I blow up the system

Chapter 107 Encountered the Peer System

Li Suzhen was very depressed.

For this operation, she and her three subordinates planned for nearly a month.

The deduction and planning in all aspects can be said to have reached the point of seamlessness.

These include the number of bank staff, each person's personality traits, action trajectories, and the number and characteristics of the number of people who come to the bank to do business within a certain period of time, as well as the length of time the police station dispatched the police after calling the police, and the traffic congestion on the road, all of which are deduced be perfect.

All of this is because she has a heaven-defying blackmail system.

The full name of this blackmail system is the Blackmail System.

Although the name is not very nice.

But she loves it.

Because, this system gave her a chance to be reborn.

This has to start from three months ago.

That day, she knew that she was pregnant, but she didn't know whether it was Yang Shaoqing's or his father Yang Gang's.

Because, the two father and son often rely on their family power to forcefully play poker with her, a first-class figure and beautiful little model.

As a vulnerable group, how could she resist this pair of tiger and wolf father and son.

When she called to ask how the father and son would deal with it.

She didn't even admit it, and paid 1 yuan to let her handle it by herself.

And also blocked all her previous resources.

Let her change from a phoenix to a chicken overnight.

This is tantamount to playing for nothing for more than half a year without getting anything.

Of course she was not reconciled, so she tried to threaten the tiger and wolf father and son with some hard evidence.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's three attacks, five divisions and two divisions resolved her offensive.

In the end, he was tied to a big rock and asked Chen Jiang to feed the fish.

Just when she was about to be hooked by Black and White Impermanence, a mysterious system suddenly appeared, rescued her, and gave her a rebirth.

The purpose is to obey the orders of the system and complete the tasks issued by the system on time.

This is also the first task given to her by the system, which is to let them come to this bank to find what they want.

Unexpectedly, after careful planning and design for so long, something went wrong.

This impossible character completely broke their plan.

Replace Liu Feifei, who was going to take an important hostage.

And the other party also acted so proactively that her subordinate A Niu had to explode his guns in advance to frighten everyone.

This sudden situation not only surprised her, but also the blackmail system in her mind.

I thought this stunned young boy was an undercover agent sent by the police.

Soon, the extortion system was immediately apparent, and Li Suzhen couldn't help but sneered in Li Suzhen's mind, "Oh, so, we're still in the same company. Damn, it's really interesting. In such a small world, you can also meet a Going together. It seems that you probably didn't do well in other places, so you came to this world to do it too. Right?"

"What, colleagues, does the other party also have a system?"

Li Suzhen was a little surprised.

At the same time, he purposely pointed a cold pistol at the stunned young man, controlling him to remain motionless.

Wang Yan immediately sensed the voice from Li Suzhen's internal system, grinned, lowered his voice, and whispered in the woman's ear: "We are colleagues, we don't know each other if we don't fight, please be more responsible, I will fully cooperate with you. Be good to me hostage."

In fact, this voice was spoken by Lin Feng through Wang Yan's mouth.

When the other party appeared in the system, of course Lin Feng would appear.

"What the hell, you can only be regarded as a little bastard in front of me. I warn you, it's best not to mess with you. Otherwise, I don't mind killing your host and then devouring you. The little bum system, still The f*cking daily hostage system is too rubbish, I really laughed to death."

The extortion system began to use consciousness to communicate with Lin Feng.

The communication between them is basically the communication of borrowing the brainwaves of their respective hosts, so there is no trace.

"Hehe, please take the boss with you. I'm new here, so please take care of me."

The current Lin Feng system seems to be very weak, so it was underestimated by the blackmail system.

There is no way, he only has 18 points in the space now, compared to the extortion system with millions, he is naturally several levels shorter than others.

When I think of this, I hate Xuanwu Tiandao so much.

However, is it really as bad as the ransomware system sees it?

Only he himself knows.

Even the host Wang Yan didn't know.

"Okay, as long as you are obedient, I can make your life very nourishing."

The blackmail system is very generous.

After all, if he came to this world with a major mission, it would be a good thing to have a small system to help him.

As long as that task is completed, it won't be too late to swallow this small system.

I believe that as long as this small system is devoured, his level will be raised to a higher level.

Regarding this, Lin Feng of course pretended to be Weiwei on the surface.

And this moment.

The outside world appeared chaotic because of a burst of gunfire.

The guy named Aniu swept the bulletproof glass with a German-made MP7.

Smash the so-called bulletproof glass into pieces.

Then he said to the people inside: "Don't worry, we're not here to steal money. We're looking for that thing. It's a treasure stored here by the Yang family. As long as you hand it over, everything will be fine. Otherwise, we will kill you."

The other two accomplices shot at the ceiling with micro punches, causing everyone to scream and squat down.

Some people even cried a lot.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you. We're just looking for something. Please don't worry, let alone resist. Otherwise, I don't mind letting your brains bloom."

Seeing everyone's faces turned pale with fright, Daniel licked his tongue and said triumphantly.

He used to be a loyal fan of Li Suzhen and a black boxing champion.

Ever since being brainwashed by Li Suzhen, she has completely become her most capable general.

Hearing these people, all the hostages breathed a sigh of relief and shut their mouths.

At this time, anyone is afraid of death.

As long as the other party doesn't hurt their lives, even if they send all the money, they will do it.

"Let them go, I'll be your hostage."

Wang Yan said suddenly.

He wondered what these people were looking for.

Isn't it to steal money?

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Because, only he was held to the head with a gun by Li Suzhen, and there was no room for resistance at all.

Liu Feifei was also among them, with her eyes wide open, she hurriedly said to Wang Yan: "Wang Yan, please don't say a few words. Don't annoy them."

I was very moved.

If Wang Yan hadn't actively pushed her away, maybe she would have become the hostage of this hateful female robber.

Being a hostage at gunpoint is the most dangerous thing.

If you are not careful, you will become a dead soul at gunpoint.

"What are you, dare to order us?"

Daniel pointed the gun at Wang Yan and said in a cold voice.

Li Suzhen hit Wang Yan's head with a gun, and said in a cold voice: "Boy, you'd better be honest and cooperate, otherwise, I don't mind putting a hot bullet in your head."

In the past three months, under the transformation of the blackmail system, she was very different from ordinary people.

Agile, flexible mind, super powerful sixth sense.

Even if the King of Agent 007 came to her, she might not get any benefits.

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