Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 334 Building a tent

So Ling Mufeng is going to think of a better way to contain these people. His idea is to divide and conquer. The reason why he let the bald head take care of Brother Long before is to let the two people form the seeds of hatred, as long as the two people can't achieve it. If they are consistent, then it is definitely impossible to unite.

And in this way, he can better control the two people, and let them fight each other, which is also convenient for him to manage.At this moment, Ling Mufeng looked at Brother Long who was still lying on the ground weakly, and came to him.

Brother Long has actually recovered. He was scratched by those sharp thorns, and the toxin entered his body. Now that the toxin has been removed by Ling Mufeng, there are only a few small cuts left on his body. He was injured by the bald head, but the reason why he couldn't get up was because he wanted to lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, so that he could do less work.

After seeing Ling Mufeng walking towards him, Brother Long showed a look of fear, quickly closed his eyes, and then began to pretend to roll on the ground, as if in pain.

Ling Mufeng sneered and squatted beside Brother Long, then patted Brother Long on the back with his hand.

Only then did Brother Long look back at Ling Mufeng with a sad face, and then hurriedly cried to Ling Mufeng and said, "Brother, please forgive me, I will definitely follow your example in a while, and do what a dog can do. If you say go east, I will definitely not Those who dare to go west."

After hearing this, Ling Mufeng chuckled, knowing that Brother Long was actually dishonest. He had far more tricks than the bald head, but there was no way he could stand up to the bald head. Among these punks, only Long Brother, and now there is hatred between the two of them. Brother Long hated the bald head who betrayed him. If he had the chance, he would definitely kill the bald head.

And the bald head also has this idea. Since he has already offended Brother Long, if Brother Long is not killed, then his end will be very miserable. After all, Brother Long is actually quite powerful. The big bosses all know each other. If a few people can go back alive, Brother Long will definitely not let him go, so the most urgent thing to do now is to kill Brother Long.

Before that, he had been looking for opportunities to kill Long Ge, but every time it was critical, he was stopped by Ling Mufeng, and he also understood that if he killed Long Ge in front of Ling Mufeng If it is not, then I will not get any benefits, I can only use dirty tricks when Brother Long and everyone are not paying attention.

Ling Mufeng sneered in front of Brother Long, then looked into Brother Long's eyes, and said to him: "Okay, don't pretend anymore, I will give you a chance now, go to the bald-headed watcher later, if you If the bald head has any troubles, come back and tell me, understand?"

When Ling Mufeng said this, he didn't hide anyone behind his back, and he saw it with his bald head. Although he couldn't hear what Ling Mufeng and Brother Long said, he already had a sense of crisis.

So he gestured to one of his subordinates, that Rang was also the bald-headed confidant, and the two of them usually had the best relationship together, so after the bald head turned against Long Ge, he was also the first to stand up to support the bald head.

After getting the bald head's signal, that person also gritted his teeth, and then pretended to come to work, and arrived next to Ling Mufeng and the bald head.

After Ling Mufeng saw this scene, a sneer appeared in his eyes. He naturally knew what this person was doing, so he deliberately let this person hear a little bit so that he could hit the bald head.

Sure enough, the man didn't dare to stay any longer, so he came over for a stroll, and then hurried back to tell the bald head what he had just heard.

After the bald head heard the news, he really became a little nervous. He knew that Ling Mufeng wanted Brother Long to monitor him. If he really did something and was discovered by Brother Long, he would probably come back. After that, he will be cleaned up by Ling Mufeng.

He was really afraid of Ling Mufeng, he was almost strangled to death by Ling Mufeng before, and he still remembers this incident vividly.

He will never forget the feeling of being suffocated to the point of dying.

Thinking of that feeling, he would shudder all over.

And at this moment, Ling Mufeng stood up, and Brother Long who was lying on the ground hurriedly slapped his butt and stood up, and then came to Ling Mufeng's side.

"Bald, come here."

After hearing Ling Mufeng's call, the bald head hurried over, but when he got in front of Ling Mufeng, he looked at the complacent Brother Long, feeling a little gloomy in his heart.

After seeing the bald head, Brother Long snorted coldly, feeling that he has been reused now, and he is not afraid of the bald head anymore.

After calling the bald head over, Ling Mufeng patted the shoulders of the two of them, and there was a burst of coercion from them, which made the two of them terrified.

This is also because of the improvement of Ling Mufeng's charm attribute.

The improvement of the charm attribute is not only in the attraction to the opposite sex, but also in many other places, such as the charm of the leader, or the charm of the speech, as long as these places can exude their own attractiveness, All can receive the bonus of charm attribute.

So at this time, in the hearts of the bald head and Brother Long, Ling Mufeng is a leader who cannot be disobeyed. "In the next few days, you will work for me on the island, but don't worry, I won't let you do it for nothing. I must take care of food and housing. As for the salary, don't think about it now. It depends on your performance. If you perform well, I will pay you a salary. Now I want the two of you to cooperate well. This is the first task I give you. It depends on you who is the boss of the two of you. Contributed, I will investigate fairly, and I hope the two of you will not go too far, if any one of them dies, the other will be buried with him, understand?" "Understood, Feng Brother, don't worry, I will definitely stand up for you."

Brother Long hurriedly flattered and said to Ling Mufeng, with an expression of returning from death.

The bald man seemed a little duller than Brother Long, but after seeing Brother Long's statement, he was not stupid, so he quickly nodded and bowed to Ling Mufeng.

"Very good, now I give you two a task, that is to go out to collect trees, and then set up a few tents in the yard for you to rest at night, go now, I believe you two can do well."

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