Jiang Feng was a little puzzled, who is it this late at night?
Turning on the phone, it turned out to be a message from a WeChat group chat.

"Why are there so many people?"

Seeing the newly created "Teaching Snacks Fan Group", from a hundred people at the beginning, it has grown to nearly a thousand in no time. Even Jiang Feng felt outrageous when he saw it himself.

With so many people, how many of them are fans, and how many of them were brought in because they didn't know?
Maybe there are other shopkeepers who come here to steal their lessons.

In short, the composition of group chat is very complicated.

The reason why it has been buzzing is because a few members in the group began to take the lead in chatting about "new dishes".

When Jiang Feng closed the stall, he did promise the diners.

It means that when the stall opens tomorrow, it will bring brand new dishes.

Today, just one "claypot fried rice" can convince a large number of diners with different appetites!
Jiang Feng's creativity made everyone look forward to tomorrow.

He was rumored to be miraculous in the group, and those group chat members who only smelled his fragrance but had no good food could only pin their hopes on tomorrow.

"The stall owner came out to make a fuss, and by the way, tell me what the dishes are for tomorrow?"

"Does the stall owner have a homemade fried rice tutorial? I'm willing to buy it at a high price!"

"Such a good craftsmanship, the stall owner wants to marry me, I have always wanted to find a good man who can cook!"

Facing all kinds of chatter in the group, Jiang Feng also had fun.

This is also enough to see the enthusiasm of the diners. If the stall is not perfect tomorrow, it will be a personal loss.

In addition to the high level of "claypot fried rice" as always, there is one more point -

It is necessary to create another special snack.

"Well...but, what should I do?"

Ordinary street snacks, such as grilled cold noodles, octopus balls, etc...

With his own chef skills, he can still make amazing taste.

However, it can't attract the attention and novelty of diners.

Only by showing unprecedented features and his popularity can he have an exponential leap!

It’s a good idea, but creativity is a matter of fact.

Before the fate came, even if Jiang Feng thought hard, it was difficult to make any progress.

"Jiang Feng, what's wrong?"

Nan Leyao, who was enjoying sweets beside her, couldn't help but be concerned when she saw Jiang Feng's bitter face.

Jiang Feng thought about it and decided to tell the truth about his difficulties.

He is not the kind of big man who takes care of everything, and the burst of inspiration may require a collision of ideas.

"A new dish?"

Nan Leyao pondered for a while, and also fell into deep thought.

"Sorry, it's obviously my difficulty."

"Why do you say that? You are willing to discuss with me, I am too happy!"

Nan Leyao hurriedly said.

She rolled her eyebrows and murmured at the corner of her mouth: "Creative cooking..."

"Wouldn't it be great if you could incorporate your strengths or personal hobbies into it?"

This unintentional statement caught Jiang Feng's attention.

"Is it a personal hobby? I like money..."

This "serious" self-introduction instantly amused Nan Leyao.

"Hahaha, besides money, there are other interests, right? For example..."

Nan Leyao pursed her lips, her eyes wandered around, as if she was looking for something.


Her eyes lit up and she clapped her hands together!



"That's right;" Nan Leyao added, "I remember your high school days, you could write well, right?"

When she said this, Jiang Feng thought about it for a while, and then nodded: "Hiss...it seems so."

Nan Leyao had a look of nostalgia on her face, and her mood flew back to the past——

"At that time, your handwriting was the best in the class. Didn't you still represent the school and win awards in the province?"

"Since then, the retired director of the Department of Political Affairs and Education, who teaches calligraphy, likes you very much, and often asks you to help him write, doesn't he?"

Hearing that the girl in front of him was so familiar with his own experience, Jiang Feng was both surprised and warmed.

Did she pay attention to herself in high school?
"It was all so long ago, thank you for remembering."

Jiang Feng couldn't help joking.

"Of course, at that time..."

Nan Leyao nodded her head, and continued: "When you write, you always concentrate on it. Many times I either turned to look at it, or stood behind to look at it, but you didn't notice me;"

"Especially the beautiful and elegant Xingkai, when I saw the handwriting, I was thinking..."

As she spoke, she snickered and closed her eyes.

"What do you think?"

Jiang Feng couldn't help being interested when he hesitated to speak.

"It's, it's..."

Nan Leyao shyly turned her eyes away, and just said submissively——

"If a girl receives such a love letter, the moment she sees the handwriting, she will probably fall, right?"

Hearing this, Jiang Feng was stunned.

Immediately, he laughed happily.

This humorous and girlish idea actually appeared on Nan Leyao at that time, it really hit a certain point of laughter in him!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Nan Leyao puffed her face shyly: "Well, what's so funny about this?"

"Obviously in my impression, you were very cold and aloof at that time, and you didn't even have much interaction with me... So at that time, did we get to know each other because of calligraphy?"

Jiang Feng's ambiguous statement made Nan Leyao's heart blossom when he heard it, but he couldn't bear it on his face.

"Oh, alright, alright, this is the end of the high school topic!"

She hurriedly interrupted, and then returned to the topic: "In short, in short, I think calligraphy is your hobby and specialty, isn't it?"

Jiang Feng pondered for a while: "It's true to say that, even I haven't practiced for too long now."

"It's okay, it's not a professional game, it doesn't hurt."

"However, does this have anything to do with the new dishes?"

"Well... Actually, I can't say." Nan Leyao tilted her head, "Maybe, applying calligraphy to cooking can burst out new ideas?"

Following this line of thought, Jiang Feng's dark thoughts suddenly brightened!
"Calligraphy... like making vegetables into characters?"

"Hey! That's a good idea!"

"However, how do you eat this?"

Jiang Feng was then troubled by another problem.

It is true that the first task of eating is to fill the stomach.

If a new dish is worth looking at but not eating, it is undoubtedly a failure.

What's more, cooking with words, the process may be very cumbersome and complicated.

Even if the cost of production is not considered for the time being, this also violates the principle of efficient and efficient snack delivery.

"Oh, distressed..."


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