Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 533 Coping Strategies

After bringing his father and mother to the island, even if Ling Mufeng's heart is relieved, now he doesn't have to worry about his opponents attacking his parents.

Ling Mufeng had always been worried about this before, but at that time he couldn't even protect himself. Letting his father and mother go to the island together would obviously put them in a lot of danger, so Ling Mufeng didn't worry about it at the time. Let them come to the island.

But this time is different. Now that I have become an ancient warrior, I already have the strength to protect myself, and I have money now, and the environment on the island has improved a lot. At this time, I will let my parents It would be more appropriate to transfer to the island.

After Ling Mufeng settled down his parents, Mi Li brought his friends and engineers to Ling Mufeng.

After Ling Mufeng saw these engineers, he asked them about their thoughts. After these engineers told Ling Mufeng about their subsequent construction ideas, Ling Mufeng nodded.

He felt that the construction ideas of these few people were good, and the construction company was still sufficient at present. After all, they only built small buildings like a few buildings, and their experience was quite rich.

But if they are allowed to develop the small island, they will definitely not have the ability, and then they will have to find a bigger company to do this.

At least this company in Anran City can't take on such a big project, and even their company doesn't have enough manpower at all. They need to borrow people from other companies or find some outsourcing companies to help them do this. .

Fortunately, Ling Mufeng didn't think of transforming the island now, mainly because the popularity of the island hasn't increased yet.

Only after raising the popularity of the island, can people be able to attract people to travel to the island, and only then can they make a profit.

After all, Ling Mufeng's idea is to build a business empire of his own with this island as his heart, and he doesn't know if he can leave the island.

Now the small island is in his heart, he must develop the small island, and even in his heart he wants to build the small island into the economic center of this place.

Ling Mufeng believes that if that day really comes, he may really be qualified to compete with those big families in the capital.

After talking about the building with those architects, Ling Mufeng sent everyone away, leaving only himself and Mi Li.

Seeing that Ling Mufeng sent everyone away, Mi Li knew that Ling Mufeng had something to look for alone, so he asked Ling Mufeng directly: "Brother Feng, what do you want me to do?"

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng hurriedly said to Mi Li: "Mi Li, I heard that our company has been made things difficult by those courier companies in Anran City recently, and you haven't thought of a solution yet, right?"

After hearing this, Mi Li also had a helpless look on his face, and then said to Ling Mufeng: "Brother Feng, I was just about to tell you about this matter, those express companies are really lawless.

They have already formed a monopoly, and they will not give us gifts if they don't want to. We have nothing to do.

But I got a piece of news, it seems that this decision is only made by the courier companies in Anran City, and they are just local branches, not the headquarters of these courier companies.

In other words, they may not know about this matter at all. "

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng's eyes leaked a gleam, and he quickly looked at Mi Li who was talking to him, and then said to Mi Li: "Mi Li, is the source of your news accurate? How did you get this news?"

After hearing Ling Mufeng's question, Mi Li hurriedly said to Ling Mufeng: "Brother Feng, it's like this. He is a customer of my gym. He often comes to our gym. He is an old acquaintance with me. His brother-in-law is An Ran An executive of a courier company in the city heard it by accident when he was drinking with his brother-in-law, so he told me the news, and that's when I found out."

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng nodded quickly, so it seems that the news is indeed relatively reliable, so he hurriedly continued to say to Mi Li: "Then it is their own decision made by the courier in Anran City. , then there would be no such trouble.

But there is another thing, since they dare to do this so unscrupulously, it means that they are not worried about us stabbing this matter at all.

Even if we bring this matter up, the companies above can't really blame them for our company.

And this is the consensus reached by almost all the companies in Anran City, don't you think it's just a matter of opinion.

So this matter is still very difficult to handle, we can't bring this matter up, we have to think of other ways.

At least the best news for now is that the courier companies on them have no prejudice against us and will not embarrass us. We just need to deal with these courier companies in Anran City. "

After listening to Ling Mufeng's analysis, Mi Li next to him leaked an expression of admiration, and then said to Ling Mufeng: "Brother Feng, you really think more comprehensively, and even see through this level, you Tell us what we're going to do next!"

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng waved his hands and said to Mi Li: "We are now going to respond to all changes with the same, and then send someone to find out the situation. These companies used to be deadly enemies, but now they can There must be more than just an exchange of benefits to get together to trouble us.

Even if there is an exchange of interests, it is impossible for them to form an alliance so quickly, so there must be something wrong here, so you should go and investigate again.

We still can’t rush this matter. Be careful sailing for thousands of years. Let’s figure out the exchange of interests behind it first, and then investigate these companies clearly. As long as they are human, they must have weaknesses. Yes, maybe we have a chance to break through one by one. "

After hearing Ling Mufeng's order, Mi Li hurriedly nodded his head. In fact, he was usually quite assertive, but when he was in front of Ling Mufeng, he seemed to have lost all his assertiveness.

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