"Tsk tsk, this soup base tastes good."

Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows. The effect of this "water marinade" was too good to be true.

Just one drop can induce such an amazing fragrance!

In the casserole, there are golden and translucent custard, layers of egg whites overlapping like white sand, and the simple colors collide with a sense of luxury.

After finishing Nan Leyao's lunch, Jiang Feng hurriedly used kitchen gloves to bring the steaming dishes to the table.

But when he arrived at the restaurant, the scene in front of him made him laugh.

I saw that Nan Leyao tilted her head, holding chopsticks in her left hand and a spoon in her right hand, but her small face was already drooping on the table.

It can be seen that it is because of being too tired, waiting for lunch, and even falling asleep while waiting.

Jiang Feng put the casserole away silently, and then gently urged her in her ear.

"Did you eat Le Yao, Le Yao?"

But Nan Leyao just frowned and didn't move any more.

Jiang Feng became smarter, moved the casserole over, and fanned it lightly...

The rich and fresh aroma of the brine custard came to the nostrils quietly.


Before she woke up, her lower abdomen reacted first!

From last night to now, I have been busy for most of the day and still haven't eaten any oil or salt. It seems that I am really hungry.

Nan Leyao, who was awakened by the movement of her stomach, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and when she smelled the fragrance, her eyes suddenly brightened!

"Hmm! What are you going to eat?"

"Hehe, meaty custard, little greedy cat."

Jiang Feng laughed and joked, with a trace of tenderness in his eyes.

Nan Leyao couldn't care less about her face, she had already prepared all the tableware in both hands, and she picked up the bowl beside her and started cooking!

"What a beautiful color, just like gold, how did you do it?"

Seeing the appearance of the dishes and smelling the taste, the appetite will be whetted!

As for Jiang Feng, he liked to watch quietly from the sidelines.

Looking at the still chubby figure who was active at the dining table, eating the meals he made himself.

It's more than worth it!

"In my eyes, Le Yao, you will lose weight carefree day by day, I promise."

Jiang Feng said secretly in his heart.

Needless to say, the taste of "Topaz Evelvet Soup" can be seen from Nan Leyao's eating.

It was already a basic operation to eat Jiang Feng's food and clean up the plate in the end.

"Then Jiang Feng, I'll go upstairs to rest first."

Once she was full, Nan Leyao felt drowsy.

Although adults often say that you can't lie in bed immediately after eating.

But to be honest, can you refuse a soft and warm bed after drinking and eating?

"Cover up and get a good night's sleep."

Jiang Feng waved to Nan Leyao.

"Then I wish Jiang Feng's snacks will be sold out tonight!"

Nan Leyao responded sweetly.

"Hehe, of course, this is the result of our joint efforts, and it must not be in vain."

Jiang Feng said confidently.

Watching Nan Leyao disappear around the corner of the stairs, Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

The free time is over, and in the next time, he will start busy running around for his "career".

As the time drew closer to night, the wechat group of thousands of fans on Jiang Feng's phone began to become agitated again.

"Boss, what time does the stall open tonight?"

"Brother stall owner, I'm going to skip work and line up today, don't dove me!"

"Hahaha, I was drawn into this group by an acquaintance for no reason. Are the boss's snacks really so magical?"

"Hmph, upstairs, you should really thank the person who dragged you!"

"Indeed, that taste, if you don't taste it, it is simply a great shortcoming in life!"

Seeing the hustle and bustle in the group, Jiang Feng himself wanted to make do with it.

After a little deliberation.

"Thank you for your support. The stall will open around 5 o'clock tonight. There will be new dishes on display at that time, so we will see you at the old location."

"@all members"

Just after posting, the whole group exploded again.

"Damn it, the group leader is alive again!"

"There are really new dishes, I want to order them all!"

After a while, the enthusiastic chatting turned into "received" "received" and "received".

Just like responding to the request of the leader.

Jiang Feng was a little lost.

Is the status of this delicacy so high?

Glancing at the time, Jiang Feng also knew that if there were no accidents tonight, it would be quite late.

That being the case, it is still necessary to prepare dinner for Nan Leyao in advance.

Thinking of this, he immediately got into the kitchen and got busy again.

About an hour later, he put a fragrant fresh soup and a cup of colorful mashed potatoes into the microwave oven to keep warm.

These two are his specially selected weight-loss dinners, even if he misses the time to eat them immediately, the taste and effect will not differ much.

After finishing this, he wrote a message on a sticky note.

"I don't know. Wouldn't it be nice to walk into her bedroom without saying a word?"

Standing at the door of that familiar room with a note in hand, Jiang Feng hesitated a little.

But, if it's just pasted at the door, maybe Nan Leyao might not notice it when she wakes up.

After weighing it, Jiang Feng quietly opened the door.

After getting closer, Jiang Feng smiled knowingly when he saw the sleeping figure with only one head sticking out of the quilt.

Perhaps because of the angle of view, Nan Leyao, who only showed half of her side face, was very similar to the old her.

It even gave Jiang Feng a dazzling illusion.

The facial features are still extremely delicate.

"how could be?"

Jiang Feng laughed at himself: "If I don't work hard, the former her will not come back."

After that, he approached on tiptoe, and pasted the note on a place where Nan Leyao could see it when he opened his eyes.

Before leaving, he even brushed away a few strands of hair that blocked her breathing.

"Have a good dream."

After leaving a silent blessing, Jiang Feng went downstairs.

"OK, it's almost time."

Looking at the slanting sky outside the window, Jiang Feng hurriedly moved batches of ingredients into the snack cart parked outside the villa in an orderly manner.

Putting on the familiar felt hat and black mask, Jiang Feng headed towards the ancient city.

He was looking forward to it, but also a little apprehensive.

Although he has seen the enthusiasm of the wechat group.

But the dust is yet to settle, and anything is possible.

How many diners are willing to pay for it is still unknown so far.

Anyway, what do you think.

Everything will be revealed this afternoon!

"Come here, let's ask for snacks!"

"Boss, you are here!"

But what Jiang Feng really didn't expect was that he had just entered the ancient city on the snack cart.

Before entering the snack street, Jiang Feng's signboard was recognized by others!

The eyes of the diners lit up, ready to move.

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