After talking about this matter with Zhang Bo, Ling Mufeng took out the medicinal powders that he had previously prepared for exercising his body, and handed them to Zhang Bo.

Looking at the things Ling Mufeng gave him, Zhang Bo was a little at a loss, not knowing what this thing was for.

So he looked at Ling Mufeng suspiciously.

Ling Mufeng hurriedly explained to Zhang Bo how to use this thing.

After Zhang Bo heard this, he nodded quickly, and Ling Mufeng repeatedly emphasized to Zhang Bo that the medicinal effect of this product is very strong, and you must use it according to your ability, otherwise it is easy to damage your body. It was ruined.

After hearing what Ling Mufeng said, Zhang Bo hurriedly nodded. He still knows a lot, so he naturally knows the importance of this matter.

After explaining this matter, Ling Mufeng let Zhang Bo leave.

Now that my parents have come to the island, I have to strengthen my defense ability, otherwise if someone comes to trouble me next time, if I can't guarantee the safety of my parents, then Ling Mu Wind energy is dead with regret.

So now he is very eager to improve his strength in this area.

After arranging Zhang Bo's affairs, Ling Mufeng came to the construction team. After seeing that the construction team had built the temporary house they needed to enter the job, Ling Mufeng let them go to rest. They had been busy all afternoon. They are also a little tired.

At night, Ling Mufeng, Xue Qiqi, and Yingying slept in a board room. Because Yingying was in a weak period, someone had to be with her. If you go out and live, then there may be danger.

Besides, Xue Qiqi didn't have any opinions. Since Chu Xun left, the relationship between her and Ying Ying has become closer. After all, there are only two girls of the same age on the island now. They also share a common language.

After Ling Mufeng settled his parents down, he went back to the room. There were two beds in the room, one of which was for Ling Mufeng to sleep alone, and the other was for Xue Qiqi to prepare for the shadow. of.

After seeing Ling Mufeng coming in from the outside, Yingying's pretty face immediately turned red. After all, she had never slept in a room with a man before. This was the first time, so she must be a little embarrassed.

Ling Mufeng didn't notice this, he was still thinking about his own strength, he decided to start breaking through tomorrow, breaking through to the level of a two-star warrior, mainly because there is only one day left before the last time for him to complete the task It's time, that is to say, he must complete this task tomorrow.

So Ling Mufeng thought about it and got ready to go to bed. It's getting late now, he'd better go to bed early, there are more important things to deal with tomorrow.

And just when Ling Mufeng was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep, the shadow next to him suddenly stopped Ling Mufeng and said to him: "When it comes to Ling Mufeng, do you have any left over from the 500-year-old ginseng from last time? I think..."

Ying Ying stopped talking halfway through, because she also felt a little embarrassed and didn't know how to tell Ling Mufeng about this matter.

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng understood what Yingying was thinking now. It is estimated that Yingying was unwilling to go on like this, so he wanted to restore his strength, so he thought about it carefully, and then said to Yingying: "I will give you this matter tomorrow. Find a way, don't worry, I will definitely do my best to help you recover your strength."

After hearing Ling Mufeng's words, Yingying glanced at Ling Mufeng gratefully. At this moment, she only felt that her heart was too warm. It was the first time she had experienced this feeling of being cared for since she was a child.

This feeling made her feel warm in her heart, as if there was a small stove burning in her heart. She didn't know how to describe her current state. Could it be that she fell in love with it now? Is Ling Mufeng already?
After thinking about this, her pretty face became even more rosy. Fortunately, Ling Mufeng has turned off the light now, and went back to bed to sleep. I can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in now.

After Ling Mufeng returned to the bed, he went straight to sleep.

Soon it was the next day. After Ling Mufeng woke up, he went outside and saw that his parents had already woken up, and they had already started cooking over there.

This is the case with the elderly. Those who go to bed earlier also wake up earlier. They all work at sunrise and rest at sunset. This is a habit developed for decades, and it is difficult to change. It is not like the young people today. All of them are night owls, and it is estimated that they will not be able to sleep at three or four o'clock in the evening.

As soon as Ling Mufeng walked outside, he saw his father sharpening a knife there, probably about to kill chickens, because he saw several big roosters tied beside him.

Seeing Ling Mufeng get up, Ling Shouxiang hurriedly beckoned Ling Mufeng over.

"Son, it's been a long time since you tasted your father's cooking. Today, your father, I will make you your favorite fried chicken drumstick with eggplant."

Ling Mufeng could tell that his father Ling Shouxiang was in a very good mood, and when he heard that his father was going to cook, Ling Mufeng's appetite was immediately whetted.

It's not because of anything else, but because my father's cooking skills are very good, and Ling Shouxiang will always be invited to be a chef if there are any weddings and ceremonies in the village.

Therefore, Ling Mufeng's nutrition has not been lost since he was a child, because when Ling Shouxiang went to be a chef, he would bring back a lot of delicious food for Ling Mufeng to eat.

And it was he who often went to work part-time to cook for others, so the family saved some savings to support Ling Mufeng's college education.

So after hearing that his father was going to cook, Ling Mufeng was very happy. It seems that his decision to bring his parents to the island was correct. It not only protected his parents, but also solved the problem of cooking rice thing.

After all, it is impossible for Ling Mufeng to entrust cooking to someone who is not familiar with it. If someone poisons the food he eats, it may cause irreparable damage.

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