These words, like a bomb, exploded in Jiang Feng's mind!
To ruin Nan Leyao's reputation?
Invisibly, his fists were clenched and rattling.

Outside the cat's eye, this creature called "Nan Feifei" was already a corpse in Jiang Feng's eyes.

It may be difficult for him to make her disappear from this world, but there must be a way to return the grievances Nan Leyao suffered to her hundreds or even thousands of times!

It may be a year or so, or it may be in the blink of an eye.

Nan Feifei probably wouldn't have imagined that her words of venting had already offended the man opposite her!

Jiang Feng can be gentle and refined, or he can be decisive.


In just three seconds, Jiang Feng had already dealt with "one matter".

Nan Feifei stood at the door, triumphantly looking forward to the next development.

Of course she didn't believe that Jiang Feng would really like her cousin who was two hundred catties.

Anyway, it was for the Nan family's money, right?

However, in front of Nan Leyao, Nan Feifei didn't believe it, would this Jiang Feng put on an air? ?

Just as she was thinking so, the door opened with a bang.

Jiang Feng stood behind the door with a bloodless face, his aura was surprisingly cold! !

When he got serious, his facial features were carved like a knife's edge, with sharp edges and corners, but under the moisture of the water mist, they were stained with ink.

To be honest, if Jiang Feng really relied on his face, he might not be worthy of Nan Leyao before he became fat.

Even Nan Feifei, when she saw Jiang Feng, was subconsciously not surprised, but amazed! !
This guy, really has the capital to be a "little boy"?
Just when Nan Feifei was about to take advantage of this point to make a good mockery——

It was too late and then too soon, Jiang Feng flicked a touch of green stuff on her lips with a move of his finger!

"what are you doing?"

Nan Feifei almost scored twice and fell to the ground. She finally stabilized her body and pursed her lips!

A choking hotness spread from the lips to the root of the tongue!
Then it went straight to Tianling Gai, the heart-piercing sense of taste and smell made her almost lose consciousness!

Jiang Feng looked at Nan Feifei expressionlessly, his eyes full of indifference.

Seeing this, the two bodyguards raised their fists and were about to step forward.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng, with his quick hands and quick eyes, also rewarded each of them with a touch of green.

Don't underestimate the skill of a chef, especially after system specialization.

The current Jiang Feng is different from the past in terms of perception and agility.

After all, as a "junior chef", the "arm strength" of turning the spoon, the control of the "length" of the fire, and the "precise" knife skills... These were all given to Jiang Feng after strengthening his physical fitness.

In terms of fighting, Jiang Feng was not good at it, but in terms of Zhou Xuan, with these, it was enough to treat the two bodyguards to a pot!

I thought it was Nan Feifei's lack of stamina, but the professionally trained bodyguard was so weak that he fell to the ground after a little contact.

Seeing the two people rolling back and forth on the ground with tears streaming down their cheeks, Jiang Feng was expressionless.

He took out a bottle of potion-like thing from behind, the green paste just now came from here.

"Rakshasa Tears", a special ingredient sold in the system store.

As the name suggests, even Rakshasa has to cry and beg for mercy after eating it!

That's right, it's food.

However, in terms of spiciness, it is several times stronger than ordinary wasabi!
To use this kind of thing to deal with the guys who hurt Nan Leyao, to be honest, Jiang Feng felt that he was too kind?
Moreover, this thing also has a very "malicious" characteristic——

Once the eater "tells a lie" under the stimulus, he will suffer from a splitting headache!

Jiang Feng shook the "Raksha Tears" in his hand, and slowly approached Nan Feifei.

Every step he took, the woman's vicious speech just now was repeated in Jiang Feng's mind!
Whatever she scolded herself, Jiang Feng could take it all in one stroke.

But she can't speak ill of Nan Leyao, let alone bully her.

But now, Nan Feifei actually bullied Nan Leyao in front of him, Jiang Feng would never let her go no matter what! !
Although she was tortured to death by the pungentness that hit her forehead, Nan Feifei still retained her consciousness.

Seeing Jiang Feng approaching in her sight, she subconsciously wanted to run.

But, it's too late.

"Jiang Feng, I'm warning you, you have to think about the consequences..."

She was still as stubborn as a toad, and she didn't realize that she was in a catastrophe.

Jiang Feng easily controlled her and pinned her against the corner of the wall with his hands, unable to move.

"Wait...Jiang Feng, you are dead!"

Nan Feifei, who is too busy to take care of herself, has no room to resist.

Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone from his body and turned on the recording silently.

"Tell me honestly, Nan Feifei, where did you hide Nan Leyao's tricks?"

"Die laughing, thought I'd tell—aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Nan Feifei just wanted to protect her last dignity, but the next second her brain felt like an electric shock!
"I'll give you one last chance, tell me... Where did you hide Nan Leyao's tricks?"

"It's not on me... ahhhh!"

Just about to tell a lie, Nan Feifei, who took the opportunity to escape, had another splitting headache!
She was crying until the whites of her eyes were bloodshot, and she finally stopped holding on.

"Yes, in my phone..."

After finishing speaking, Nan Feifei panted with relief.

She has never been tortured, and she has never been so thirsty for air like now!


Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Feng had already taken out Nan Feifei's mobile phone from her bag.

"What is the password?"

He asked again.

Nan Feifei, who had already suffered a psychological shadow, had no intention of resisting, and directly said the password.

"Where did you hide Nan Leyao's so-called handle?"

"That's right, it's in the photo album..."

"What about other places?"

"No more, really no more..."

Seeing that Nan Feifei did not have any "adverse reactions" again, Jiang Feng could be sure that she did not lie this time.

As for what the handle was, he didn't plan to investigate in detail.

As long as this stain can be completely eradicated from Nan Feifei's hands, his goal has been achieved.

"Go away, as long as you get out of my sight, the hotness will slowly fade away."

Jiang Feng put Nan Feifei's cell phone into his pocket, stood up, and said condescendingly.

At this moment, even though Nan Feifei harbored great hatred, she didn't dare to explode, and she didn't care that she lost her mobile phone.

But just as she staggered and got up to flee, a warning from Jiang Feng came behind her quietly——

"Your ugliness today is in my hands, and the right is even. If you dare to come here to disturb us again in the future, you should think about the consequences."

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