Hearing that she was going to purchase supplies, Nan Leyao's restless heart suddenly jumped up!

But at the same time, she couldn't help worrying.

After all, except for following Jiang Feng to set up a stall in the snack street in recent days, she has almost never stayed in a crowded supermarket.

It's not a question of being fat or not, but that she has been well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child, and she never needs to worry about it.

Secondly, the family's business territory is not small, and there are not a few people who covet her. If it is not necessary, she will hardly stay in a bustling place for too long.

But this time, Jiang Feng was going to take her to try an unprecedented experience.

Without further ado, after entering the house and making some preparations, Jiang Feng quickly took Nan Leyao and drove the RV to the largest department store nearby.


After getting off the car, Nan Leyao couldn't wait to find a stroller.

"Guess, guess, will we be recognized by passers-by?"

Nan Leyao stood on tiptoe, scurrying around beside Jiang Feng excitedly, looking around.

"Hehe, if you can look quieter, the sight of others should be less, right?"

Jiang Feng smiled helplessly.

"I can't help it, it's the first time I've come to this kind of place~"

Nan Leyao stuck out her tongue innocently.

"Besides, even if you are recognized, it doesn't matter, right?"

Jiang Feng shook his finger: "Show off our love to others, let passers-by witness your current weight loss results, and post it on the Internet to dispel some rumors that are running around. It kills two birds with one stone, doesn't it?"

Hearing this, Nan Leyao's movements suddenly stopped a lot.

It might be more appropriate to use the word "lady".

"What happened suddenly?"

Jiang Feng couldn't help asking.

"Well...Jiang Feng, in the eyes of others..."

Nan Leyao's tone suddenly became a little awkward.

"what happened?"

"In the eyes of others, do we... really look like a couple?"

Her face under the mask was slightly red, and she murmured.

Jiang Feng was startled for a moment, then smiled and rubbed her head.

He didn't say anything, but it seemed like he had said everything.

In order to save time, the two decided to split up after purchasing cleaning items.

Jiang Feng collected ingredients that he was more familiar with, while Nan Leyao headed for toiletries and bedding.

"Basil leaves, dried lilies, and... yes, cumin."

Regarding the food stalls on the parade road, Jiang Feng contacted the seller, and they can deliver them at any time along the way.

Therefore, he only needs to prepare the ingredients for Nan Leyao's weight loss meals for the past few days.

After dawdling for about half an hour, Jiang Feng finally finished purchasing dozens of large and small bags.

"Huh, I don't know how Le Yao is going..."

In order to meet up as soon as possible, Jiang Feng made a direct phone call.


Um?I did not answer?

Jiang Feng was a little surprised, thinking that it was Nan Leyao who turned on the mute.

But when no one answered the second call, Jiang Feng frowned.

Hiss...not good.

He always had an ominous premonition.

The last time Nan Leyao was injured was due to his own negligence, but he was bullied by that damn Nan Feifei at the door of his house...

For a moment, remorse flooded into Jiang Feng's heart.

Gee, damn it.

He temporarily put down all the things in his hands and rushed towards the living area.

Le Yao, Le Yao...

Don't let me get into trouble.

He was chanting silently worriedly, and he couldn't help but start thinking wildly in his mind!

Strange passers-by passed each other, Jiang Feng looked around, for fear of missing the figure.


In a corner with almost no traffic.

I saw a group of icy blue figures curled up, standing there like a ball.

It was the cashmere coat that Nan Leyao was wearing!
When Jiang Feng trotted all the way over, he saw that there seemed to be a little boy standing beside Nan Leyao.

The boy has red lips and white teeth. He is about five or six years old. He looks cute and cute. He is the perfect young lady in the eyes of many women in their 30s and [-]s.

But at this moment, Zhengtai stood in front of Nan Leyao with an innocent face, holding a lollipop at a loss.

"Sister, don't cry, why don't I give you candy?"

"No! The more sugar you eat, the fatter you get, woo woo woo..."

"Then, what should I do..."

"Wuuu, I'm just so fat anyway, so I might as well support myself to death."

When he approached and heard the conversation between a large and a small, Jiang Feng was even more confused.

What's going on here?
"Le Yao, Le Yao, what's the matter?"

Jiang Feng hurried over, regardless of the little boy, he squatted down and hugged Nan Leyao.

"Jiang Feng!"

Hearing Jiang Feng's voice, combined with the warmth from her back, Nan Leyao threw herself into her arms without thinking, like a wronged girl.

"Big brother, I didn't mean to make my sister angry, it's just because my sister really looks like the mascot of Michelle Ice City..."

Xiao Zhengtai had an innocent face, but the words that came out of his mouth were like adding fuel to the fire——

"Wow wow!!"

Nan Leyao lost her temper even more vigorously!

"Children are all demons, Jiang Feng, we must never have children in the future, okay?"


For a moment, Jiang Feng was almost amused, biting the tip of his tongue and holding back with difficulty.

"What are you talking about?"

He pampered Nan Leyao's head.

But in the next second, the young lady who deserved a beating hummed nonchalantly beside her——

"You love me~I love you~Mixue Bingcheng is sweet~"

It's okay if you don't open your voice.

As soon as she opened her voice, Nan Leyao, who had just been coaxed by Jiang Feng, burst out again!
"Jiang Feng! Woohoo, I feel like there is a snow king as fat as me dancing in my mind!"

(PS: Snow King is the name of the mascot of Michelle Ice City)
Even Jiang Feng became a little annoyed.

Neither is laughter, nor is anger.

Now he can't wait to kick that Zhengtai's ass!
"Stop singing, don't you think the scene is not chaotic enough?"

Jiang Feng gave the little Zhengtai a slight look.

"I see how my brother and sister are loving each other, so, that's why I sang like this..."

Xiao Zhengtai shivered, shrugged, and said pitifully.

"Okay, okay, hold back and add to the chaos..."

Jiang Feng waved his hand: "Hurry up and go home to find your mother, Ang~"

This little guy is obedient, not like an ordinary brat.

Hearing what Jiang Feng said, he obediently left.

"Huh... what a pain."

Jiang Feng covered his head with one hand and muttered to himself.

Fortunately, it was far from the worst-case scenario I thought.

When the phone couldn't get through, I thought something was wrong.

"Jiang Feng..."

Suddenly, the "Snow King" in his arms muttered to himself.

"what happened?"

"I, I want to lose weight quickly! I remember that little bastard!"

[Twenty gifts, Nan Leyao's weight loss is twice the result with half the effort! 】

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