At this moment, Lu Chen, who already felt the danger, did not intend to leave.

"Lu Chen, what do you mean, someone will talk about this matter?"

Seeing Lu Chen's appearance, Bingbing was a little anxious.

"Well, anyway, I think so! As the saying goes, there are no waves without wind, and the current situation must be special. If this person dies with me, it proves that I have done something to their players."

"I'm worried about what's going to happen!"

He shook his head helplessly, "Anyway, you have to think about these things yourself. By the way, let us tell the players outside Longguo. If there is any trouble, you must tell me as soon as possible!"

Everyone in the live broadcast room felt that Lu Chen was a little too cautious.

"Brother Lu Chen, don't worry, it is absolutely impossible for these people to get close to you."

"That is to say, don't talk about our gossip formation and the city wall, just talk about the big disc outside, there is no way for them to cross it, what is Lu Chen still worried about?"

What they don't know is that there are many masters in this land of destiny, and these masters are enough to kill them.

"Slowly, discordant factors have begun to appear. Haven't you thought about solving this matter?"

"If they are really allowed to succeed, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it will be even harder for us to leave than to climb to the sky!"

Bingbing was only worried that this matter might not be possible, so she said softly.

Lu Chen shook his head when he heard this.

"Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with earth. It is not the way to solve it now. Besides, I also think this matter is not easy, so don't think too much about it!"

"Trust me there will always be a solution to this matter!"

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, seeing these magic circles outside, he would not be worried about anything.

"As for Angel Yan, I think I should find a chance to go over and see what's going on?!"

Lu Chen opened his mouth coldly, remembering what Angel Yan said to him before, it always felt like a joke.

But this is surprisingly consistent with what Karl the God of Death has done. Could it be that Karl the God of Death has been deceiving himself before?

Lu Chen couldn't believe it, but the facts were already in front of him, so he had no way not to believe it.

"Bingbing, you said before that you know a little about Karl, the god of death, can you tell me what exactly Karl, the god of death, will do in your eyes?"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, looked at Bingbing and said softly.

"How should I put it? Anyway, I think Karl, the god of death, is unreliable. Before that, it should have been a matter of course that you and the beautiful country players in the land of fortune should be against each other!"

"But why did he forcefully add a kick? And he ignored you after you entered the dungeon. It's obvious that he didn't intend to let you have the last laugh!"

As the saying goes, bystanders are clear, authorities are confused.

Lu Chen's face changed slightly, with a little anger in his eyes, he knew it in his heart, but he was helpless.

"Sure enough, I have seen through all of this! Alright, then I will listen to you. From now on, we will stop all communication with Karl, the god of death!"

"I don't believe he can really turn the world upside down!"

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly, he already knew it in his heart, and he didn't care about this matter, so he turned around and left.

Karl, the god of death, has entangled the players from the beautiful country and the white tower country to the mountains.

Below this is the gathering place of Chase Lu.

"You can see clearly that this place is surrounded by mountains on three sides and is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

"If we can occupy the commanding heights and take the opportunity to snatch this camp into our hands, we will definitely be the final winners!"

The corner of Karl's mouth was raised slightly, and he could freely shuttle through Chase Lu's gossip formation.

If they come to cooperate with each other at that time, then Chase Lu will definitely not know what he is doing, and he will be caught off guard by then.

Thinking of this, he was happy.

Standing up again, when he wanted to leave, he found that behind him, the beautiful country player and others had already made a detailed plan.

"I will enter their camp in a while, and there will be a beast invasion outside at this moment! Chase Lu will definitely go to conquer the beast as soon as possible. You take this opportunity to enter the camp with me."

The contestants from the Beautiful Country and the White Tower Country nodded quickly.

At this time, Chase Lu didn't know the danger, and was slowly talking.

within the camp.

"The invasion of divine beasts is dangerous!"

The old man pinched his fingers, felt bad, and got up quickly, only to find that Lu Chen had left.

[A B-level mythical beast appeared at the intersection of Xishan, please prepare for it! 】

When Lu Chen arrived at the entrance of Xishan, he saw several green fur turtles crawling here.

It is said to be a green-haired turtle, but it looks more similar.

Its huge shell is like an armor, completely enveloping itself, and the attack from the outside is completely useless.

【Grade B Green Turtle】

Lu Chen watched as the green turtle was slowly crawling forward, and blood flowed everywhere it passed.

Li Tao and others held the sword in their hands, and they made several shots, but they were all resisted by the thick tortoise shell, which had no effect except for their own injuries.

Lu Chen frowned.

"What's the situation? Are you just rushing forward like this? Its tortoise shell is so thick, how can you be an opponent?"

Lu Chen couldn't stand it anymore, and was more or less angry in his heart.

"Stop talking nonsense by the side!"

"If you have the ability, go up, if you can't, just stand by and don't meddle in your own business!"

Li Tao was upset that Lu Chen was injured before, and escaped from death with great difficulty, but now he has no way to fight against the green turtle in front of him.

Naturally resentful in my heart.


Lu Chen sneered, and then drew the golden dagger from his waist.

The dagger is not big, but it is very handy to use.

"It's such a thick armor that even a sword can't penetrate it. You got a dagger, who are you kidding here?"

His expression changed immediately, thinking that Lu Chen was fooling himself.

"I tell you, don't joke here! Take this thing away quickly, or the consequences will be disastrous!"

Lu Chen didn't hesitate, but rushed out with his head down.

This green fur turtle is very big, its four legs are like four iron pillars, and its black skin is slightly wrinkled. Chase Lu stabbed it hard with a dagger, but there was nothing wrong with it as if it was stuck on an iron block. usefulness.

At this moment, Chase Lu saw the flesh on the opponent's abdomen.

The green-haired turtle is covered by a thick shell as a whole, and it seems that there is nothing missing, but Lu Chen knows that its abdomen is his weakness.

"Look at it!"

After leaving these words, Lu Chen stabbed the soft abdomen with a dagger.

There was only a pop, and a foul smell came.

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