Lu Chen is not a fool. In this case, he can't admit that he is really reincarnated anyway.

"Uh... That's right, even if you are really reincarnated, you don't even know it!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and came to the resting point of the two of them, thoughtfully.

[Congratulations to the contestants from the Dragon Kingdom for killing the beast and getting a gold and silver treasure chest! 】

Following the system prompt, Chase Lu saw a huge box appearing in front of him.

This box can fit him perfectly.

"I'll go, what's in this big box?"

"It must be a baby! It's so big, I really want to see what's inside!"

Many contestants ran over, eager to get Chase Lu to open the box and see what treasures were hidden inside.

After all, this is the first reward given by the system after coming in.

"Open it up and take a look!"

Lu Chen didn't move, lying on the pile of straw, ready to rest.

Looking at the lazy Lu Chen, Wang Yan sighed.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen was not active in opening the treasure chest, so he could only open it by himself.

"what is this?"

Opening the treasure box, I never dreamed that a golden charm appeared in the treasure box.

"Resource increase spell?"

Someone around recognized it, and sure enough, holding it in their hands, the detailed information has also emerged.

[The resource increase symbol can increase a resource to double in a short period of time. 】

Seeing this reward, the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom instantly became excited.

"I'll go, any resource?"

"It's amazing!"

Seeing this, the top management of Sakura Country panicked.

"What should we do? If this continues, the Dragon Kingdom will overtake us!"

"Yes, the situation is special. You must be careful, have you guys figured out how to deal with it!"

There is only one player left in Sakura Country, and he is still injured.

Hide in the corner and hide.

It's hard to imagine what will happen next.

"Next, I will report to you the methods of the Dragon Kingdom players. You must eliminate the two Dragon Kingdom players in the shortest possible time!"

"Otherwise you will never succeed, understand?"

Seeing the words "Sakura Country" floating in the sky, the contestants were a little shocked, knowing that the top management of their country had entered advanced equipment and could freely enter the national sports system.

But I didn't expect to be able to send texts continuously without interruption under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"I understand!"

They had already made a plan, but they never thought that Chase Lu and the others were also ready for a fatal blow at this moment.

"Bear, where should we go next?"

Seeing that there was a fork in the road ahead, and many players chose the Pingyuan side, Wang Yan was a little dazed, not knowing what to choose.

After getting along for a while, Wang Yan also knew Lu Chen's ability, and knew that as long as Lu Chen was willing, this matter could naturally be resolved.

"Go straight, there should be a treasure land ahead!"

Lu Chen looked at everyone in the opposite direction, slightly dazed.


Lu Chen's statement not only made Wang Yan feel strange, but other people were a little baffled, and didn't know what Lu Chen was thinking.

In the live broadcast room, Bingbing was explaining.

"Dear audience, we can now see that Xiong Xiong has made a choice and wants to walk into this abyss alone. Is Xiong Xiong's choice right or wrong? Let us wait and see!"

Listening to Bingbing's words, everyone stared at Chase Lu intently, waiting for Chase Lu's next move.

Meanwhile, preparations have already begun.

"Hehe, if there is a good road, he won't take it. If he insists on taking this kind of road, what are you kidding? If something happens to this, all of us will have to wipe our asses with him!"

"It doesn't take us seriously at all. In my opinion, such a person should not be selected. This clearly puts all of us in deep danger."

The other party's ridicule has already made her feel angry.

Bing Bing's face was ugly, she stared quietly at the man in front of her, and asked coldly, "What do you mean? Xiong Xiong also gave a lot of ability to increase our resources."

"Now, you can't forget all the sacrifices you have made? Is this too much?"

Looking at his words, the screen below bursts!
"I think Bingbing is right, it is clear that they have their own problems!"

"I also think Bingbing is right. The problem in this matter lies with him!"

Watching them speak one after another, Zhang Dada's expression was also very ugly.

Not knowing how to solve the next thing, he could only scratch his head in embarrassment, turned and left.

Wang Yan originally wanted to ask what Lu Chen was thinking, but seeing Lu Chen's swearing appearance, she naturally knew that she might not answer her own question, so she could only turn around and leave.

The two of them had just entered the jungle when they saw an announcement directly above them.

[Hundred people country players were eliminated in the plains, the country's resources were reduced by half, and the average life expectancy was reduced by ten years! 】

[Safflower country players in the plain area...]

One broadcast after another shocked Wang Yan.

I never dreamed that the plain area would be so dangerous, thanks to the fact that they didn't choose to go that way just now, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"What are you thinking?"

Looking back at Wang Yan, Lu Chen was thoughtful.

"I didn't think about it. Why are you so powerful? It seems that you know what will happen in front of you. Have you been here before?"

Wang Yan seemed to want to make side-effects, but in Lu Chen's eyes, this technique seemed subtle and too clumsy.

"I haven't been here before, but I feel that such a safe place cannot exist in the Land of Fortune. The plain looks peaceful and safe, with many resources."

"However, if it's really so perfect, what's the point of the contestants coming to experience it? I'm afraid they've already become the final winners. What's the use of talking about it?"

Hearing this sentence, he was a little confused.

But still nodded, "Alright then!"

Seeing that several people had left in the distance, Lu Chen's helplessness had emerged.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was talking about Lu Chen's power. After all, in their eyes, Xiong Xiong, a kid who can see through problems that many players can't see, is really amazing!
Watching Zhang Dada prove his strength again and again, he will be unable to lift his head for a while!

Thinking of his cynicism just now, Zhang Dada could only lower his head and keep silent.

The two of them came to the top of the mountain one after the other, where they could see the situation in the distance clearly.

Directly in front of them was a huge burrow.

The burrow should have been formed by the collision of meteorites. Seeing the darkness around him, Lu Chen pondered.

It's embarrassing that this place looks very familiar, as if I've been here before.

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