Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 81 The Power of Intermediate Throwing Specialization

The wolf's sense of smell is really very sensitive. Although it has just rained, it will more or less affect its sense of smell, but Ling Mufeng hasn't bathed for several days, and the smell on his body is a bit heavy, so the wolf The son smelled it.

This made Ling Mufeng a little disappointed, he was almost there just now, but unfortunately he was discovered by this wolf.The pack of wolves were also very afraid of him. After all, they still remembered the incident of killing one of them with a single shot in the morning.

So I didn't dare to come around for a while.

And Ling Mufeng didn't dare to go out, the two sides were so exhausted.

He hurried to the cave to take out the green hat he wove during the day. This green hat also has a certain ability to prevent rain. Although it is light rain, it can catch a cold even if it gets wet too much.

But I still like this kind of weather, at least I can take a bath and provide some water.

During this period of time, being idle is also idle, Ling Mufeng decided to do something.

Seeing that Chu Xun inside was sleeping like a pig, it seemed that he wouldn't be able to wake up for a while, so he planned to wash his body.

Anyway, these wolves won't let him sleep, and he has already woken up. With "Low-level Sleep Quality Improvement", he only needs to sleep for six hours a day, and he won't be sleepy all day. It's been six hours.

He ran into the cave, and hurriedly used the fire artifact three times to get the fire.

System: Successfully made fire, "Low-level Drilling Wood to Make Fire" experience +150, current experience level 3: 50/5000.

Hearing that his skill of drilling wood for fire had been upgraded, Ling Mufeng was quite happy, but at this moment, seeing him running back, the wolves continued to attack Ling Mufeng's bamboo wall.

He hurried back, picked up the bamboo spear in his hand, and threw it at one of the wolves.

There are still wide cracks between the bamboo walls. Although they are not big enough for these wolves to crawl in, it is still very easy to throw a bamboo spear out.

System: Trigger the "Intermediate Throwing Specialization" damage increase by 300.


Under the blessing of the eagle eye effect, a bamboo spear directly hit the wolf, and the wolf was directly pierced by the bamboo spear.

Originally, when Ling Mufeng's power was cast on the wolf, it would only hit him at most, but with the triple damage boost, and the bamboo spear's head had been cut very sharply, the burst out The damage may not be as simple as triple.

Of course, this was because the wolf was not paying attention. It really didn't expect that it could throw a bamboo spear from inside and stab itself to death.

The wolf didn't die directly, but it looked like it was dying.

This shocked the wolves outside, and Ling Mufeng's arm was also swollen.

Although these skills can instantly burst out three times the power, but his body can't bear it at all,
All of a sudden, his arm was swollen, and there was a burning pain.

He quickly took out the spiritual energy water, took a sip, and the effect immediately took effect. After the spiritual energy water entered Ling Mufeng's body, he felt as if he had been electrocuted, and his whole body trembled. There was a warm feeling in the arm, and the soreness disappeared immediately.

At this time, the pack of wolves outside dared not come over with their tails between their legs. They were all far away from Ling Mufeng and dared not approach.After all, they saw it with their own eyes. This creature threw a bamboo and directly stabbed its companion into the soil, unable to move.

A few wolves wanted to come and take away the corpses of their companions, but as soon as they approached, Ling Mufeng raised his hand, as if to throw a bamboo spear, and the wolves immediately ran away with their tails between their legs.

In fact, Ling Mufeng was also putting on airs, at most he would only throw this once a day, and if he threw too much, his arm would be useless.

At this time, the wolves did not dare to approach, so he was going to wash his body.

Fortunately, it is still drizzling now, and he also dug a puddle in the yard, which was originally used to store water, but now it can be used for bathing.

He took off all his clothes, then put them in the puddle, soaked in it, and then took out to wipe his body.

He also ran into the fire, got out some burnt plant ash, and rubbed it on his body. This is the magical effect of plant ash. It contains potassium carbonate, which is also contained in soap, and it can be well cleaned up on the body. those fats.

Ling Mufeng grabbed another handful of plant ash and sprinkled it on his head. After two days of not washing his hair, his hair was also greasy.After hastily washing in the water, Ling Mufeng felt refreshed, but at this moment, those wolf cubs outside were still hesitating, not knowing whether to leave or not.

After all, two companions were lost, and they were unwilling to leave like this.

And Ling Mufeng was in the yard, and they didn't dare to get close, so they screamed anxiously outside for a while.

After washing his body, Ling Mufeng soaked his clothes in the puddle again, added some plant ash, and washed them, even washing his underpants.

At this moment, he was naked, so it wouldn't matter if it was on a normal day, but now that there was a woman here, Ling Mufeng seemed a little flustered, and wanted to finish it quickly and dry his clothes.

After washing in a hurry, he went into the cave, hung the clothes on the bamboo poles, and started to roast them.

At this time, a wolf cub came running outside and wanted to come and take away the companion that was stabbed to death by Ling Mufeng. Naturally, Ling Mufeng would not give it this chance, and hurried out with a bamboo spear.

Seeing Ling Mufeng running over, the wolf hurried away with its tail between its legs.

Only then did Ling Mufeng snort coldly, and picked up the bamboo spear to bring back the wolf outside.After all, this is his own ration, and one wolf is enough to consume him for a day or two.

So he used the bamboo spear in his hand to try to hook the corpse of the wolf outside, but the wolf was not light, and it was difficult to get it over in a while.

This gave Ling Mufeng a bit of a headache. Fortunately, he is human and knows how to make good use of the tools he has now, so he quickly found a vine and put it on the bamboo spear. The wolf was pulled in.

He stretched out the bamboo spear, and then used the upper loop to wrap around the wolf's neck, and he caught it all at once, which made Ling Mufeng's face look happy.

Then I saw him slowly pulling the wolf over.

It took a lot of effort to get the wolf in through the bamboo wall.

At this time, he suddenly thought that his clothes were still roasting on the fire, so he hurried back to the cave.

Fortunately, the top of the clothes is still very wet, and it won't dry in a while, and naturally it won't burn.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

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