When discussing this matter with Chu Xun, Xue Qiqi inside had already changed her clothes and walked out of the room, just in time to see two people hugging each other ambiguously, which made Xue Qiqi feel a little anxious. She covered her eyes shyly.

Chu Xun also let go of her arms around Ling Mufeng's neck at this time, and she was also a little embarrassed.

"Qiqi, hurry up and tidy up, we're going to the edge of the island to have a look."

After Lai Meiyun came out, Ling Mufeng told the girls about the upcoming itinerary. "What? Are those punks really here? Then what shall we do? Brother Feng, should we leave here?"

When Lai Meiyun heard that those gangsters had landed on the island, she immediately became flustered and was at a loss.

Ling Mufeng quickly waved his hand, signaling Lai Meiyun not to worry.

"Mei Yun, don't be in a hurry, don't worry, I naturally have a way, we don't run, we have to go find them."

"What? Go look for them? Brother Feng, there are only five of us, and the men are only the two of you. Can you beat them?"

Lai Meiyun looked into Ling Mufeng's eyes worriedly and asked, she was really scared, so she lost her composure.

Thinking of the ferocious expressions of those little bastards, she shivered a little.

Ling Mufeng glanced at Lai Meiyun, then patted Lai Meiyun on the shoulder, signaling her not to get too excited.At this time, Chu Xun also came out, and said comfortingly to Lai Meiyun, "Mei Yun, don't worry too much, I believe you, Brother Feng, will definitely protect us."

"Yes, Meiyun, I believe Brother Feng will protect us well, so you don't have to worry too much."

After listening to the comfort from the two girls, Lai Meiyun felt much better.

At this time, Ling Mufeng had already assembled his 20-odd jungle wolves and two cubs.

After seeing Ling Mufeng's lineup, Lai Meiyun was relieved a lot, at least there were so many beast protectors, they didn't have to worry too much, although she was still a little worried, but she also Say no more.

After tidying up, Ling Mufeng moved towards the north shore of the island with everyone and his pack of wolves.Ling Mufeng was still very familiar with this road, and in less than an hour, the group arrived at the place where the gangsters were staying.

Before arriving at the place, Ling Mufeng heard a burst of quarreling.

"If you want me to say, let's go back quickly, the boss has already been poisoned, and we will only have a dead end if we go in again."

"Why are you so cowardly? If you know that Lai Meiyun is inside, wouldn't it be nice for us to go in and catch Lai Meiyun now? It doesn't matter if I lose ten years of life if I can kiss Fangze in this life. "

"Then what about the boss? He's already passed out, and he's probably going to die soon."

"Are you stupid? Isn't this a good opportunity for us? The boss is dead, then we can replace him. In the future, his sites and women will also be ours?"

Brother Long was bitten by a poisonous snake in the woods, and he was already unconscious on the ground, his lips were black, and he was about to die.

And when Brother Long was in danger, not only did his subordinates fail to find a way to save him, but they began to fight among themselves. Some timid people suggested that Nitrogen should leave now, and some of them were stunned by the beauty. The gangster who turned his head was determined to catch Lai Meiyun.

"Well, since you guys are dying and want to go into the woods, then you go, we won't be with you anymore, we'll go back now."

A timid little gangster said impatiently.

"You go back? Then why should we go back? No, you have to be with us. You have to think about it. Lai Meiyun is not only beautiful, but also very rich at home. It's a double income of people and wealth at once, isn't that delicious?"

After hearing this, several people are all looking at me and I look at you, and they are also a little moved.

Leaving aside Lai Meiyun's looks, there's nothing to talk about, but isn't that little bastard present not itchy?Just the savings in Lai Meiyun's family is estimated to be enough for several people to eat, so after hearing about the money and sex, these gangsters couldn't help it anymore and reached an agreement.

"Okay, we listen to you, but if we catch someone, how will we divide the money?"

The few gangsters have already begun to consider the distribution of property after the arrest of the person before they are caught.

"Of course it's divided equally. Of course, if anyone doesn't work hard during the action in a while, everyone will see it. Naturally, there will be much less money when the time comes, so people will be arrested later. It’s time for everyone to do their best.”

Several people discussed for a while, and finally reached a consensus, no one paid any attention to Brother Long who had fallen to the ground and was about to die of anger.

While several people were discussing, one of the gangsters suddenly glanced behind him and sat down on the ground in fright.

"Ah, help, it's wolves, a lot of wolves."

It was only then that he discovered that a dozen coyotes had surrounded them at some point, and they were all looking at these people fiercely.

"How is this possible? How can there be wolves on this small island? What's the situation?"

"Riding horses, I just said hurry up and run, now it's all right, I can't run even if I want to, I have to be buried here with Long Xiazi, shit."

"I just said, this is an island of devils. Anyone who comes to this small island will die. Why don't you believe me?"

At this time, the fisherman who was tied up with ropes was already crying with fright. When he saw these wolves, he knew that he might not live long.

"We rushed out, I don't believe it, there are so many of us, how many opponents are there yet?"

There are also people who are more optimistic, not so pessimistic, and advocate rushing out directly.

At this time, Ling Mufeng did not show up, but observed these people in the forest, and found that there were seven men among them, and the elderly fisherman among them should not be with them, so he was excluded. There were only six people left besides the fishermen.

Among these six people, except for a relatively strong bald head, Ling Mufeng didn't see any other threats, and the rest of them were crooked, and all of them were emaciated.

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