At this time, King Kong had already preliminarily judged the approximate location of Ling Mufeng, and he hurriedly approached the location where Ling Mufeng was.

Of course, Ling Mufeng also discovered these small actions of King Kong, and thought of why King Kong did this?He probably wanted to use his subordinates as bait, and then forced himself to reveal his position, and then gradually approached him. He thought that as long as he got close to him, he would be able to beat him.

Ling Mufeng's approach to the landscape just feels that King Kong is too natural, and doing so is simply courting death.

Because what Ling Mufeng is really good at is close combat. Many of his kung fu and cheats can only be used in close combat. As for long-range, he is only good at using horn bows, and he has two skill books on bow and arrow.

If he really started fighting, then he felt that his melee combat ability was obviously much stronger than his long-distance combat ability.

This King Kong actually wanted to get close to him so ignorantly, so Ling Mufeng used his tricks and asked this King Kong to sell all his subordinates, and finally faced this King Kong himself and defeated him in front of him.

It is estimated that it will be too late for King Kong to regret it by then, and Ling Mufeng is also worried about King Kong's escape. Although he is very capable in fighting, if King Kong is determined to run away and turns his head now, he might not be able to find him. Well, after all, his speedboats were parked on the edge of the island.

If King Kong really fled to the edge of the island, and then left the island with his own courier, then Ling Mufeng would not even be able to pursue him, because he also has a systematic restriction system that prevents him from leaving the island within a few meters , if he leaves, the execution procedure will be forcibly executed directly.

This is also a limitation of the system on him. Although the system has enhanced Ling Mufeng's abilities in various aspects, it needs to be limited to this small island.

He has a whole body of abilities, but he can only use them when he is next to the island. If he leaves the island, he will be immediately executed by the system for sudden death.So Ling Mufeng absolutely dare not leave this small island.

Sure enough, just as Ling Mufeng expected, King Kong commanded his subordinates to come over one by one to kill those subordinates, and did not dare to disobey King Kong's orders.

Although they wanted to save their own lives as much as possible, Ling Mufeng's incident was too fast, and they all shot their heads off one by one.

Ling Mufeng didn't have any pity in his heart at this time. He knew that if the opponent didn't die, it might cause great damage to himself.

And now there is a sniper hiding in the dark, if these people are not dealt with first, then that sniper is likely to cause harm to himself anytime and anywhere.

As long as this sniper still exists, Ling Mufeng will feel that he is very dangerous. Even now he feels that the situation in front of him is not terrible, but what is really scary is the sniper hidden in the distance.

Because this King Kong can only fight him in close combat, and in close combat, Ling Mufeng can ensure that he can definitely beat King Kong.

But the situation of the sniper in the distance was different. If the sniper in the distance really shot at him, then Ling Mufeng would be impossible to guard against.

Bi Jingling Mufeng's sense of danger detection distance is only a few hundred meters, and that sniper can shoot at him from 2000 meters to 3000 meters away, and even the sniper can directly shoot at him on the sea surface This aspect shoots.

It's just because there are many trees and plants built by Ling Mufeng on this small island, which conceal everything and provide a natural barrier to Ling Mufeng
After killing the last person, Ling Mufeng did not immediately shift his position, but sat behind a stone.

Behind this stone, he can guarantee that the sniper on the opposite side cannot determine his current position, nor can he penetrate the bullet and shoot directly at himself. He is waiting for King Kong's arrival behind this stone.

Sure enough, after waiting for ten seconds, King Kong jumped down from a tree out of breath, and then slowly walked towards Ling Mufeng.

When he saw Ling Mufeng, there was a smirk on his face. Looking at Ling Mufeng's physique that was much weaker than his own, he smiled and said to the other party: "Boy finally let me catch you, I can't tell ?
You kid does have some skills, I guess you also dealt with those people before, so I understand why the lone wolf and the monkey missed.

After all, your archery skills are so brilliant that even I feel a little bit sorry for your talent, but it's a pity that you must die today, this is an order from Brother Tian to me. "

After saying that, he laughed out loud.

When Ling Mufeng saw the other side laughing, King Kong who was determined to eat him, a sneer appeared on his face, then glanced at his mouth, and said to King Kong: "I said you are the fourth brother under that brother Tian. One of the great protectors is a man named Vajra."

After hearing what Ling Mufeng said, King Kong hurriedly nodded and said to Ling Mufeng: "It seems that you still know, probably the monkey and the lone wolf told you.

But I want to tell you one thing now, what's the use of knowing my name?
I can only let you be an understanding ghost, let you know who you died in the hands of someone, but it is your honor to die in my hands.

Come and die now, you have killed so many of my subordinates, if I don't chop off your head and use it as a urinal, I really feel a little sorry.

And Ling Mufeng, I want to tell you that I will fuck the woman in your place in front of you. I am not in a hurry to kill you now. I will torture you slowly and let you feel it. The pain of coming to this world makes you regret coming to this world. "

After finishing speaking, a crazy smile appeared on King Kong's face. It can be seen that this person's heart is very perverted, otherwise he would not have said such words.

After Ling Mufeng heard King Kong's words, his face was immediately covered with a layer of frost, because what he taboos most is people who dare to touch him, this is his Ni Lin.

As for anything about his family and friends, as long as anyone dares to have a crooked idea about them, Ling Mufeng will never let this person go.

So Ling Mufeng hurriedly snorted coldly, and then said to the King Kong on the opposite side: "Hehe, since you want to die, don't blame me for being ruthless."

After finishing speaking, Ling Mufeng shot directly, and slapped King Kong's face with a slap.

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