"Yeah, boss, if there are so many dangers in entering the forbidden area, let's not go in! In fact, that's enough for now..."

Bingbing was even more nervous and directly clenched her fists.

"I hope they are safe and sound!"

Master Bei was very excited, jumping and jumping here, still talking about something.

"Oh, mygod! My God! I didn't expect them to increase the difficulty of the challenge, it's amazing!"

Just when everyone was worried about this matter, Zhang Dada did not expect that Zhang Dada said a very unpleasant word.

"Really? But there is a simple version, why do you have to use this high-end version? What if something happens?"

"Is it true that the lives of our people are not life? What if the life expectancy is reduced?"

Zhang Dada's words made everyone angry.

"Keep your mouth shut if you can't speak, no one begs you to speak!"

"That's right, they have added so much life span for you, why don't you tell me? Get out of here, we don't want to see you!"

"Please close your anus, thank you!"

"If you can talk upstairs, just say a few more words, I don't want to see an anus here one by one!"

The people below laughed, but at this moment Lu Chen and the two were walking in the forbidden area.

There is no big difference between the so-called forbidden area and the outside, there are still flowers, grass, and trees.

Surprisingly, there is a small pond in the distance.

"This is simply the life of a fairy!"

"If this place is turned into a tourism development zone, there will definitely be a lot of tourists coming!"

Lu Chen and Fa Hai walked forward while talking, and suddenly found that there was a Nine Towers Linglong in front of them.

This Linglong Tower looks very luxurious.

The whole thing is rimmed with gold, and it looks golden from a distance.

"With the Linglong Pagoda here, it must be a temple!"

As a monk, Fa Hai quickly stepped forward.

Lu Chen always felt that there was something wrong with the Linglong Pagoda. It was full of black energy. If it was a temple, why would there be evil energy?
Fahai was stopped immediately.

"Be careful, I think something is wrong! There may be monsters appearing in this place!"

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, Fa Hai shook his head.

"It's absolutely impossible to be an important place of Buddhism. No matter how bold they are, they will never dare to come here to make trouble! Could it be some misunderstanding?"

Fa Hai stopped in the distance and looked around. Sure enough, there were many black mist rising around the exquisite pagoda.

Everyone in the live broadcast room had different opinions.

"It does look like there are monsters infesting, the bosses should be careful!"

"But in this forbidden area, if you really encounter something powerful, it must not be something ordinary people can deal with, right?
"What nonsense are you talking about? Do you know what a boss is? Let me tell you that this is absolutely impossible, and the boss will definitely be able to solve it!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone was worried.

Lu Chen and Fa Hai looked at each other, and walked slowly to the front of the temple.

Bang bang bang.

Lu Chen smashed the door of the temple, but unfortunately no one inside responded.

"Go ahead and have a look!"

The two entered the temple one after the other.

There are wing rooms on both sides of the golden brick floor, and there are various statues of Bodhisattvas in the rooms.

It looked very solemn.

"How is this going?"

Lu Chen suddenly saw two snake skins on the ground, and at first glance they looked like giant skins of thousands of years.

One clean and one white two snakes.


Lu Chen was slightly surprised, could it be the green snake and the white snake?But it shouldn't be possible.

On the other hand, Fa Hai next to him had a cold look, obviously he had some grudges against these two monsters.

"How can a demon appear in a temple, it's amazing!!"

Fahai is still reciting the Buddha's name here, meditating on the spot seems to attract demons to appear.

at the same time.

They only heard the sound of disorganized footsteps behind them, and the two quickly looked back.

Only then did I see a group of people in the distance rushing towards this side quickly, and the leader was the Patriarch of the Centaur Clan that I had seen before.

The patriarch was dripping with sweat, and the moment he saw Lu Chen again, he rushed forward as if seeing a life-saving straw, for fear that Lu Chen would take the opportunity to escape.

"Help, Monarch!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, with some doubts in his heart. When he left, all the tribes of the Centaur tribe were very normal, and there was no problem.

Why do you talk about the word "help" now?

"What do you mean? What happened?"

Behind him, Fa Hai quickly stepped forward, and the two lowered their heads and asked.

"It's like this, there are many zombies appearing outside now! These zombies bite wherever they see people. It's a mess. Our tribe has suffered heavy losses. We have no choice but to follow the path of the monarch to find them!"

"Entering the forbidden area, these zombies seem to have some scruples, but they quickly caught up! It should not be very far from here now, please make plans early!"

When Lu Chen heard this, his head buzzed.

No need to think about it, it must be a person from Baixiang Kingdom.

"I didn't expect them to find this place with the power of zombies! It seems that they really want to fight us to the death."

Fa Hai nodded, since this matter was already in front of him, there was no need to say more.

"Then what should we do? Divide into two groups, I will intercept the demons here, how about you lead the Centaur tribe to deal with these zombies?"

Fa Hai naturally understood Lu Chen's ability. If Lu Chen personally commanded them, it would not be a problem to kill these zombies.

"Of course it can!"

The high-level officials of Longguo could see through the monitor that the army of zombies in the distance was slowly approaching.

Everyone in the live broadcast room can naturally see clearly from the third perspective.

However, everyone can only worry here, but there is no way to remind them.

"What's going on? Why can't the top management of our country remind the boss and others? Let them escape quickly, this place can't stay!"

"No matter how strong this temple is, it is absolutely impossible to stop these zombies! I'm afraid there will be a threat to their lives!"

On the other side, the senior management and others were in a hurry.

"What should we do? Now we haven't reached the time and there is no way to release the news again! There is no way to remind them of the danger outside!"

Seeing that several people were sweating profusely in anxiety, they had no choice but to shake their heads helplessly.

Now I can only watch Lu Chen and the others solve it by themselves, and Lu Chen has naturally noticed that the situation outside is not simple.

"If it's as you said, how many zombies are there now?"

The centaur patriarch sighed slightly.

"About a hundred or so people!"

On this small land, there are more than a hundred people.

Lu Chen heaved a long sigh, it seems that he can only solve it by himself, there is no way for others to solve it.

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