"We would like to go forward with you!"

Everyone was willing to participate in the battle, so Lu Chen was naturally happy.

"Thank you! It's just that what we have to face now are S-level ferocious beasts. Are you sure you can fight against them?"

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat, and a four-handed hero can't hold back many people.

Although there is no way for them to deal with it alone, but if they are united, even if the opponent is an S-level beast, there is no way to hurt them at all.

Obviously Chase Lu's worries were unnecessary.

Seeing that all the people joined the battle group and obeyed Lu Chen's orders, everyone was very happy.

Of course.

In the middle, Chase Lu discovered that the contestants from the Sakura Country had miraculously disappeared, and had never appeared from the beginning to the present.

Obviously, they are related to the ferocious beasts that appeared in this place of ascension.

"Pay attention to the contestants from Sakura Country!"

Lu Chen turned his head, looked at the people behind him and said coldly.

Everyone nodded quickly when they heard this, and naturally knew that this matter was not simple.

"We got it!"

Watching them turn and walk out, Lu Chen took out the dog's tail grass again and put it in his mouth.

"To catch a thief, first to catch the king, to catch a thief, to catch the spoils!"

"It is absolutely impossible for them to be like loose sand!"

Lu Chen's analysis was not unreasonable, and everyone began to systematically search for the gathering places of these ferocious beasts.

At this moment, in the gathering place, the contestants from Sakura Country were looking at the leader in the middle with a flattering smile on their lips.

"The team led by Chase Lu was not chosen to be so powerful. So far, our beasts have not been able to penetrate the enemy's interior!!"

"If this continues, the consequences will be unimaginable, so the best way is to cooperate with the inside and outside, find someone to break into the enemy's interior, and get rid of them in the shortest time!"

The leader is tall and thick, with a few patches of black mist on his body, looking very strange from a distance.

The contestants from Sakura Country did not disobey their opponent's words because of this matter, but nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, I will be able to help you with this matter. Let's cooperate internally and externally to kill Lu Chen and others!"

"But I have a small request!"

The reason why the people of Sakura Country hold hands with each other is to obtain the power of the ancient inheritance. After all, even the beautiful players before this can be inherited.

However, a little bit of inheritance can make him do evil outside and beat all invincible hands. If he can really cooperate with his hands, the benefits will be limitless in the future.

"What do you want?"

The leader narrowed his eyes slightly and quietly looked at the person in front of him, obviously feeling a little bewildered.

"I want to get the inheritance!"

"What inheritance do you want?"

The leader was puzzled, and the other party thought for a while before saying.

"I want the ancient inheritance! I want to become the overlord of this land of fortune, and I want all the players to depend on me."

"As for Chase Lu, it must be resolved in the shortest possible time. I don't want Chase Lu to become an obstacle on my way forward. I believe the leader must have a way to help me solve these things!"

This person laughed out loud after hearing this. In his eyes, the player from Sakura Country was like a joke, but since he was used well now, he would naturally agree to it.

"no problem!"

The contestants from Sakura Country were naturally happy, and immediately returned to Chase Lu's camp.

At this time, the sky has completely darkened, and the ferocious beasts surrounding them have been repelled by Lu Chen and others. Now everyone is hiding in the temple and waiting for the dawn.

"Can you have something to eat?"

Green Snake and White Snake have found some wild fruits nearby and distributed them to everyone present.

Fahai recited Amitabha, took the wild fruit, and ate it in big mouthfuls.

It seems that everyone is tired.

"Is that a player from Sakura Country? He wasn't there when we fought today. How did he get into our crowd now? What's going on?"

Lu Chen turned his head and looked at Sakura Country. The contestant was sitting here gnawing on the fruit, his small eyes were rolling around, and he didn't know what kind of tricks he was thinking about.

Chase Lu immediately expressed doubts about it, then stood up and prepared to go there.

"Don't worry!"

Fa Hai seemed to have guessed what Lu Chen wanted to do, so he gave Lu Chen to speak immediately.

"Fellow Daoist, haven't you been saying before? To capture the thief, you must first capture the king. Now if we go directly there, there is no way to find out who is behind it except to drive them out!"

"It's better to come here and use this opportunity to figure out why he came and who is behind him. As long as you figure out all this, then everything will be easy to talk about!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen nodded, understood in his heart, and stopped entanglement too much, but turned around and found a relatively hidden position, staring at the Sakura Country player in front of him.

The people in the live broadcast room kept silent. Although they could see Lu Chen's movements clearly, they were afraid that if they talked too much, they would be discovered by the contestants from Sakura Country.

At this moment, Bingbing actually wants everyone to play games together in the live broadcast room.

"Let's play a game together and relax. We believe that Mr. Lu Chen will be able to lead everyone out of the crisis!"

"Now let's say our slogan together!"

"Everyone who enters the live broadcast room must type their own exclusive words, otherwise they will be kicked out of the live broadcast room!"

On the surface, Bingbing seems to be playing a game, but in fact, Bingbing is investigating everyone. As long as someone with cherry blossom fruit enters, he will be kicked out of the live broadcast room to ensure a period of peace in the live broadcast room.

On the other side, Lu Chen followed slowly.

"I said brothers, you must be sleepy now, are you going to guard the back door of the monastery later?"

"Don't worry, take a good rest. It just so happens that I'm not particularly tired today, so leave the matter of the back door of the fourth courtyard to me, how about it?"

The contestants from Sakura Country smiled and said that the two contestants from other countries didn't think too much, thinking that the ones standing here today are all their allies.

The two of them were indeed a little too tired recently, they nodded wearily and then spoke.

"There is a magic circle near here, and the eyes of the magic circle are in the back mountain. You must be careful, and don't let these ferocious beasts enter the back mountain, otherwise our temple formation will be destroyed. It will be cracked!"

They spoke cautiously, for fear that the opponent might make a mistake and cause the formation to be eliminated.

"Don't worry, I know more about things here!"

After saying this, he hurried to the backyard.

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