Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 90 The price of cheating

Ling Mufeng was dumbfounded, really dumbfounded, but he just remembered that when he first got the system, there was indeed such a book "The Host's Self-Cultivation".

He thought it was a useless book, so he didn't open it at all, if he hadn't been warned today

I guess he forgot to have this book.

At the same time, the punishment for cheating also made him shudder.

Sudden death procedure?

This way of dying doesn't seem very attractive, it's not as good as the punishment of sudden death in that mission.

At least a sudden death is a sudden death, and this sudden death requires a period of struggle and a period of pain.In Ling Mufeng's view, this is probably an enhanced punishment for sudden death. After all, it is cheating, and it should be more cruel than not completing the task.

Ling Mufeng immediately dismissed the idea of ​​buying fans, but if it is to spend money on the platform to promote it, it should not violate any rules.

In order to confirm this, Ling Mufeng asked the system specifically.

Ling Mufeng: Spending money to promote should not be considered cheating, right?

System: Not considered cheating.

With these words, Ling Mufeng felt relieved.

He is going to spend money directly to promote, which will help him quickly increase his fans.

But the money was useless for him, so he planned to transfer it directly to Xue Qiqi, let her handle these matters, and just be responsible for the content of the live broadcast.

So Ling Mufeng went directly to Xue Qiqi to ask for the account number of the bank card.

Although Xue Qiqi was a little curious about what Ling Mufeng wanted to do, she believed in Ling Mufeng very much, and directly sent her bank card account number to Ling Mufeng.

Ling Mufeng directly asked the system to transfer his 100 million soft sister coins to Xue Qiqi.

Soon, Xue Qiqi received the news. She took a look at the message and said that 100 million had been transferred to her card. Xue Qiqi's first reaction was Internet fraud, but after a closer look, she found that It was the number of her own bank that sent it, and she was a little confused in an instant.

At this time, Ling Mufeng's message also came.

"Qiqi, I sent you 100 million activity funds, you can find a way to get me [-] fans today, but one thing to pay attention to, you can't buy fans, you can't cheat, you must use formal methods! "

After receiving this news, Xue Qiqi looked up at Ling Mufeng in the live broadcast room a little confused.Seeing Ling Mufeng nodding towards her, Xue Qiqi came to a sudden realization. It seemed that she was not dreaming, this is really 100 million!
The 100 million was directly transferred to her own card, which made Xue Qiqi feel a little grateful in an instant.

This is Ling Mufeng's trust in himself, and 100 million is a huge sum of money. If he didn't completely believe it, who would casually transfer his 100 million to others?

She hastily raised her head firmly, and then nodded to Ling Mufeng, she must complete this task today, with [-] fans!
After she had money, she also gained confidence, and directly bought another recommendation worth 5 yuan on the platform! The recommendation effect of 5 yuan was very good, and the background quickly recommended Ling Mufeng's works to the mobile phones of some people who were watching videos.

Moreover, these people have been calculated through big data. They are those who like to watch outdoor live broadcasts on weekdays, or those who like handicrafts. These are the two labels of Ling Mufeng.

Outdoor survival and crafts.

Soon, the video Xue Qiqi made yesterday had over [-] views, and more than [-] likes.

You must know that this like has an effect. Some people will not like those videos that have few likes. No matter how good the content of the video is, as long as the number of likes is reduced, many people will Straight away.

And as long as there are more people who like it, no matter whether the content is good or not, many people will click one for no reason. The probability will be greatly increased.

Ling Mufeng gained confidence in his heart. After packing up his things, he was ready to go back to the cave. After all, he was still planning to go to Chu Xun to attract some traffic for him. After all, [-] fans could not be accomplished by just promoting. There are not many people watching the live broadcast in the wilderness, and the audience is not large, so it is not an easy task to break through [-]. Originally, Ling Mufeng's idea was to break through within a week, but now let himself break through within a day. You have to do something, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to grow to [-] fans naturally.

"Okay, old guys, we've harvested a lot, now we're going back to the cave."

After Ling Mufeng finished speaking, he rushed back to the cave.

But at this moment, his cell phone was ringing all the time, and he didn't need to guess to know that the promotion of Xue Qiqi's purchase was probably effective, and those were the attention of some new fans obtained through the promotion.

With the promotion of the system, the number of people in the live broadcast room has directly exceeded 4, and is still soaring rapidly.

After seeing this scene, Xue Qiqi was very happy, but at the same time she was also a little nervous.

After all, she was live broadcasting in front of so many people. There were tens of thousands of pairs of eyes looking at her from behind, and it would be a lie to say that she was not panicked at all.

She is a very quiet girl, and she doesn't talk much on weekdays. Now she will naturally feel stage fright in front of tens of thousands of people in the live broadcast room.

However, she still tried her best to maintain it, and answered some questions for those people in the live broadcast room.

Fortunately, there is Ling Mufeng to do the content, otherwise, let her just talk to him here, she will not be able to say anything.

This time Ling Mufeng chose a road he hadn't taken before to go back. Although it was a bit farther, he wanted to look around the island to see if he could find something that could replenish carbohydrates.

In the past few days, he has been eating wolf meat and seafood every day. The intake of protein is enough, but the intake of vitamins and carbohydrates is too little.

In the short term, there is no serious impact, but in the long term, it is difficult to say, the body will definitely not be able to bear it.

So Ling Mufeng decided to look around the island to see if he could find some plants that replenished carbohydrates.

But when he was a little disappointed, he didn't find these things in the jungle outside. It seemed that if he wanted to continue looking, he had to go deep into the jungle.

Although he didn't find it, he wasn't too disappointed, after all, he didn't have high expectations.After returning to the cave, Ling Mufeng saw from the outside that Chu Xun was still making the bamboo bed inside.When the two little bears saw Ling Mufeng coming back, they rushed up to meet him.

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