Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 73 The Great Harvest

He planned to open the two low-level skill book treasure chests later, and try to open the two middle-level skill book treasure chests first.

Ling Mufeng: System, open two middle-level skill book treasure chests for me.

System: The middle-level skill book treasure chest has been opened.

After the system's words came from his mind, a silver box opened in Ling Mufeng's mind.

Then a burst of blue light flashed from Ling Mufeng's mind.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Intermediate Hawkeye" skill.

"Intermediate Eagle Eye" skill introduction: It can improve the vision of the host. The current skill level is Iv1. After opening the skill, you can see the subtle objects 100 meters away, and you can see through for a short time. The current see-through time is 30 seconds a day.

I'll go, clairvoyance?

After hearing the introduction of this skill, Ling Mufeng was overjoyed, and what surprised him even more was that he could still see through?Doesn't that mean?

Some thoughts came to his mind, but soon, he shook his head and put them all behind him.

Ling Mufeng: Open the middle-level skill book treasure chest.

System: The middle-level skill book treasure chest has been opened.

Then, a silver box appeared in Ling Mufeng's mind, and then a burst of blue light flashed, and a wave of skill books floated out of the box.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining "Intermediate Throwing Specialization".

Introduction to "Intermediate Throwing Specialization": It can increase the power of thrown objects. The current level Iv1 can increase damage by 200, and each level can increase damage by 20.

This made Ling Mufeng jump up from the bed almost excitedly.

But thinking that Chu Xun was still staring at him, Ling Mufeng held back.

This is "Intermediate Throwing Specialization", this is the skill book I dreamed of, I didn't expect to get it.

This skill is really useful, it can be said that it has increased his chances of survival several times.

The power of the thrown object is increased by 200, that is, it has been doubled. You must know that you may not hurt the wolf by throwing a stone, but if you double the damage, you may be able to paralyze a wolf directly. up.

And this is just the power of throwing stones, what if you throw a bamboo spear yourself?After the bamboo spear was inserted into the wolf's body, the wolf's skin would have peeled off if it was not dead.

Thinking of this, Ling Mufeng was very excited.

But he didn't open his eyes, and continued to give orders to the system in his mind.

Ling Mufeng: System, open the treasure chests of two low-level skill books.

System: The low-level skill book treasure chest has been opened.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining "Low-level Sleep Quality Improvement".

"Low-level sleep quality improvement" introduction: It can improve the sleep quality of the host, increase the time of deep sleep, make the host fall asleep quickly, and complete the recovery of the body in a shorter time. High-level sleep can increase the recovery of the host's injuries. speed.

After listening to the introduction of this skill, Ling Mufeng is still very satisfied. This is a good thing. It can make me fall asleep quickly, and it can also improve the quality of my sleep. If I survive on a deserted island, the quality of my sleep is very important. Yes, it can directly affect your mental state during the day.

And when you sleep, you can also speed up the recovery of your body injuries, which is simply a magical skill, but it is a pity that it is only an earth-level skill book. If it is a high-level skill book, wouldn't it be possible to kill even cancer if you sleep by yourself? Can it be cured?
Ling Mufeng was going to try the effect of this skill for a while, and he happened to be going to sleep, but he got so many rewards just now, which made his nerves a little excited, and he couldn't fall asleep for a while, but at this time, with this After "Low-level Sleep Quality Improvement", he can fall asleep quickly.

Ling Mufeng: Continue to draw the lottery.

System: The low-level skill book treasure chest has been opened.

System: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Low-level Anti-mosquito Biting".

Introduction to "Low-level Anti-mosquito Biting": It can prevent mosquito bites. Currently, it can prevent 70% of mosquito bites. With the improvement of skills, it can control the surrounding mosquitoes.

Can you control the mosquitoes around you?
After listening to the introduction of this skill, Ling Mufeng was a little confused. Not only can it prevent these mosquitoes from biting you, but it can also control mosquitoes to bite others?this skill. .It's too bad, but I like it.

He secretly glanced at Chu Xun who was a little angry in front of the bamboo wall.

This little girl looks superior to others, why not try the effect on her when the time comes.However, his current skill level is still too low. Only after being bitten by a mosquito can he control that mosquito, and it is only for a short period of time. It will not work for a long time.

After opening all the skill book treasure chests, Ling Mufeng was going to continue opening the chests.

It was so much fun and exciting to open the box.

He remembered that he also obtained an intermediate martial arts treasure box.

The last time I got a blue martial arts cheat book, I don't know what cheat book "Grapper" will get this time.

He is still looking forward to this martial arts treasure box, and he can get a lot of good things in it.

Ling Mufeng: Open the middle-level martial arts treasure box.

System: The middle-level martial arts treasure box has been opened.

System: Obtain the martial arts cheat book "Overlord Spear".

Overlord gun?Hearing this domineering name, Ling Mufeng was very satisfied. He may lack this kind of thing that can cause actual lethality.

And the "grabbing hand" that I obtained before may be very effective, but it is not very suitable for dealing with wolves.

No matter how powerful you are at capturing by yourself, you can only capture one wolf. If there are two, you will have no time to spare, but the Overlord Spear is different. Stabbing it out, presumably those wolf cubs can't stand it.

The remaining rewards are spiritual energy water and gold coins. These two things are very useful. Gold coins can allow Ling Mufeng to buy things in the system. Of course, there are only [-] gold coins, which can easily be several million in the system. One hundred thousand gold coins is obviously not enough, but it is better than nothing. Maybe in the future when I really want to buy something, these one hundred thousand gold coins can just make up enough money for myself.

Not to mention the spiritual energy water, he has already given the two little bears to drink, although the effect is not visible yet, but just from the detoxification of Chu Xun, the effect is still very obvious, maybe he will wake up tomorrow, Two cubs will be able to grow up a circle.

After thinking of this, Ling Mufeng directly activated his "Low-level Sleep Quality Improvement" skill, and soon fell asleep.

He even snored.

This made Chu Xun, who was guarding over the bamboo wall, feel very angry.

"Who is this person? I've been watching hard here, but he's fine, he fell asleep there, hum, let the mosquito bite you to death."

There are still a lot of mosquitoes on this small island, and she has already been bitten several times just standing here.As for Ling Mufeng lying on the bamboo bed, she did not believe that she would not be bitten by mosquitoes.

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