After hearing this, the shadow beside him also frowned, but he didn't refute, because he also felt that Ling Mufeng was struggling a little now.

But only Xue Qiqi didn't think so, he shook his head quickly, and then expressed his opinion.

"I think Brother Feng must have methods. It's impossible to use these methods."

After finishing speaking, he saw another ice crystal shield condense out of Ling Mufeng's hand.

The man with glasses laughed when he saw it, and said to Ling Mufeng, "Ling Mufeng, if you only have this kind of means, then you will lose this competition."

He thought that Ling Mufeng had no other means. If he only used these ice crystal shields and ice crystal knives, he would not be able to threaten him.

But at the next moment, his ray knife directly slashed on Ling Mufeng's ice crystal shield, but Ling Mufeng's ice crystal shield didn't change at all, there was just a scratch on it.

But at this time, Ling Mufeng showed a smile on his face, and then said to the man with glasses: "Glasses, you have been fooled."

Then a huge ice crystal knife condensed out of Ling Mufeng's right hand, and then he saw Ling Mufeng slashing the ice crystal knife towards the opposite man with glasses.

The man with glasses didn't expect Ling Mufeng to be so powerful, and he also didn't expect that something that was as thin as paper just now would be so hard, impenetrable at all.

The next moment, the ice crystal knife in Ling Mufeng's hand had already slashed at his body.

The man with glasses also widened his eyes, and then felt a tingling pain coming from his body, and then felt a streak of blood appearing on his body.

He hurriedly looked at his body, only to realize that at some point, the red light of his body shield had been broken, and a streak of blood appeared on his body.

This also made some people around look a little confused. They didn't know what happened. How could Ling Mufeng win directly all of a sudden?

Only the bald head and the shadow in the distance can still see something.

The bald head murmured to himself: "It seems that this is the power of pure spiritual energy, but it's not right, even if it is pure spiritual power, the power can't be so great. What is the reason for this? ah?"

He also couldn't figure out what was going on, but at this time the man with glasses had already lost, so he just raised his hand and surrendered.

"Brother Feng, you are too strong, I admit defeat."

All of a sudden, the man with glasses really gave up and didn't have any other thoughts. He knew that he really lost, even if he couldn't beat Ling Mufeng, there was no other way. There is no longer the unconvinced feeling that I had before.

Before, he might not be convinced by Ling Mufeng, thinking that Ling Mufeng used some means to defeat him, but now he knows that Ling Mufeng can indeed beat him, and it was useless when he sparred with him yesterday. , It must be that you don't need to use these things to deal with yourself.

At this time, the bald man next to him was also a little depressed. He couldn't understand why such a thing happened. He felt that Ling Mufeng was not so strong when he was fighting with him yesterday. If Shadow and Xue Qiqi are two people, then Ling Mufeng is probably dead by now.

But he felt that Ling Mufeng's current strength was infinitely close to his own, and maybe if the two of them fought against each other, they could only achieve a win-win situation.

He also didn't know why Ling Mufeng didn't use these methods yesterday?Could it be that Ling Mufeng learned so much overnight?
He didn't believe it, he just felt that Ling Mufeng was becoming more and more mysterious.

But he didn't ask too many questions. After all, he was Ling Mufeng's subordinate now. If he asked more, it might arouse Ling Mufeng's suspicion.

So soon they packed up their things, Ling Mufeng looked at the few people next to him, and then said to them: "Okay, let's get here first today, the glasses are right, I want to teach you a task, you go and help me finished."

After hearing this, he quickly nodded his eyes, and then looked at Ling Mufeng. Now he is convinced of Ling Mufeng, and after knowing that he is indeed not Ling Mufeng's opponent, he is also much more honest.

Ling Mufeng looked at the man with glasses, and then said to the man with glasses: "It's very simple, I need you to go to Anran City now, it's not very peaceful in Anran City right now, I need you to go to Anran City to set up a place for me, There is my subordinate named Mi Li, I will let you two get in touch, do you understand?"

After hearing this, the man with glasses didn't say much, and quickly agreed. He didn't even eat breakfast, so he left the island on Ling Mufeng's boat and went to Anran City.

Ling Mufeng's island is not very far from Anran City. After all, Anran City is a city near the sea, so if you take a speedboat from Ling Mufeng's island to Anran City, it will only take three to four hours.

Ling Mufeng also called Mi Li and asked Mi Li to go to the port to pick up the glasses. After all, they are all on their own now, and the two of them will still work together in the future. Now Ling Mufeng feels that his strength is getting better and better. Being stronger means not only that his own strength has improved a lot, but also his power has also increased a lot.

For example, the forces in Anran City have been raised to a certain level, and now there are not many forces in Anran City that can fight against him.

But what Ling Mufeng is more curious about is that the brother Tian who had a feud with him before seems to be very quiet recently, why is there no movement at all?
He also couldn't figure it out, so he hurriedly called Lai Meiyun back.

After Lai Meiyun answered the phone, she hurriedly said to the phone: "Brother Feng, our company's performance is still on the rise. During this time, we bought two new boats and are ready to go fishing."

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng nodded his head as he was working. It seems that Lai Meiyun has done a good job. Now Anran City has formed its own influence.

In the past, Lai Meiyun's big fish fishery company still had people going over to make trouble.

It's all right now, with Mi Li covering it, no one who doesn't have a good eye will rush to find trouble. After these harassments from the outside world are gone, the company can easily start up.

Ling Mufeng also encouraged Lai Meiyun, and then asked Lai Meiyun: "Meiyun, has anything bad happened during this time?"

After Lai Meiyun listened, she also thought about it carefully, and then said to Ling Mufeng: "By the way, Brother Feng, I remembered that there was indeed a rather strange thing a while ago. A person from the bank came to us He said he was willing to provide us with loan services.”

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng also quickly realized the seriousness of this matter, so he hurriedly said to Lai Meiyun: "Mei Yun, what kind of bank is this bank?"

"It's a local bank in Anran City. It seems to be called Anran Bank."

After listening to Lai Meiyun's report, Ling Mufeng knew that there must be some problems, so he hurriedly said to Lai Meiyun: "Meiyun, I know, I guess this company is here to trick us , it must be that Brother Tian is playing tricks behind this, you must not agree to anything they want to go."

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