"Under normal circumstances, I will not be serious with you, nor will I tell you who is right and who is wrong!"

"But now the fate of the entire Dragon Kingdom is in your hands. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous. I believe you are not a fool. You should understand the reason behind it!"

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"That's the end of today's matter, and I'm too lazy to continue talking to you! Since you always think that you made a mistake, then you just wait here. If there is anything else, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Turn around and leave.

On the other side, several people came in a hurry.

"Boss Lu Chen, there is a problem with our camp, please go there quickly!"

"That's right, if it's later, I'm afraid our camp will be gone!"

Hearing this, Lu Chen's face suddenly turned a little surprised.

I don't know what the other party wants to do.

"When did it happen?"

"Just now!"

Lu Chen stopped talking, but rushed back to the camp as fast as possible with Fa Hai beside him.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw a shocking scene.

"what happened?"

There was a little doubt in his eyes.

"Bingbing, what's wrong with you? Tell me what happened! Even if the sky falls, I'll be here to help you, don't worry!"

Lu Chen's heart sank.

"Lu Chen, you don't have to worry about me, take someone out of here quickly! Something will go wrong after a while..."

"Look, so many people are relying on you here, everyone is waiting for you to lead everyone out of danger! This is dangerous, you'd better go..."

Hearing this, Lu Chen knew that this matter must have something to do with his own people.

At that moment, his expression changed drastically.

"I said a long time ago that we are a whole, and no one can break our whole!"

"Today I want to ask clearly!"

Lu Chen turned sideways and looked at the people present, seeming a little angry.

"I ask you, what's going on? When I left, I told you again and again. No matter what happens, I will talk about it when I come back!"

"Even if there is a problem, you have to explain it clearly to Li Tao! Now you are overstepping Li Tao, and you don't even want to listen to Bingbing's words."

"I'm just asking you guys what exactly you want to do? You can't explain this matter clearly to me today, and no one wants to leave here!"

Lu Chen frowned, with anger in his eyes, if they didn't tell the truth, Lu Chen would kill them today.

These people were a little scared.

"Boss Chase Lu, this matter is not as simple as you said! Boss Chase Lu please think twice before proceeding, and don't continue to argue with us!"

"Yeah, Mr. Chase Lu, don't forget that we are a whole! We didn't do anything drastic today, it's the players from Heipi Country who are trying to take this opportunity to occupy this place!"

"We don't know exactly what the situation is, and please ask Mr. Lu Chen to investigate clearly..."

Hearing this, Lu Chen's face suddenly turned to one side, and it seemed that what they had experienced was not just what he had guessed. In any case, he had to make this matter clear first.

"Don't worry, leave this matter to me!"

"It's a mule or a horse coming out for a walk! What kind of heroes are you hiding in the dark now, if you really have this ability, knock me down, this place is yours, you don't have to fight or grab it!"

Lu Chen turned sideways and looked at the people behind him. He knew that the culprit was probably among them.

"But if you dare not do this, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Lu Chen's warning made them seem to feel a little panic, and several people frowned tightly, and quickly backed away, for fear that Lu Chen would take advantage of this opportunity to attack them.

"I said the boss really can't do it, let's withdraw first, I think Lu Chen looks like he won't let it go!"

"Yeah, if they find out this matter is our so-called consequence, it is unimaginable! The whole land of national destiny is what they say, if they really attack us, the loss outweighs the gain?"

After several people spoke cautiously, Lu Chen had already heard it clearly.

Fa Hai glanced sideways, and immediately rushed to the opponent's side.

"It turned out to be you guys, how courageous you are!"

"I didn't expect that there would be scum like you in the Dragon Kingdom! Now that you dare to rebel, don't you think about the consequences of being caught?"

Everyone believed Fa Hai's words.

"Bingbing, you have to decide for us!"

"We told you before that we are going to open the city gate to welcome Mr. Chase Lu and others back. We are not traitors!"

Seeing this, several people quickly retorted, as if they wanted to bite back.

Bingbing opened his mouth, and before he could say anything, Lu Chen stopped him.

"There is no objection to bullying a girl. What is the specific situation? You can tell at a glance!"

"I believe everyone already knows it in their hearts. You guys had better tell the truth, otherwise you will suffer flesh and blood!"

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, a huge banner appeared in the land of national destiny in the distance.

[A black parrot appeared in the sky above the National Games, please be careful, all contestants. 】

black parrot.

Lu Chen and the others quickly raised their heads, only to find a group of parrots flying from the sky.

The parrot was bigger than an owl, with a golden glow on its head.

Their claws are so sharp they seem to be able to pierce armor.

"I've never seen a parrot like this!"

"This is not a parrot, it is clearly a fighting beast!"

"I'll go, what if this penetrates the body?"

"Run now!"

Without saying a word, everyone ran directly into the miracle.

Lu Chen and Fa Hai glanced at each other and knew what was in each other's mind.

"Li Tao catch these people, don't let them leave alone! Be sure to take care of them, don't let them make trouble!"

Lu Chen left these words and quickly left the camp with Fa Hai.

"I'm afraid these parrots are not easy to deal with!"

Sure enough, at this moment, the national transportation system gave a grade assessment.

[Black parrot beast SS class. 】

Seeing the double S grades, Chase Lu's expression changed suddenly.

The previous S+ has already made him a little difficult to deal with.

Now the double S-level beasts have indeed caused some obstacles to the two of them.

"How to do?"

"The soldiers will block the water and cover it with soil. If it is impossible, wait here for a while. I don't believe that these black parrots can still land?"

The ground was full of acid rain, and the reason they didn't go out was because they were afraid of contamination.

Chase Lu decided to brake statically.

"Li Tao, you guard this place for me. If anything goes wrong, I will kill you!"

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