Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 361 Scientific Breeding

Lone Wolf quickly agreed, and then left the room to investigate.

Although he looks down on Ling Mufeng on the surface, he is very cautious in his heart. People like them, who have experienced life and death on the battlefield, naturally will not underestimate any enemy, and the monkey has been folded by Ling Mufeng before. In his hand, this made Lone Wolf even more afraid to be careless.

At this time, Ling Mufeng, who was on the island, didn't know about it yet. He was sitting on a wooden stool thinking about the future development route.

And the three girls were broadcasting live over there.

It is now afternoon, and the popularity in the live broadcast room is also very hot. Although it is still not as good as at night, the number of people in the live broadcast room has already exceeded 7 people, and it is estimated that it will reach 10 people at night.

This is also the reason why Li Zheng is behind to help promote, otherwise, it is impossible for an Internet celebrity with less than 100 million fans to have so many online viewers.

You must know that even if you are the top brother in this industry, the number of people who have watched the live broadcast room here is only 10,000+. If there is no push from the platform behind Ling Mufeng, it is absolutely impossible.

The degree of conversion between fan value and the number of people who watched the live broadcast first is not very high, because many people do not actually have the habit of watching live broadcasts. What they prefer to do is to watch videos, which can give them continuous pleasure. Not watching the live broadcast for such a long time, after all, not everyone has that leisure time.

Ling Mufeng thought for a while, and looked at the sky at this time. It was already around five o'clock in the afternoon, and it was time to start cooking.

And the two groups of Long Ge and the bald head are still working, Da Zhuang and Zhang Bo are also there to supervise this, and the three girls are helping Ling Mufeng to accumulate popularity in front of the camera. Ling Mufeng feels a little idle by himself.

But although he didn't do anything, no one dared to come out and criticize him, because he is the boss here and the core figure of the whole team, he naturally doesn't need to do everything by himself, everything can be handed over to his subordinates It's fine for those people who are in charge to do it, he just needs to coordinate the overall situation.

Ling Mufeng came to the pigsty to have a look, and found that the newborn piglets in the pigsty had grown bigger and bigger, and those sows had also started their second round of reproduction.

Looking at those sows and piglets, Ling Mufeng was very satisfied. After having the spiritual energy water, the growth speed of these animals has undoubtedly increased a lot.

Then he went to the chicken coop to have a look, and found that the chicks that hatched in the morning had already grown up, and looked to be about ten days old, and two of them were about fifteen years old. Day-old size.

Ling Mufeng roughly estimated that these chicks could start laying eggs tomorrow morning.

There are also a few roosters, Ling Mufeng, who are going to be slaughtered tonight to improve the food for the big guys.

After all, these people are tired today, and there is no need for me to be too harsh. I have to let these people taste the sweetness, so that they can work harder.

So Ling Mufeng got some spiritual energy water out and fed some of the two roosters to make them grow faster.

In fact, these chickens can be taken out and eaten when they are more than ten days old. The broiler chickens bred through genetic optimization in modern farms can also be sold at the age of [-] days. Some well-known canteens and fast food restaurants specifically need chickens that are more than ten days old, because the meat of these chickens is relatively tender, and they are more suitable for making fast food such as fried chicken.

And the public has a certain resistance to these chickens that grow so fast, thinking that these chickens have eaten some ripening agent to grow so fast, but this is not the case, those large farms are actually There is a strict regulatory system, and the government has also introduced a series of inspection measures to prohibit these farms from adding some hormones or antibiotics.

The reason why these chickens grow so fast is mostly due to the sufficient nutrition of the feed and the scientific breeding of the farm. And the most important thing is that most of these chickens have been selected and bred for specific orientation The genes of the faster growing chickens.

After feeding the two roosters with some spiritual energy water, Ling Mufeng saw that the two roosters began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ling Mufeng is not surprised by this phenomenon, but he also has another worry. After all, these chickens grow too fast. If it takes a long time, those people will definitely find the problem, so these small chickens must The bastards can only be paid out, and they can't be allowed to live in the yard anymore, otherwise, they will become suspicious sooner or later.

So Ling Mufeng looked at the open space outside the yard. Those punks had already cleared it out before, and it happened to be used to build a house.

And building a house does not need to teach those people by themselves, they are all adults, so they still have the ability to do it.

So Ling Mufeng planned to let those people start to build their own houses after eating, and at least let them move out by tomorrow.

It is obviously too little for so many people to eat two chickens, but there is no way, there is only these now, and this problem can only be solved after the scale of breeding becomes larger in the future.

After taking out the two chickens, Ling Mufeng slaughtered the two chickens directly, and then processed the internal organs and the chicken feathers on the outside, and handed them over to the three girls to cook.

Among the three girls, Xue Qiqi and Chu Xun can cook, but Lai Meiyun is the only one who can't, and can only help two of them.

And Ling Mufeng looked at Lai Meiyun, and decided to let Lai Meiyun return to the company to deal with the company's affairs instead of staying here. After all, Lai Meiyun can only play her role when she returns to the company. There is some redundancy here.

But Ling Mufeng was worried that after Lai Meiyun went back, he might be troubled by others, so he had to solve this matter with Lai Meiyun first, otherwise he was worried about letting a girl like Lai Meiyun go back of.

So Ling Mufeng thought of Brother Long. Brother Long is actually just a part-time worker. Behind him is the money lender. Ling Mufeng must know the money lender behind Long Bei, so that he can help Lai Meiyun of.

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