moreover, when the Medical City was established, an iron law was established that no human race, strange race, or Warcraft race should be killed in its area.

Offenders will be killed without mercy.

Therefore, the wounded of the strange race or the Warcraft race can also enter the human clinic or human hospital for treatment of their injuries.

However, the cost of dark spirit stones is a bit more than that of humans.

"Li, if you do this, you will be punished by heaven. I curse you to die."

Wang Yan panted heavily, endured the severe pain, and said with incomparable resentment.

He clearly felt the vitality in his body was rapidly disappearing.

And the thick bloody smell dispersed towards the surroundings.

I believe it won't be long before those low-level monsters looking for night food will come smelling blood.

Of course, even if there is no magic beast, he will die because of bloodshed.

"Okay, let's not say a few words, save your energy, and enjoy the last moment of dying. Let's go, when the time comes, I will burn some more money for you, and let you become a rich man underground."

Li Sheng kicked Wang Yan, smiled triumphantly, and left quickly.

Because, he smelled a fishy smell in the air, coming from the direction of nine o'clock.

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