Desert Island Live Streaming System

Rewards for Day 45 of Chapter 2 Sign-in

Half an hour later, Ling Mufeng's live broadcast was automatically downloaded. After Xue Qiqi downloaded the broadcast, she also felt a sense of emptiness in her heart.

However, she quickly thought of something to do, which was to help Ling Mufeng make a video, and post all the highlights of today's live broadcast online, so as to attract more fans.

She has also learned a little bit about making videos before. Although she is not good at learning, she still has some foundation.

At that time, I just wanted to try self-media, but I didn't continue to do it. I didn't expect it to come in handy now.

After opening the tool for making video clips, Xue Qiqi found Ling Mufeng's recording of today's live broadcast. In the background of Feiyu, the recording can be downloaded directly. The online storage time is a bit short, only three days, three days These recordings and broadcasts will be automatically deleted by the system after a few days. After all, these recordings and broadcasts also take up a lot of storage resources.

Xue Qiqi is going to buy a few hard drives to copy Ling Mufeng's live broadcast videos to the hard drives. These are precious materials and cannot be lost.

It took more than an hour to download the video. Xue Qiqi was so sleepy that she was about to fall asleep, but after hearing the notification that the download was complete, she immediately cheered up and began to use editing software to create clip.

Fortunately, she has been watching the live broadcast today, even yesterday's live broadcast, so she knows where there are high-energy sessions.

She intercepted the part where Ling Mufeng surrendered to Heidan. As for the part where he fights with wolves and bears, due to some reasons, it was not suitable to be posted on the Internet and might be banned, so she did not intercept it.

They also intercepted a few videos of Ling Mufeng making harpoons, wooden doors, and weaving ropes, and then sent them to Feiyu's platform together.

She felt that it was a bit limited to only post it on Flying Fish, and she had to post it on other platforms as well.

"Let's find Brother Feng tomorrow and ask him to register on other platforms."

Xue Qiqi thought so, and looked at the time, it was already past two o'clock in the evening.

She was really too sleepy to keep her eyes open, so she left in front of the computer and found that her waist was aching a little after sitting for a while.

Lie down on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

desert island.

After the torrential rain last night, the entire island was like a squeezed eggplant, the ground was muddy, and the trees in the forest were also listless from the rain, and the leaves were drooping.

When Ling Mufeng woke up, the fire had already been extinguished, and through the leaves on the bamboo door, he could see the light from outside shining in, illuminating the inside of the cave.

He stretched his waist, and slept a little restlessly. The bamboo was too tight, which made his back sore for a while.The two sloth bears haven't woken up yet, they are sleeping there.

Xiong Er was still snoring, which made Ling Mufeng's head black. It is conceivable that his dream last night was caused by Xiong Er's noise, and the quality of sleep was affected.

So angry in his heart, he slapped Xiong Er's bear's butt hard.

Xiong Er was also awakened by the patting, and looked at Ling Mufeng aggrievedly, not knowing why Ling Mufeng beat him.

Ling Mufeng ignored it, Xiong Er hiccupped again and continued to sleep.

He came to the front of the bamboo door, opened the small opening under the bamboo door, and then glanced outside.

The rain outside hadn't stopped yet, it was raining lightly, and the sky was a bit gloomy, but it was much cooler.

Looking at the yard I built yesterday, it has been blown to pieces by the typhoon. Fortunately, a few bamboo piles that have been driven into the ground have not been blown down by the wind. He can repair the others a little.

After thinking of this, he got out from the bamboo door. When he got outside, he looked around cautiously, worried that he would be ambushed by the pack of wolves. After observing carefully for a while, he was sure that no wolves had ambushed him. Only then did Ling Mufeng dare to walk into the yard.

The bamboo gate had already been blown down, and it was good that it didn't blow him away in such a strong wind.

After picking up the bamboo door and pressing it again, Ling Mufeng arranged the inside of the yard and repaired the inside of the yard.

"It's not like this. It seems that it must be strengthened today, and the surrounding area should be sealed with soil."

"We need to burn some water storage pots."

After strengthening his small yard a bit, he made sure that even if a pack of wolves appeared, they wouldn't come in directly, so he tore down the bamboo door of the cave.

The two cubs were still sleeping inside, but after the bamboo door was removed, the light from outside immediately shone in, making it impossible for them both to fall asleep, so they ran to the corpse of the coyote, wanting to eat wolf meat up.

Fortunately, Ling Mufeng ran over in a hurry, tied up the wolf meat with three bamboo spears, and put it upright in the cave to prevent it from being eaten by two bears.

It's not that he doesn't want to be eaten by the two bears.

Instead, I plan to divide it with a bamboo knife later, and the wolf skin has not been taken off yet. It would be too wasteful to let the two cubs give it to Huo Huo. Now there are two wolf skins, enough to make a dress or pants by myself.

Even if you get it and cover it to keep out the cold at night, it's good.

Looking at the time on the phone, it was already seven o'clock.

He decided to turn on the live broadcast.

"System, turn on the live broadcast."

Following an order in Ling Mufeng's mind, the drone that was originally on the ground flew directly to the top of Ling Mufeng's head, and then automatically connected to the Feiyu live broadcast platform.

System: The live broadcast has started. Congratulations to the host for successfully surviving for two days and getting a two-day sign-in gift package. Would you like to open the sign-in gift package?
Ling Mufeng: Turn it on!
Following Ling Mufeng's dangerous command, a golden-red gift bag opened in his mind, and a golden light emerged from it.

System: The gift bag has been opened, the mall function has been activated, and the gold coin system has been activated. Get gold coins x 10000, get middle-level skill book treasure box x 1, get low-level skill book treasure box x 2, and get aura water x 1.

Having won so many rewards all of a sudden, Ling Mufeng was also a little excited.

Ling Mufeng: What is the function of the system and the mall?
System: Introduction to the function of the mall. You can use gold coins to buy items such as skill book making blueprints in the mall, and you can view them through the mobile APP.

System: Introduction to the gold coin system, you can exchange the live broadcast value for gold coins at a ratio of 1:1; you can also get gold coins by killing threats on the island, or you can get gold coins by completing system tasks.

System tasks?What it is?
System: At present, the host has not met the minimum standard for triggering tasks, and cannot trigger tasks for the time being.

Ling Mufeng has black lines all over his head, it seems that his authority is not enough.

However, he was more curious about the new mall function, so he quickly opened the mall app on his phone.

After arriving inside, Ling Mufeng found that there were some skill books for sale here, including low-level, middle-level, and even high-level ones.

And you can also specify to buy the skill book you need, unlike the skill book treasure box, you have to draw a lottery to see your luck.

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