So in the eyes of this sniper, telling or not telling Ling Mufeng is the end, so he might as well be tougher, but he can make himself have a clear conscience. After all, in his opinion, Brother Tian is so kind to him.

Of course, he didn't know that those were just the means of Brother Tian to win people's hearts, and Brother Tian just regarded him as a pawn, the kind that could be discarded at will.

But the sniper didn't know that, in his opinion, Brother Tian was the one who showed kindness to him, so he would never betray Brother Tian, ​​and his younger sister and mother were also taken care of by Brother Tian Then, he couldn't kill his mother and sister just to save his own life.

After all, he also knows the rules of their business. As long as he betrays Brother Tian, ​​his family will probably be retaliated by Brother Tian, ​​so there is another big reason why he doesn't say it out because he doesn't want to Let his family members be hurt, that's why he was so stubborn, and didn't reveal anything to Ling Mufeng.

So when Ling Mufeng saw that the sniper still looked like this, although he was a little annoyed, he still admired him very much in his heart. In this day and age, such people are really rare.

After all, now is an era that values ​​​​interests.Everything can be linked to money, as long as enough money is given, then people can destroy humanity, and it is not too much to do anything, even this is already a normal state.

So I must be able to see the sniper's persistence again, and he sighed. To be honest, he really didn't want to kill this person, but he has already wasted a lot of time on him. Well, keeping this person may cause some danger to himself. After all, the sniper rifle in his hand can still penetrate his own defense.

If he hit his deadly organ, he could be killed with one blow, so Ling Mufeng didn't dare to stay by his side for such a person.

So Ling Mufeng glanced at the sniper with some pity, then squatted down, adjusted his chin with his hands, looked straight into the eyes of the sniper, and said to him again and again: " I'm giving you one last chance now.

As long as you promise to me and follow me in the future, then I will not make things difficult for you, and let you go now, what do you think? "

But what Ling Mufeng didn't expect was that after he finished speaking, he was greeted with a somewhat contemptuous look from the sniper on the opposite side.

The sniper glanced at Ling Mufeng contemptuously and said to Ling Mufeng: "Ling Mufeng, what are you guys? You still want to fight against Brother Tian, ​​you don't know the methods of Brother Tian, ​​you can do it in minutes. Kill you, I advise you to kneel down and apologize to Brother Tian, ​​maybe Brother Tian can forgive you, I am doing this for your own good."

But before he finished speaking, Zhang Bo next to him couldn't listen any longer, and kicked this man in the face, and then said to him angrily: "I see you are screaming at Brother Tian one by one. , You must have been brainwashed by that Brother Tian, ​​right? Don't you know what nasty things Brother Tian did behind his back?
To follow him so wholeheartedly, I think you are also a veteran who has been discharged from the army, how can you be so blind to help the evildoers?
I really want to stay with you. In the future, you must not go out and say that you retired as a soldier. We still can’t afford to lose this person. Of course, you have no future. Today is your final day of death. Go down to the bottom and reflect on yourself. In the future, the ability to know people still needs to be improved.

Keep your eyes open, don't be fooled by these people again, and be a diligent and honest person in your next life. "

After saying this, Zhang Bo directly took out the pistol, and then put the pistol on the sniper's head and was about to shoot.

At this moment, the sniper kneeling on the ground laughed haha, then looked at Zhang Bo, and said to Zhang Bo: "Zhang Bo, you traitor, you have the right to say these things to me, I see you I'm just jealous that Brother Tian is so kind to me.

You don't know how many good deeds Brother Tian has done secretly. He just donates hundreds of millions of charitable funds every year, and he doesn't know how many poor people he has helped.

It's like you people, who only know how to make money for themselves, and don't think about making any contribution to society at all. You are the moths of this society. Now you still want to fight against Brother Tian. I really do it for you. You feel sad, you moths and scumbags of society, you are still talking about Brother Tian here, it is really ridiculous, hahahaha..."

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng frowned tightly. He could see that this sniper must have been brainwashed, otherwise he would not have defended this brother Tian so much.

This brother Tian has done so many bad things in Anran City, it seems that this sniper doesn't know about it, otherwise how could he say such a thing, so he hurriedly clapped his hands and let Zhang Bo Call the monkey and the lone wolf over.

He wanted to have Monkey, Lone Wolf, and the sniper confront each other face to face, and tell what Brother Tian had done in Anran City.

Zhang Bo went over quickly and called the monkey and the lone wolf over. After the monkey and the lone wolf came over, when they saw the sniper kneeling on the ground, they got angry.

The two of them didn't know how long they had been dissuading them, but the sniper just didn't know good from bad, and they had no choice but to ask for death. So after the monkey and the lone wolf came over, they hurriedly said to Ling Mufeng: "Brother Feng, we really can't deal with him, I think we should kill him directly, otherwise it would be a waste of our time.

And this person is not very useful, he is a better sniper, and if he is not loyal to us, we can't use it for us. It would be better to kill him directly, which can be regarded as giving him a Happy, this person has been brainwashed by Brother Tian, ​​no matter what we say, it is useless. "

Ling Mufeng understood the complaints of the monkey and the lone wolf. It is estimated that these two people were tortured by this sniper. The previous work was done by the two of them.

Now it seems that the two of them are tired of doing such things, so Ling Mufeng hurriedly nodded at the two of them, and said to the two of them: "You two are doing very well, don't worry, this matter I'll take care of it myself and I don't need you guys to come in the future.

I call you here now, just want you to tell this sniper face to face what kind of bad things Brother Tian has done, and you better be able to show evidence to prove that Brother Tian did these things, then Come down and communicate with yourself, I don't have so much time to waste time with you. "

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