Seeing that Yingying's condition seemed to be much better, Ling Mufeng smiled and walked to Yingying's side and said to her, "Don't be too discouraged. Although the impact failed, I have a way to restore your meridians, so You just need to take a good rest now, and leave the other things to me, and you failed this time because you were too impatient."

After hearing Ling Mufeng's words, Yingying's eyes also darkened. The failure of this attack was a great blow to her, so Yingying only felt that her future was dark, because she knew that she had rushed What does it mean to fail the pass, that is, I guess I will always be stuck at this level in the future and cannot get out.

So at this time, Yingying already felt ashamed, and she didn't listen to what Ling Mufeng said to her.

After seeing the current state of Shadow, Ling Mufeng also sighed. He knew that Shadow must not be allowed to stay in such an afternoon, otherwise she might lose her fighting spirit.This is a big taboo in practice. If the mentality is not good, it will be difficult to make achievements.

So Ling Mufeng decided that he must help Yingying well, otherwise, if Yingying has always been in this state, he may be stuck in this place for the rest of his life without any effort.

But he also knew that it was obviously not very good to talk about this matter at this time, because the current shadow obviously couldn't listen to anything he said, and what he said now might arouse negative emotions in shadow.

After all, after a person has experienced a major event, he does not necessarily need comfort immediately, but needs some self-sadness. Otherwise, he will not be able to fully recover during the period without sadness.

So Ling Mufeng decided to let Yingying feel sad for a while, and then tell Yingying about it after he recovers. It is estimated that Yingying will not reject what he said so much by then.

If you say those words now, it is estimated that Shadow will not listen to them, so it is better to wait for a while to say them.

After thinking about these things, Ling Mufeng no longer paid attention to Shadow, but picked up his mobile phone, because it was not for other reasons, but because Mi Li's call came from his mobile phone.

After receiving the call from Mi Li, Ling Mufeng knew that it was Mi Li who would pick up his parents. After all, Ling Mufeng had already arranged for Mi Li to bring his parents back. about there.

So Ling Mufeng quickly connected the phone. After all, this is his father and no mother, so of course he takes it very seriously.

After he connected the phone, Mi Li's voice came from the other side of the phone. After hearing Mi Li talking for a while, Ling Mufeng knew that, as he expected, it was Mi Li who brought his parents. Came to the small island, and now it is very close to the small island, so Mi Li called Ling Mufeng, the purpose is to make Ling Mufeng get ready.

After Ling Mufeng received the call, he immediately showed a happy expression on his face, and then hurriedly said to Mi Li on the phone: "You have taken care of them, and I will go pick them up now."

After finishing speaking, Ling Mufeng happily hung up the phone, and Xue Qiqi over there saw the happy expression on Ling Mufeng's face, and knew what happened, so she hurriedly thought about Ling Mufeng's side. Come over, and then ask: "Brother Feng, what happened?"

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng nodded in a hurry, and then told Xue Qiqi about her parents' arrival.

After hearing this, not only Xue Qiqi was alone, but also Shadow was a little surprised.

Ling Mufeng didn't tell anyone about this matter before. After all, he was still relatively light-hearted. If he leaked the news, it would very likely lead to Brother Tian's revenge on him, so Ling Mufeng didn't tell anyone about this matter. The purpose is also to prevent something happened to his parents on the road.

Of course, he absolutely believed in the two girls, and the reason why he didn't tell them was because he didn't have time.

After hearing that Ling Mufeng's parents were coming, Ying Ying hurriedly adjusted her makeup to make herself look less decadent.

Ling Mufeng also forgot about the shadow at this time, after all, picking up his parents to the island is the most important thing now.

Earlier, Ling Mufeng's father had been lying in bed because of a serious illness, and it was Xue Qiqi who brought her mother to the hospital to rescue her father, so after knowing that Ling Mufeng's parents had arrived, Xue Qiqi That was the happiest, so she must hasten to greet her.

Xue Qiqi hurriedly went back to the cave to pack her things, and began to dress herself up as fast as she could. After all, this was for meeting people, so she had to tidy it up properly, and leave it to her uncles and aunts. Just make a good impression.

In the past, it was very slow for women to clean up, but at this time Xue Qiqi also used her fastest speed, quickly cleaned up, and then followed Ling Mufeng to pick up Ling Mufeng's parents.

At this time, the shadow behind was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to do. After all, she was also a girl. Ling Mufeng's parents came. Wouldn't it be better for him to hide?

But now her strength is greatly reduced, and even the ability to protect herself on this small island is gone. Naturally, she can't do without Ling Mufeng, let alone go out and hide for a while, but she is too embarrassed to go to Ling Mufeng's parents. See, so I don't know what to do for a while.

Ling Mufeng also noticed the mood of the shadow behind him, so he hurriedly asked Xue Qiqi to pull the shadow together, and prepared to go there together.

Xue Qiqi also understood Ling Mufeng's meaning very well, so she hurried over to grab Ying Ying's arm, and then said to Ying Ying: "Let's go, sister Ying Ying, let's go and have a look together."

After hearing Ling Mufeng's invitation, although Ying Ying was still a little embarrassed, she obediently followed Ling Mufeng to the beach.

After the group arrived at the seaside, Ling Mufeng saw two black spots on the opposite side, probably Mi Li and others came over.

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