The ultimate bodyguard of the wealthy goddess

Chapter 94 The Taste of Conspiracy

"Hello!" Xu Guanghua was angry, so his tone was very unfriendly.

"Brother Xu, what's the matter, are you so angry?" A majestic voice came from the phone.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Fan Dongsheng, the people below are ineffective. I just gave them a scolding. What's the matter with Fan Dongsheng?" Xu Guanghua asked after hearing Fan Dongsheng's voice, and adjusted his mood immediately.

"Brother Xu, let me tell you the truth first. After two days of family banquet, I am going to propose a marriage for Luo. Right?" Fan Dongsheng continued.

"Fan Dong, see if you can slow down this matter a little bit. Ya Jing just came back from abroad, and she still hasn't given up. Look." Before Xu Guanghua finished speaking, Fan Dongsheng interrupted her.

"Of course a daughter has to listen to her parents' arrangement. As long as you agree, how can she not agree? I don't think you should delay this matter, lest you have long nights and dreams!"

After a short pause, Fan Dongsheng added a seemingly unintentional sentence: "By the way, the stocks of your Xu family seem to have fluctuated a little these two days, so you need some refreshments!"

"Fan Dong, I know, but it's about young people"

"Okay, let's not talk anymore, I have guests here, let's talk at the family dinner in two days." Fan Dongsheng hung up the phone directly after finishing speaking.

Bang Dang~!
Xu Guanghua smashed a teacup again.


Recently, Cheng Feng observed that Han Mengqi would work overtime every night and go to bed very late. Originally, he didn't intend to disturb her, but considering that she went to bed so late every day, her body must not be able to bear it.

"Why haven't you slept yet? Have you encountered any trouble recently?" Cheng Feng warmed up a cup of milk and served it to Han Mengqi.

"It's okay, it's all about business issues." Seeing the hot milk Cheng Feng brought her, Han Mengqi felt a burst of warmth in her heart.

"Can you talk to me? Although I can't help you much, at least I can be your loyal listener." Cheng Feng said with a smile.

"Why are you so kind today? Did you do something wrong again?" Han Mengqi asked with a smile after taking a sip of milk.

"Uh, my wife, can you stop making me think so badly? When did I do something wrong? Didn't I explain everything to you last time? You didn't believe it yourself." Cheng Feng has black hair.

"Who is your wife, you are so smooth-tongued, I don't need you to explain anything." Han Mengqi gave him a pair of sanitation balls, whoever, has been caught by herself, and still refuses to admit it.

"It's okay if I'm wrong, tell me, maybe I can give you some advice." Cheng Feng quickly changed the subject.

"The research and development of new energy projects has made a major breakthrough. Recently, a batch of new products have been trial-produced, and all technical parameters are very good."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"The company held a press conference specifically for this purpose, but on the third day after the conference, it received a letter from a lawyer from a peer company, saying that our company plagiarized their key technologies and demanded compensation, otherwise it would have to go to the court Sue." Han Mengqi's tone was very angry.

"Can you give me a detailed introduction, what kind of products does our company's new energy project develop?" Cheng Feng wanted to ask last time, but he forgot about it when he got busy.

"It's mainly battery technology. If this technology is fully developed, related industries, especially the electric vehicle market, will develop by leaps and bounds." Han Mengqi immediately entered the state of a strong woman when she talked about her work.

"Is it a substitute for lithium batteries?" Although he didn't understand it very well, Cheng Feng had a basic understanding of this aspect.

The development of electric vehicles has been stagnant. The biggest bottleneck is the battery. The battery is the core of the entire electric vehicle. As a container for storing all the power energy of an electric vehicle, the battery is not as simple as the fuel tank of a gasoline vehicle. This is worldwide. problem.

Therefore, the battery problem is the top priority to solve the problem of electric vehicles. Many manufacturers invest a lot of research and development costs in the research and development of batteries.

For electric vehicles, the storage capacity of lithium batteries also needs to be improved, the battery life is poor, and the pollution of lithium batteries is not as ideal as people expect.

Moreover, for the entire industrial industry, the application of storage batteries is far more than just electric vehicles. Scientists and engineers believe that batteries can change the world. It is no exaggeration to say that if there is a major breakthrough in storage batteries, it will be a major breakthrough in the industrial industry. A great leap forward innovation.

Cheng Feng now understands why Han Mengqi is so interested in this new energy project.

"Well, yes, most of the previous funds have been invested in this project. Recently, there has been a major breakthrough, and we have contacted several electric vehicle manufacturers, and have reached a preliminary cooperation intention."

"But this kind of problem happened at this juncture. If it is not handled well, it will be a huge blow to the company's reputation!" Han Mengqi frowned slightly.

"Then have you investigated whether there is such a thing as plagiarism?" Cheng Feng continued to ask.

"Absolutely impossible. I personally grasped this project, and I know the whole process clearly."

Han Mengqi took another sip of milk and continued: "This is a malicious method of the competitor, and it must be an opportunity to blackmail."

"What countermeasures does the company have now?"

"There is no special solution for the time being. On the one hand, I am actively preparing the response materials, and on the other hand, I am communicating with the other party to see if it can be resolved in private."

"Which way does the company prefer?"

"It's best to settle it privately. If it goes to court, such a large target will definitely not be settled in a short time. If it drags on for a year or so, the company's brand will be greatly affected. And even if we win the lawsuit in the end , and the impact on the company is immeasurable.”

"Private settlement? Did the other party ask how much?" Cheng Feng frowned and asked.

"Yesterday, I preliminarily inquired about the other party's appetite, and the other party asked for [-] million yuan!" Han Mengqi gritted her teeth and replied.

"You really dare to speak!" Cheng Feng continued to ask thoughtfully, "Have you found someone to find out what kind of company the other party is?"

"It's a company in Imperial Capital, named Ruisi New Energy Co., Ltd. It competes with our company's products, but the company's operations are in a mess, it's seriously insolvent, and it's about to go bankrupt. I don't know why it suddenly asked our company Make trouble." Han Mengqi obviously had a full understanding.

"Where is the progress now?" Cheng Feng asked.

"We made an appointment with each other. I'm going to the imperial capital next week to meet him." Han Mengqi continued.

"Okay, I'll go with you!" Cheng Feng nodded and said, he had a faint smell of something unusual.

Could it be that they couldn't bear it?

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