The ultimate bodyguard of the wealthy goddess

Chapter 434 Gambling Stone Trading Center

"Huh? Why did you suddenly have this idea?" Cheng Feng felt a little surprised.

"Actually, it's not sudden. I've always been concerned about this industry. It's just that I was busy with the Bauhinia Gang and didn't have much free time. But now the Bauhinia Gang has basically stabilized, and there are two blood foxes and Ahus. I can completely let go of my brother's care."

Yao Zilin paused and continued: "And after I chatted with Meng Qi last time, I also understood a truth, if I want to be with you forever, I must break away from the Bauhinia Gang, because your identity is doomed It is impossible for you to have too deep a relationship with a woman from the underground forces."

Although apart from Wu Mei, all the other women around Cheng Feng still don't know his specific background, but they all have a faint feeling that it is definitely not simple.

"Uh... have you both talked about such a deep-seated topic?" Cheng Feng's head was blacked out after hearing this.

"That's not the point, don't change the subject!" Yao Zilin said coquettishly.

"Also, don't you think the jewelry industry is also a very good industry?" Yao Zilin continued after a pause.

"Well, this is true. The jewelry industry is indeed a huge profiteering industry. If you are really interested, Zilin, I will support it." Cheng Feng nodded after thinking for a while.

As Yao Zilin said, the jewelry and jade industry is a never-ending industry, and the profits in it are also very scary. Since Yao Zilin is interested in this aspect, why not do it.

"Really? Great, I thought you would disagree?" Yao Zilin said slightly excitedly.

"Why don't you agree? As long as you like it, I agree." Cheng Feng said with a smile, then continued to ask after a pause: "Is the place you asked me to go today related to this aspect?"

"Really smart!" Yao Zilin nodded with a smile and said, "There is a well-known gambling stone trading center in Yanhai, where many jewelers process and sell their goods after returning. You accompany me to have a look."

"Gambling stone?" Cheng Feng said after taking a sip of water.

"Yes, do you know about betting on stones?" Yao Zilin asked.

"I've heard others talk about it before, but it is said that the risk of this industry is very high. If someone who doesn't know how to do it enters it rashly, the risk is very high."

Cheng Feng nodded and said that he really didn't know much about this industry, but he heard it from his comrades occasionally when he was in Shenglong.

"Well, real jade jewelers generally don't participate in stone gambling. I just went to see it. Some rare and top-quality jade are often unearthed in the stone gambling trading center."

"Those who often participate in stone gambling, if they cut good jade, most of them will choose to auction it to jade merchants on the spot. The price is much cheaper than jade merchants buying jade directly, which is why jade merchants like to go to the stone gambling trading center. s reason."

Yao Zilin introduced that it seems that she has done a lot of research on this industry.

"Okay, then I'll go with you to broaden your horizons, in case we miss a treasure and come back, we might not be sure." Cheng Feng said with a smile.

After the two of them got bored for a while, they got into the car and drove to the Gambling Stone Trading Center.

When the two arrived at the destination, they were watching heavy trucks pulling rough stones inside. After the rough stones were unloaded from the heavy trucks, they were pulled to the designated location by the staff of the trading center.

Almost all the serious rough stones come from Myanmar, but in the trading center where fish and dragons are mixed, there are always some unscrupulous merchants who pull some stones from anywhere and say that they come from Myanmar. Anyway, laymen can’t tell the difference.

The so-called gambling on stones means gambling with raw jade. You must know that even in today's advanced technology, there is no instrument that can detect the specific conditions inside the rough stones.

After the jade raw material is excavated, it is covered with a layer of rock shell. No one can tell what is inside the shell, so the process of judging jade is called "gambling stones" in the industry.

A piece of raw stone that has not been opened, except for its shape and weight, no one can tell what is inside. There is a saying in the stone gambling world: "It is difficult for a god to break an inch of jade." Only after it is cut can a real conclusion be drawn. .

And since it is said to be "gambling" on stones, there must be risks, and the risks of betting on stones are very high. The so-called "one sword in heaven, one knife in hell" is the portrayal of high risk and high return in the stone gambling industry.

Those who participate in stone gambling should rely on their own experience and the performance on the leather shell to make repeated guesses and judgments to estimate whether it is worth the price.

After the transaction, it is cut with a machine. If the jade inside is of good color and water is sufficient, the value may be tens of millions, but it may also be colorless and waterless, and it will become worthless in an instant.

Therefore, a stone may make a person rich or bankrupt overnight.

There are many facades in the gambling stone trading center, all of which are leased by different rough stone manufacturers, and then pull the rough stones here through their own channels for customers to buy.

The largest rough stone manufacturer in the trading center is "Dream Paradise". In the gambling stone trading center, Dream Paradise is the guarantee of reputation.

According to statistics, the probability of cutting jade in Dream Paradise is much higher than that of some other small manufacturers.

The two of them just came here for a casual look today, so they were not in a hurry to dream of paradise, but wandered around in the small shopfronts outside.

In every store, there are some people holding leaks carefully observing each piece of rough stone, and some people are holding a magnifying glass to look at the texture and color on it.

It was the first time for Cheng Feng to come to the stone gambling site, and it was also the first time to have a serious and close contact with rough stones.

In his opinion, these rough stones are no different from ordinary stones, and it is absolutely impossible to tell whether there are genuine ones if you just look at them with the naked eye.

"My guest, you have a good eye. Look at this piece of wool. There is obvious greenness on the surface. It is likely that there is something in it. Would you like to cut it open and try?" The manufacturer saw Cheng Feng playing with a rough stone, so he hurriedly salesman said.

"All the rough stones I have here come from Myanmar, and the probability of producing green stones is definitely higher than other manufacturers." The manufacturer continued.

"How much is this rough stone?" Cheng Feng asked.

"You take fifty thousand!" The manufacturer opened his mouth and said.

"It costs fifty thousand for just such a broken stone?" Cheng Feng asked.

"Guest, first of all, I need to correct what you said. What you bought is not an ordinary stone, but a rough stone that can be cut into top-quality emerald. In addition, this stone sells for [-] yuan, which is the lowest price in the entire gambling stone trading center. The price is up." The manufacturer continued.

"Afeng, don't buy it. We just came here today to take a look. You haven't been in this industry before, so don't waste your money."

Yao Zilin said that she has a certain understanding of this industry. She has seen countless so-called experts before, but they can't guarantee that the probability of making money from stone gambling exceeds 50.00%.

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