Desert Island Live Streaming System

Chapter 315 Future Planning

The three of them were very tacit and didn't talk about the previous incident, but Lai Meiyun was obviously a little dissatisfied. She was very curious about something now, but Chu Xun was embarrassed to tell her.

The three girls soon became sleepy. At this time, Ling Mufeng was sleeping and snoring from outside. After the three heard it, Chu Xun cursed with a smile, and the remaining two girls also laughed. .

It wasn't so cold when the three of them huddled together, and soon fell asleep.

The next morning, Ling Mufeng got up early. Although he didn't use the sleep quality improvement skills, but because his health improved a lot, his sleep quality also improved a lot, and he only slept for six hours. Already got enough rest.

After waking up, Ling Mufeng took a look at the sky outside. The sky was just getting dark, and it was only after four o'clock in the morning. Ling Mufeng took a look into the room of the three of Chu Xun, and all he saw were big white legs. , Ling Mufeng looked at it and felt his eyes were shaken.

He quickly averted his gaze, Da Zhuang was still sleeping, and the two cubs were snoring under his bed, they hadn't woken up yet.

At this time, even the wolves outside were probably asleep.

Ling Mufeng came directly outside. The water in the pool was still quite cold. After being drenched by the water from the waterfall, he was also stimulated and shivered.

But this also made him more sober, and even Ling Mufeng swam in the pool, giving him a feeling of winter swimming.

After arriving in the yard, Ling Mufeng decided that a suspension bridge must be built today, otherwise he would not care, but the bodies of the girls are relatively weak, if they have to be drenched in water every time they go in and out, it may be very difficult Will be sick soon.

There is also the need to strengthen the walls of your own yard, and then weave some food storage utensils with vines to collect all the crops you have planted before, so that you can complete the tasks assigned to you by the system.

After wanting to play today's task, Ling Mufeng came to a fence in the yard. This was a fence he made last night. There were two chickens inside, one of which was a rooster and the other was a hen.

This is also what he asked Xue Qiqi and Lai Meiyun to prepare yesterday. Ling Mufeng is going to use it to breed and raise a few chickens to provide their source of eggs, and they can also add extra meals from time to time, eating one or two Stewed chicken or roasted chicken, isn't that beautiful?
At this time, the rooster had woken up and was crowing. Ling Mufeng caught the rooster after the rooster crowed, checked it carefully, and found that Xue Qiqi and Lai Meiyun had chosen the rooster. Still relatively strong, just suitable as a breeder.

Then Ling Mufeng checked the hen again, and found that the hen was about to lay eggs, which made him overjoyed. If so, the first chick would be hatched soon.

Ling Mufeng quickly took out the spiritual energy water, mixed it into the water, and gave the two chickens to drink it.

After the two chickens drank the water mixed with spiritual energy water, they immediately regained their energy, especially the rooster became extremely energetic and flew directly to the hen.

Ling Mufeng coughed dryly, then turned his head away, he was still not interested in the matter between the two chickens, he went directly to the pigsty, and found that the wild boars he caught yesterday had grown a lot , With the help of spiritual energy water, the wild boars also gained an astonishing price. Ling Mufeng took a special look at those sows. These sows are the most precious resources, and they can give birth to more piglets for themselves.

Moreover, Ling Mufeng decided to cultivate an excellent breed. He looked at the few boars in the pigsty and was a little dissatisfied. These boars were a bit too weak, compared with the boars he had killed before. Too much difference, such genes will not be very good, and the resistance and meat quality of the bred piglets will also be affected.

So Ling Mufeng made a decision in his heart, that is to castrate these boars. He also knows that in modern farms, not all princesses are qualified to breed offspring, only those strong boars To be eligible for breeding, those weaker boars were castrated and fattened.

This is also a very scientific method of breeding. Ling Mufeng is also planning to use this method to make the genes of the pigs he breeds better, and it is also convenient for him to use these pigs to make money in the future.

You must know that the breeding industry can be a very profitable industry, especially when he found that the meat quality of these wild boars on this small island is really fat. If he adds his own aura water to assist, then it is estimated that as long as they are put on the market, It can be robbed directly.

He has already started to prepare for the future, after all, his opponent is not an ordinary person, but the Zhao family in the capital!
What kind of existence the Zhao family in the capital is like, Ling Mufeng still can't imagine it now. After all, he has never come into contact with people of that level. The person with the highest status he has come into contact with besides Chu Xun is his friend Pang Bo Yes, but the Pang family where Pang Bo belongs to can only be ranked as a second-tier family in the capital. Compared with the behemoth of the Zhao family, it is still much worse.

So Ling Mufeng is also under a lot of pressure. He decided to make himself work harder, and he can't do without the island now. If he wants to make himself stronger, he must learn to use these things on the island. Resources will do.

He has already thought about the future development plan, and he has already set the future development strategy of Big Fish Fishery Company. First of all, he will help transport some crops on the small island to the coastal areas for sale. After getting more money, Ling Mufeng is going to use the money to renovate the island, build a small island farm, and provide a continuous supply of vegetables, grains and fruits.Of course, the land on the island is obviously not enough, and he can no longer develop all the island for planting.

While planting, Ling Mufeng is also planning to develop tourism, which also requires the use of Big Fish Fishery Company. He needs this company to bring his guests to the island.

After the tourism industry develops and Ling Mufeng has more funds, he can contract land in coastal areas to grow crops and continue to breed.

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